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Don' be Hatin'!

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  • Don' be Hatin'!

    Why is it that civs all start hating me?

    Around 1980 i won via the UN - 4 out of 7 voted for me (including myself). Now, everyone is furious with me, with the exception of one, which i never had a war with, but he went from gracious to polite to annoyed real quick.

    I never started a war with either one of them, i never broke a right of passage agreement. Although i did have a war with most of them, but through their own doing. I give them lots of gifts, be it money, workers (captured), techs, cities, etc... but they are still hate me.

    I am the most powerful civ on the map - covering roughly 60% of the "power" chart. Do other civs hate powerful civs by nature?

    The only thing i can think of is that i have a few captured units of them. Will they start liking me again once i give them back? Before i do that, i'd like opinions please

    I also think government types have an effect on relationships. But even the ones with the same gov't as me don't like me (demo).

    ANy ideas how i could improve relations? I'm doing a lot of trading etc... The only way it seems to make them like me is if i have a mutual war.

    Thanks for any hints!

  • #2

    why can i only give workers to certain civs?

    For some reason i can't give workers to civs that i previously could... Right now there is only on civ that lets me gift them a worker.

    What determines if you can give a worker?


    • #3
      If they had all the prereqs for getting workers, but you cannot now, look at their trade network. Did it get cutoff, did they lose a city with a harbor that they used to be connected over sea?


      • #4
        Eventually envy will come into play. The more you are dominating the more resentful they must become. After you are going to win and they need to stop you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vmxa1
          If they had all the prereqs for getting workers, but you cannot now, look at their trade network. Did it get cutoff, did they lose a city with a harbor that they used to be connected over sea?

          hmm.... I'm currently in 2080ish ... most cities have airports & harbors. I seem to only be able to give workers to guys on my continent. I can't figure it out why the civs on the other continent can't get them. We can trade lux & resources just fine.


          • #6
            oh and yea, i understand the workers i want to trade must be in my Capital city.


            • #7
              Re: Don' be Hatin'!

              Originally posted by MattPilot
              ANy ideas how i could improve relations?
              *create embassies as soon as you meet a civ or as soon as you get the ability - probably moot at this point in the game
              *Right of Passage agreements with everyone at all times

              These are the two big ones. Always return captured workers as they do cause a slight reputation hit. I also seem to remember that trading captured workers causes as hit with both the trader and the original owner of the worker, though I'm not certain on that one. Gifts help, but usually not enough to be worth it IMO. Government type differences do hurt, but not enough to worry about IMO. that's about all I've got at the moment...


              • #8
                Originally posted by MattPilot
                hmm.... I'm currently in 2080ish ... most cities have airports & harbors. I seem to only be able to give workers to guys on my continent. I can't figure it out why the civs on the other continent can't get them. We can trade lux & resources just fine.
                could it be the result of trade embargos?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by alms66

                  could it be the result of trade embargos?

                  I found out about the worker problem.

                  I did some tests and it appears that you need to have a CITY on the same landmass as your trading partner. Although this city must not be connected to the "trading" network - it must simply be on the same continent.

                  This explains why i could trade before, but not after - I gifted one of my captured cities to a dying civ and by doing that i've lost the foothold on the other continent. So no more worker trading.

                  So to test my theory, i forced a settler to build a city in enemy territory (on the same landmass), which naturally was a declaration of war, but the thing is.... the city was surrounded by hostile territory and no harbor or airport (or land route, only through enemy territory, and i believe that doesnt' work during war).

                  So the conclusion, as stated above, you must have at least 1 city on the same continent as the civ you want to trade "workers" with. Now i do not know if it has to be the same continent as the capital city, or just any city, so thats still up for discovery.

                  **edit: to further strengthen my conclusion, i then abandoned the city, and as expected, the ability to trade workers was gone again.

                  So what do you all think of this shat?


                  • #10
                    Back to the "hatin' " topic.

                    Do the number of fortress' & barricades near the boarder have an affect on my likeability?


                    • #11
                      Check this file:
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        thanks.. that explains *everything*


                        • #13
                          At least it gives some insight, me I don't care what the ai thinks of me, its war.
                          Last edited by vmxa1; March 28, 2005, 12:29.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by vmxa1
                            At least it gives some insight, me I don't care what the ai thinks of me, it war.
                            Sheesh... I was waiting for v to say that.
                            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                            • #15
                              Now it is official.

