Some of you may have seen my post last night regarding my current war with Babylon. Well, completely independent of that, Egypt and Russia (the only one not pictured) go to war. I draw Greece into my war, since they're across the continent from the Babs and small, so they should cost plenty of unit transit turns. Alexander also went recruiting. That's how it began, and here's the entire timeline:
1320: Babylon declares war on me (Inca). I sign an MPP with Greece. Greece declares war on Babylon.
1325: I sign an MPP with Sumeria. No declaration, and none was expected. This was more of a safeguard since they're Babylon's biggest and closest neighbor.
1330: Egypt declares war on Russia.
1335: I begin building barriers along my German border and get embargoes against Babylon with everybody except Russia and Germany.
1360: Both my borders with Germany are now lined with barricades, except strategically located openings. Any possible attack will either be funneled to my two heaviest defended cities or get caught on the wire.
1375: Greece gets India as an ally against Babylon.
1385: Greece brings Persia in as an ally against Babylon. A Bab spearman enters a recently captured city's radius, triggering a declaration of war by Sumeria.
So, as of 1385, it's Egypt vs. Russia and Inca, Sumeria, Greece, India and Persia against Babylon, with the last three formally allied. Fairly straightforward. This is where it begins bordering on comical.
1395: India enlists Egypt as an ally against Babylon. Russia enlists Persia as an ally against Egypt. India and Persia are still allied against Babylon.
1405: Persia enlists Greece as an ally against Egypt.
1410: Greece, my informal ally, reaches out and brings Germany in as an ally against Egypt. My MPP with Greece gets triggered, causing me to declare war on Egypt. Bismark pops up demanding furs. When I tell him to KMA, Germany declares war on me and tries to attack (loving those barricades right about now
). Of course, that triggers my MPPs and Greece and Sumeria declare war on Germany.
Obviously, Germany's no longer allied with Greece, but is still at war with Egypt. I had been looking at throwing my lot in with Egypt against Russia when I got Babylon pacified, but I now find myself at war with Egypt. India and Persia's alliance is looking pretty shaky, and all in all, I'm loving it.
1320: Babylon declares war on me (Inca). I sign an MPP with Greece. Greece declares war on Babylon.
1325: I sign an MPP with Sumeria. No declaration, and none was expected. This was more of a safeguard since they're Babylon's biggest and closest neighbor.
1330: Egypt declares war on Russia.
1335: I begin building barriers along my German border and get embargoes against Babylon with everybody except Russia and Germany.
1360: Both my borders with Germany are now lined with barricades, except strategically located openings. Any possible attack will either be funneled to my two heaviest defended cities or get caught on the wire.
1375: Greece gets India as an ally against Babylon.
1385: Greece brings Persia in as an ally against Babylon. A Bab spearman enters a recently captured city's radius, triggering a declaration of war by Sumeria.
So, as of 1385, it's Egypt vs. Russia and Inca, Sumeria, Greece, India and Persia against Babylon, with the last three formally allied. Fairly straightforward. This is where it begins bordering on comical.
1395: India enlists Egypt as an ally against Babylon. Russia enlists Persia as an ally against Egypt. India and Persia are still allied against Babylon.
1405: Persia enlists Greece as an ally against Egypt.
1410: Greece, my informal ally, reaches out and brings Germany in as an ally against Egypt. My MPP with Greece gets triggered, causing me to declare war on Egypt. Bismark pops up demanding furs. When I tell him to KMA, Germany declares war on me and tries to attack (loving those barricades right about now

Obviously, Germany's no longer allied with Greece, but is still at war with Egypt. I had been looking at throwing my lot in with Egypt against Russia when I got Babylon pacified, but I now find myself at war with Egypt. India and Persia's alliance is looking pretty shaky, and all in all, I'm loving it.
