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Invasion Plans

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  • #61
    Here's an invasion I staged today. Babylon dropped off a knight on one of my offshore islands and declared war. Unfortunately for him, I was just discovering Motorized Transportation when he did, and also had just begun building my Marine Corps. So, after a few turns of building up an invasion force a la the Allies in England, I launched. This screenshot is from the end of the initial turn of invasion.

    Since I wasn't importing any luxuries from the Babs prior to the war and all of their luxuries are further inland (no port close enough to the Samarra ivory to make it an attractive immediate target), I went for their core, as you can see. Nothing like having the enemy first set foot on your continent and take your capital in the same turn.

    Normally, I want to take the shortest route to the enemy's luxuries or resources, especially in an overseas invasion. On my own continent, I want to take whatever path will get me the most cities the quickest, obviously unless I'm going to war for a specific resource or luxury. Early on that tends to mean cities with an influence of one or two that are connected to the enemy core by roads. In the middle ages, it often means cities surrounded by flat terrain.

    In the cavalry era and beyond, I'll send eight attackers at a time at a city, unless I can stage them in either my territory or neutral territory and meter out units until the city falls, then use the rest for a second city. In ancient warfare, I'll typically assemble a fearsome slow-mover stack, and have a couple of horseman stacks as complements, to pick off what towns they can so as not to divert the stack from doing its damage among the enemy's major cities. If I get into the core and see that my stack is truly overwhelming enough, I'm not averse to splitting it into two smaller, but still strong enough to take a city, stacks. I've employed both divide and conquer and "moving border" campaigns, and am comfortable with both, but ultimately what I want to do is have to defend as few points as possible at the end of the turn. I'm a big believer in two major principles to that end:

    1) Distance is it's own defense. Obviously, if they can't reach a city, they can't attack it, and if they can't attack it, I don't need to thin out my defenders by garrisoning it.

    2) The best way to cover an exposed flank is to launch an attack in that direction ($1 to Temujin). If there's an otherwise unimportant enemy city that can provide a staging area for an attack on one of my cities, I'll dispatch a fast-mover detachment to take care of it. This works on a larger scale, too. If my war plans for Germany in the east may leave part of my empire vulnerable to a smaller Arabia in the west, I'm attacking Arabia first.

    Since I know this screenshot is going to have Theseus drooling on himself, I'll see if I can't dig up a few more invasion memoirs from my history folder.
    Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


    • #62
      Forgot to attach the file.
      Attached Files
      Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


      • #63
        Here are a couple of oldie but goodies from the same game (as each other, not the previous one ). First is one of my favorite tactics for war on my own continent. Russia's core is fairly well insulated from our border, so while my almost obsolete cavalry push the border back in the west and provide the anvil, my marines and an armor contingent, already at the staging area before war begins, providing the hammer, cutting off the head of the snake and mixing all kinds of metaphors.

        This campaign never came to pass, though (and I have no memory of why), but a similar plan was carried out 200 years later under slightly different circumstances.
        Attached Files
        Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


        • #64
          After Russia was conquered, I had been allowing the Arabs to live on my continent relatively free of charge. Very gracious of me, I thought. Anyway, I think I remember that they declared war on me out of the blue. Because my people were desperate for wine, I went right to the source with marines taking the port of Yamama and tanks unloading and taking Mecca immediately.
          Attached Files
          Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


          • #65
            Knights and Musket vs Tanks, are you sure you have enough of an edge?


            • #66
              Wow, I had missed this thread the first time I paged through this section. There's some really solid stuff here, especially on the first page.

              As for my own strategy, I tend to like trying to make a crippling first strike on both their cities and units. It requires a bit more patience as you build your forces up, but the more damage you inflict on their production potential in the first turn the less likely they'll be to mount a counterattack that's anything more than annoying. Of course, your mileage will vary depending on the level you're playing at.


              • #67

                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by vmxa1
                  Knights and Musket vs Tanks, are you sure you have enough of an edge?
                  Actually, Babylon has cavs and infantry. Hammurabi's just being the typical AI when it comes to leaving some obsolete units lying around.

                  Plus, I've just gotten tanks, so the edge isn't as overwhelming as it may seem. A few turns earlier, and I'd have been fighting him with cavs.
                  Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                  • #69
                    Ok yea I am certainly glad I started this thread, I am very pleased with the outcome so far. I have to say that you guys are appreciated in my books. And oh yes, as far as the invasions of Solomwi, I love screenshots so I am glad to see them.

                    Allow me to take this moment to give three thumbs up to Apolyton and ya'll: This is just the type of discussion I was hoping for.

                    So yes I think we would all be interested to hear of other invasions and screenshots!

                    Thanks for all the posts!

