I would be greatly interested in hearing everyone's invasion plans and their stories about conquering thy enemies. Screenshots would be sweet, I want to know how ya'll decide to invade another nation. Questions that come to mind right now are:
Where to attack from? (What terrain to use to your best advantage)
What do you hit first? (The small cities of a nation, or do you go for the heart)
How do you manage your invading forces? (Do you divide and conquer or do you move like water across the nation) and (do you seperate your attacking forces or keep them all in a single stack throughout the war?)
As I said I would be vastly interested to hear what invasion plans you all use. I havent heard much talk on the forums about specific military campaigns or anything. I would love to hear your stories of invasion, and see some of the damage, and I hope that I may learn a few tips from ya'll.
Thanks in advance.
Where to attack from? (What terrain to use to your best advantage)
What do you hit first? (The small cities of a nation, or do you go for the heart)
How do you manage your invading forces? (Do you divide and conquer or do you move like water across the nation) and (do you seperate your attacking forces or keep them all in a single stack throughout the war?)
As I said I would be vastly interested to hear what invasion plans you all use. I havent heard much talk on the forums about specific military campaigns or anything. I would love to hear your stories of invasion, and see some of the damage, and I hope that I may learn a few tips from ya'll.
Thanks in advance.
