last i posted on this forum was in 2001.
so sorry if this has been answered
for original civ 3:
Ima demo with something like 100 cities.
i have my entertainment set to 50%
i have the wonders for making happy people. alot of cities have the police/courthouses.. the computer manages the moods.
Every turn i am not notified of any unrests.
20 years into the war..i continue to have we love the president days all over the place.
But without civ collapses into anarchy.
WHY? there seems to be no way to check on what makes this happen.
There seems to be no way of avoiding it.
(if i declare allies declare war on me grr
i realise this must have something to do with war weariness...but this is like only the second time of playing that this has happened to me. And the no warning of imment collapse or signs of anything wrong is troubling.

for original civ 3:
Ima demo with something like 100 cities.
i have my entertainment set to 50%
i have the wonders for making happy people. alot of cities have the police/courthouses.. the computer manages the moods.
Every turn i am not notified of any unrests.
20 years into the war..i continue to have we love the president days all over the place.
But without civ collapses into anarchy.
WHY? there seems to be no way to check on what makes this happen.
There seems to be no way of avoiding it.
(if i declare allies declare war on me grr

i realise this must have something to do with war weariness...but this is like only the second time of playing that this has happened to me. And the no warning of imment collapse or signs of anything wrong is troubling.