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Geronimo Finally buys CivIII

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  • Originally posted by Rommel2D
    *gasp* somebody better let Theseus know about this...
    You mean, like, he didn't know, and his sig didn't rant about this for half a year at least?
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • GMo,

      I normally just lurk here, but I thought I would mention another resource I found helpful. Although this is the primary civ site I puruse, I have checked out most of the sites listed on the official civIII site listing. I found this site a useful tool as it compiles several sets of useful info onto single web pages. The guy who runs the site also has an extensive list of links on various game topics that lead to discussions on this site and others that may help answer specific questions about various topics. ** I did not see anything about it being against Apolyton policy to post links to other sites, but if it is, feel free to strike it out. It can be found on civ3's fansite list.**

      As for things about playing civIII that I think you should be aware of:

      The more you trade the easier the AI will trade with you imo.

      The AI will usually not entertain peace for the first 20 turns of a war.

      As soon as war breaks out, sign alliances. Even if you don't see an attack by your allies, they draw attention away from you. This also helps to establish fueds between civs for later wars which you can often stay out of (trixy).

      The ability of armies to completely pillage a square at no cost in movement is powerful. If you are at war and can't field a force to take a few cities, ravaging the countryside can set them back enough to give you the upper hand later (wait til the zulu's do it to you; then you will appreciate this tactic).

      Using the editor to mod the game is fairly easy, you can adjust the corruption per difficultly level or based on the government as you have found.

      If you don't like long anarchy, pick a civ and give them the religious trait.

      The biggest pain that I like to edit is the number of strategic resources generated in the conquests version of the game. These are the resources you will need to build specific units or improvements, like railraods. The vanilla version produced roughly 1 resource per civ based on the standard number of civs/map size. In conquests this was toned down by a third. While I do not mind the occational requirement to aquire a resource by hook or crook, I have grown tired of being strapped for 3 different resources every game, so I normally mod these numbers by 50% to return them to their original probabilties.

      If you are worried about cultural flip, then disable that option when you are in the set up portion of the game. Play a few games until you get a grasp on culture and get a chance to read some of the posts on the numbers behind culture flip. (you can also tone down the AI agressiveness on this page)

      Lastly, don't be scared of democracy. Overcoming corruption in captured cites is also a factor of city size. Growing a city over size 6 will allow you to outgrow the base levels of corruption, and in democracy you should be able to buy a few improvements to get a new city on its feet.

      **-is there not a spell checker for this thing?**


      • This thread on Armies was written mostly regarding vanilla and PTW (so no thoughts on C3C pillaging abilities, etc.), but it's still good some good stuff, if I do say so myself:

        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


        • It is amazing how losing the ability of Conquests MGL's to hurry wonders has changed strategies. I think this was the most significant effect of Conquests on the game itself IMO.

          As for me, how I use my MGL's really depends on the situation I face in the game at the point its generated. But I'll usually go;

          1st MGL: Build Army and get first victory
          2nd MGL: Hurry HE
          3rd MGL: FP
          4th MGL: Build Army

          What I've found in my gameplay at; Monarch & Emperor, std map, restless barbs, is that I do see more MGLs generated by building the HE.

          I tend to use my first Army as an "Equalizer". That is, use it to help me catch up with the more advanced Civs. I like to start off sending my Army with a few other units and pillage the heck out of the other Civ's infrastructure first. And since the AI doesn't like to attack an Army..that's where I use those other units. I'll send one out i2 squares away and BAM! Here come the fish in ones and twos, taking the "bait", and then lower the boom on them with the Army!

          Then I'll get the expected call for talks and take 'em for as many techs and lump gold I can. Then, I have two choices.

          1) If my Army needs to heal then I just leave it and the rest of my units sitting in the AI territory for the next turn. Then the ole leader pops up demanding I move my troops immediately. Which the computer does automatically and reduces my troops healing time dramatically. Saves me the time in moving them and starts them well on the road to healing faster than moving them myself.

          2) IF my troops are in good shape health-wise, I just move them to the next best site to pillage. While moving any other units in my territory closer to the front.

          I'm finding the Gallic Swordsman a very nice unit for ancient Armies. Much better than horsemen.



          • Originally posted by Theseus
            This thread on Armies was written mostly regarding vanilla and PTW (so no thoughts on C3C pillaging abilities, etc.), but it's still good some good stuff, if I do say so myself:

            Hey Theseus, That was a good thread to read. There was a lot happening there in 2002 and 03!!


