Ok, I have been playing CivIII for a long time, and I absolutly love it. And call me a n00b if you soo desire, but is there NO AI ALLIES?!?!?
I mean, in all my games, the one i am playing now is the most peaceful, so I am trying to gain some good allies to back me up if I come across some trouble. My past expirences with AI Alliances have proved poor, and from what I read from the wise leaders of Apolyton, there is not much hope for any type of Loyalty from the AI.
Maybe I dont fully know how to MAKE the Allies, or maybe AI Allies are just not available in Civ3. If they are not, does anyone know if there is or could be a Mod for more Loyalty?
I would be happy to hear what ya'll have to say!

Maybe I dont fully know how to MAKE the Allies, or maybe AI Allies are just not available in Civ3. If they are not, does anyone know if there is or could be a Mod for more Loyalty?
I would be happy to hear what ya'll have to say!
