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creating first scenario: (fa?)questions & multiplayer issues

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  • creating first scenario: (fa?)questions & multiplayer issues


    I´ve got an earth map (100x) by a guy called Zach (?), modified it that there are nine civs (one on Australia, too) - but when I start a prince level multiplayer game (in Conquests), there are only 8 civs. How come, aren´t more than eight possible at all in multiplayer?

    Also, when starting, other Civs, if played by the computer seem to research two or three techs at once. We´re starting from the Industrial age, but I can´t reproduce a research that fast in the first or first two rounds. How do they do that? Even with trading they would need at least a dozen rounds. As a player I need at least 20 rounds to get one tech. There´s lots of money for everybody (10k), but that won´t help, right? Is it possible that some civs get freebie techs in round 1?

    I noticed that in some cases, the goodie huts become barbarian huts when starting a game (happened only once though), is there a random generator involved? There were suddenly barbarian huts where explorers went through and left - but I didn´t set that place to have a hut at all. Looks like it´s added randomly?

    Something else is strange, too: When one civ occupies a luxury by another civ with several military units, the one civ still gets the benefit of it. Is that a glitch?

    Trading between players is different as well - there´s no "you´re on my turf, get lost"-button, doing that per email is the only option?

    The streets and railroads are not consistent when I draw them, for some reason they stop in front of a city, like I can´t make a connection through them...

    I´d would also like to know about experiences with two culturally different computer civs who have luxury ressources (gems) right between their borders. What is more probable, that they´re going to fight about it or first come first served?

    Also, the turn being finished with the last unit is bugging me a little as well - is there a way to have turns finished by pressing by default?

    Is there a way for a better control of epidemies? I´d like to have SARS and AIDS coming up at certain times, any way to have both and make almost sure when they appear? It would also be great to have a new civ appearing in 2010, but I don´t know whether that can be done at all... any thought appreciated! :-)

    Grendel S.

    p.s.: When playing, is there a way to prevent that other players use savegames editors? I´m not sure how I can prevent cheating?
    Last edited by GrendelS; October 25, 2004, 10:46.
    et tu, brutus?

  • #2
    Some answers,

    Multiplayer only allows 8 total civs. That's why one-of-nine is missing in your scenario.

    You need to add a road/railroad to the tile the city is located onl. When you place the city it does not automatically build the road/railroad improvement. There are two ways to do this. Via the overlay (which you are probably using) or via the 'terrain properties' tab (right click?).

    There is an option which requires player input prior to ending the turn. I forget where in-game but it's there. I'm at work so I can't look it up for you. Preferences?

    Hope this helped.


    • #3
      helpful :-)

      Hi Eugenek,
      thx for the answers, very helpful. I also found the option neccessary for pressing return at the end of each round in the preferences (there doesn´t seem to be a way to do it over the scenario, but that´s o.k.).

      /me is still curious about the rest of the questions ;-)


      Grendel S.
      et tu, brutus?


      • #4
        For roads/RR you need to add them in the city (since a PTW patch and because ruins used to keep roads then).
        The Great Armada scenario


        • #5
          For roads/RR you need to add them in the city
          right clicking on them I see roads/rr marked, but it´s not in the game when I start it...
          et tu, brutus?

