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Strategic Harbors?

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  • Strategic Harbors?

    Just thought about this little idea:

    What if harbors (i.e. water-trade-routes, ability to repair ships quicker), would be only buildable in certain parts of the map?

    In real life, you can't build harbors everywhere, unless you do a fair amount of excavating. So how would you do this in Civ3? Well, how about creating a resource called "Natural Harbor" or something like that, that would be a required resource to build a harbor? It would only appear in coastal waters. So basically, any city that has a "Natural Harbor" within its city radius could build a harbor building improvement and open up a water-trade-route. Depending on the apperance ratio of the resource, you could say that a natural harbor would occur as often as fish do.

    In my random map generation tests, every island hat at least 1 fish within reach of a city, if built on that island. So even by the remote chance that a island were without such a resource, the ownly negative impact would be, that said player would have to wait until airports to connect the resource to the main grid.

    The benefits?

    Strategic value. Wars would take such ports into consideration. You wouldn't just attack anywhere. What if you started a war just to get a resource? Well now you also need a harbor to ship it back home.

    Anybody got some comments? Perhaps a few minor details i've overlooked?

  • #2
    Hmm, maybe an idea for Civ4??
    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


    • #3
      I'd be more inclined to boost the cost of harbors, then allow such a resource or map feature to allow for much cheaper construction. I say that because the barriers to building a harbor IRL are not insurmountable, though the solution may be very labor intensive.
      Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


      • #4
        ah, excellent idea Solomwi!

        I'll leave normal Harbors in as is (but remove trade function), and make more expensive harbors to use inconjunction with my above idea.

        This will still allow coastal cities to get food bonus, but i got my strategic harbor.

