I finished the game. I lost by way of space race 
I was lacking many resources. Iron, Saltpeter, Coal, Oil, Aluminum. I had none of these. Although oil did later appear on my map.
It was an interesting game, though I don't like losing
. My only hope was the United Nations. I was thinking of attacking India before they built it. But they attacked me just before I attacked them! I wouldn't have succeeded. They had TOW infantry, and I still had tanks. I got my ass whooped. But even after building the U.N. they never held a vote. They weren't too popular anyways.
Many years later I loaded up 30 tanks on an attempted assault on their capitol. I could not get through the mech. infantry
Years later after finally geting synth fibers I was preparing with another assault of 30 modern armour on their capitol. I was certain I would get it this time and then I would attempt to hold an election for diplomatic victory. India was weakened from wars with the celts and other nations- and from war with me (I bombarded and disconnected their coal, oil, and uranium- and they never reconnected it!). I was certain I could take and hold their capitol with modern armour.
But alas, Germany completed their spaceship. I lost
A few notes here. I was able to obtain iron to build my factories and build some of my ansar warriod dudes. And I was able to get a golden age through a victory of my uu. I then was not able to get iron after that
. I could not meet their demands. At various times I was able to get iron, but no coal. It wasn't until 1934 I was abled to obtain both at the same time and begin railroading my continent
. I was able to trade uranium for aluminum though
, allowing me to build modern armour.

I was lacking many resources. Iron, Saltpeter, Coal, Oil, Aluminum. I had none of these. Although oil did later appear on my map.
It was an interesting game, though I don't like losing

Many years later I loaded up 30 tanks on an attempted assault on their capitol. I could not get through the mech. infantry

Years later after finally geting synth fibers I was preparing with another assault of 30 modern armour on their capitol. I was certain I would get it this time and then I would attempt to hold an election for diplomatic victory. India was weakened from wars with the celts and other nations- and from war with me (I bombarded and disconnected their coal, oil, and uranium- and they never reconnected it!). I was certain I could take and hold their capitol with modern armour.
But alas, Germany completed their spaceship. I lost

A few notes here. I was able to obtain iron to build my factories and build some of my ansar warriod dudes. And I was able to get a golden age through a victory of my uu. I then was not able to get iron after that
