I play on Monarch level, mostly on large or huge maps with lots of civs.
In each game, somewhere around 1400AD I "discover" the rest of the world and also discover that I am in 2nd or 3rd place. The leading civ is always on the other side of the world so I would like to ask some of you what is the best approach when you are in second place and half a world away.
In the last game I finished Babylonia and the Hittites were on the other main continent #1 and 2 respectively. I was in third place. The Babs were tech advanced but the Hittites were way behind, providing an easy target for the Babs when they decide to go after them. I was on tech par with the Babs and had two civs for neighbors. the Egyptians and Greeks. I played the Sumerians.
I gobbled up Egypt which put me in 2nd but Babs still had a 900 pt. lead on me. They were busy chewing up the Romans simultaneously.(1500AD)
I went for the "Weak Sister" gambit because I thought that taking on the Babs directly across the ocean would be very tough to do because they were so powerful and sustaining forces overseas is a real challenge. So I went after 2 weaker civs on other islands but the Babs just chewed up a few Hittites cities to keep pace. Luckily for them the Hittites were neighbors and no sea transport occurred.
So after that conquest I was still 900 points behind (1700AD).
Its time for nukes. I started buliding nuke subs in every coastal city and Tac or ICBMs nukes in each interior city. I planned to position subs around the Babs coast and planned a simultaneous launch of all nukes somewhere aroud 1950AD. I never got that far because the Babs built the last Wonder and won on points. I disabled that one!
What would be your approach in a situation like this?
In each game, somewhere around 1400AD I "discover" the rest of the world and also discover that I am in 2nd or 3rd place. The leading civ is always on the other side of the world so I would like to ask some of you what is the best approach when you are in second place and half a world away.
In the last game I finished Babylonia and the Hittites were on the other main continent #1 and 2 respectively. I was in third place. The Babs were tech advanced but the Hittites were way behind, providing an easy target for the Babs when they decide to go after them. I was on tech par with the Babs and had two civs for neighbors. the Egyptians and Greeks. I played the Sumerians.
I gobbled up Egypt which put me in 2nd but Babs still had a 900 pt. lead on me. They were busy chewing up the Romans simultaneously.(1500AD)
I went for the "Weak Sister" gambit because I thought that taking on the Babs directly across the ocean would be very tough to do because they were so powerful and sustaining forces overseas is a real challenge. So I went after 2 weaker civs on other islands but the Babs just chewed up a few Hittites cities to keep pace. Luckily for them the Hittites were neighbors and no sea transport occurred.
So after that conquest I was still 900 points behind (1700AD).

Its time for nukes. I started buliding nuke subs in every coastal city and Tac or ICBMs nukes in each interior city. I planned to position subs around the Babs coast and planned a simultaneous launch of all nukes somewhere aroud 1950AD. I never got that far because the Babs built the last Wonder and won on points. I disabled that one!
What would be your approach in a situation like this?
