Yes, Marine Armies (and Berserk Armies) are indeed amphib, and as has been said, a glorious thing to behold.
For any doubters, download my submission for the AU 503 HoF. It's the last turn, and you can try a 4xMAU for yourself (mkquest is quite right that that is the correct designation... a Marine ARMY, sheesh, what was I thinking ).
Mix them in the same Army though, and you have a dud. Still p*sses me off something fierce.
For any doubters, download my submission for the AU 503 HoF. It's the last turn, and you can try a 4xMAU for yourself (mkquest is quite right that that is the correct designation... a Marine ARMY, sheesh, what was I thinking ).
Mix them in the same Army though, and you have a dud. Still p*sses me off something fierce.