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INC's Game Log - Please Advise

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  • INC's Game Log - Please Advise

    Ok, before I get into the nitty gritty of the game, I thought I would post my initial setup. Please advise as to any changes that seem appropriate. Thanks.

    I. Choose Your World

    World Size: Standard
    Barbarians: Roaming
    Land Mass and Water Coverage: Continents (70% Water)
    Climate: Normal
    Temperature: Temperate
    Age: 3 Billion

    II. Player Setup

    Me: Egypt
    Them: 7 Random Rivals
    Game Limits: Changed Turns to 1000. Everything else remains at default
    Allow Domination Victory
    Allow Space Race Victory
    Allow Diplomatic Victory
    Allow Conquest
    Culturally Linked Starting Loc
    Allow Cultural Conversions
    Allow Scientific Leaders
    AI Agression: Normal
    Difficulty: Warlord

    There's what my set up looks like. Unless you see any changes I should make. I'll be back with some turn saves. Thanks.

  • #2
    Personally don't like Culturally linked starts. I think allot of us have turned that off to get more random opponents, but that's a preference, not a need.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      I have no knowledge of the 1000 turns, why do you want that? The game will be over before then and if you want to play on you can. If you want it to drag it out, just disable all but conquest.

      Everything else is fine, but I would maybe suggest not using Cleo.
      The reason is you will either have to skip some ancient wonders or trigger an early GA. I save civs like this for Deity or Sid so I do not have to worry about wonders.

      I would go with one that is not tied to any good early wonders or does not use a super early UU. Another reason I don't use Hammy or Aztecs often. You can avoid the issue with Javs by not using them on the AI, but Impi and Jag Warriors are hard to avoid using.

      Anyway it is just an FYI you can use any civ, some just take more care than others.


      • #4
        Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
        Personally don't like Culturally linked starts. I think allot of us have turned that off to get more random opponents, but that's a preference, not a need.
        There's a bug in C3C that means that you keep getting the same culture group in the line-up regardless of who you are, if culturally-linked starts are turned on.

        I waded thru about 12 games with the Iroqs, Maya, Inca, USA, Aztec before nailing this down to the INI file. There's a section you can delete to stop the same civs appearing when you start a new game, but it still doesn't generate the proper cultural neighbours for your civ.

        This is a shame, because a lot of the civs are balanced by their neighbours (Rome/Persia/Carthage) for UU's - or rather were in 3.0/PTW.

        ( Add this to the broken barbs and broken subs )


        • #5
          Ok, I followed all the suggestions. Switched my civ to France and founded my first city. The city I founded seemed like a pretty good location so I didn't move, I just settled the spot where my settler started out in.

          So here's a screen shot of my first action. Hopefully I resized it properly.

          And with any luck my first decision wasn't a bad one.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Ok, that looks a little big. How do I reduce it?


            • #7
              The city I founded seemed like a pretty good location so I didn't move


              4 turn settler pump potential? that will be needed to go through the jungle.
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Krill
                The city I founded seemed like a pretty good location so I didn't move


                4 turn settler pump potential? that will be needed to go through the jungle.
                "4 turn settler pump potential?" Ok, what do you mean?


                • #9
                  Basically, if you build a granary in that city, and irrigate the wheat and cow, you will have +5 food per turn. That means growth every 2 turns. If you have enough pop to work another mined bonus grassland, and a mined grassland next to the river, you will have enough shields and food to grow twice, and to also create a settler in those four turns.

                  (effectivly, start at 4 pop, work the wheat, cow, BG, and mined river grass, for +6spt. You get an extra 2 shields when you grow, because the city govener places the new labourer on the forest, because food is calculated before shields in the turn order. you get 6 shields on turn 1, 8 on turn 2, 7 on turn 3 (move the labourer to another mined river grass manually) and 9 on turn 4 = 30 shields)

                  voila, 4 turn settler pump.
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #10
                    ah, I see. Thanks.

                    And how many turns should it take to produce a settler? What's a good rate? And more important what do I do to fix this?


                    • #11
                      4 turns is normally to best you can hope for, although it is possible to do a 2 turn settler.

                      I'll see if I can find a good thread on this for you.

                      here is a good thread on 4 turn settler pumps, although you do need to read all the way through it.
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        It is indeed a great site for the foul builderers that populate this strat forum. Personally would have probably moved 4 first just to be on the coast, but a great site as it is.

                        I'll let these Buildermongers tell you all about food pumps and how to best set it up. They'll have you REXing in no time.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          UnO, he is France, not the Vikings. The best builder civ in C3C. Why don't you and I both play out this save with our own (very different) strats? Would you like that?
                          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                          • #14
                            The only thing, in order to irrigate the cow, I am going to have to clear out some of that jungle that's on the the bank of the river closest to the cow. Should I get started on that or irrigate the wheat first?


                            • #15
                              build a warrior, warrior, worker, granary. the first worker should head south (move 9, road then irrigate, move 1 then irrigate, then mine the BG) the 2nd worker can head north (move7, road then irrigate, 8 then irrigate, then mine the BG)

                              And that is forest on the banks of the river, not jungle...
                              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

