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  • #31
    Well, I am on the 'NOT' list too, however I earned it.
    The Graveyard Keeper
    Of Creation Forum
    If I can't answer you don't worry
    I'll send you elsewhere


    • #32

      Its probably better for me anyway, I have little free time, having just started a new job.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Theseus

        In stock C3C, the AI civs won't build Armies. player1 and others have done a masterful job in determining why not, and a number of modders have been figuring out balanced solutions.
        I never seen them build armies in vanilla civ3 . So it was something I have never noticed as being different.


        • #34
          You know not to be party pooper, at least not completely, I am now play-testing my mod on version forty-one. Let's see ten months now? Gee, how could that be?!!

          Oh to get on the subject, whatever that might be, I just finished a little war that occured through about 6 turns. In that I lost 4 armies in ranging battles, had 4 others decimated and had to pull them back and let 4 others clean up, destroying 6 enemy armies. I took two outlying cities. They inititially attacked me from afar and I had to shift half my standing armies first south then east to win the day. All this inside of turn 55 game time, relative as it is.

          Now, this game 'plays' like a fire... such a pity 'they' do not pay more attention to what 'modders' have figured how to routinely do!!

          But then who knows, I sure don't they could be 'stealing' a few tips here and there, well considering how many we all have deposited here in the forums.
          The Graveyard Keeper
          Of Creation Forum
          If I can't answer you don't worry
          I'll send you elsewhere


          • #35
            Originally posted by asleepathewheel

            I missed this before bud sorry.

            They closed the CFC beta forum, have selected civ4 alpha testers (of which I am NOT one :doitnow! )

            so if there are going to be anymore patches, they'll either beta it with the c4 alphas or something in house or round up a new crew.

            Oh. Damn.

            Yeah, I was a bit surprised that they wrapped up the PtW testers when there were other things coming. But then there were other developers involved with C3C who had their own extensive beta. I'm not too sure how that went since I ran into some personal difficulties early on. Apparently not too swimmingly.

            Having some idea of what went on with the history of Civ3, I have to wonder about the wisdom of getting yet another team to do a third and final expansion. That after good people like Soren and MikeB, among others, spent a couple years whipping Civ3 into what it was in the final patch of PtW. But that's purely Monday morning QB speaking. While it was going on I thought it was a great idea.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Antrine
              Demostrated interest directs profit.
              I am a writer, have collected same (an old library). Copyrights expire, ownership reverts to the users who have book in possession, know the book and care about it. I have many valuable gems just this way.

              The practical life span of these games is in months not decades. I loved CIVII with editor. I Boycotted CIVIII until C3C. C3C needs to work like CIVII Gold. I will not buy CIV-IV until those standards are affirmed. I am working with other companies developing similiarily. Someday soon, a better bet will be created and all the best of our thinking will be in it.

              This genre is a small pond, and this is circulating. I have elsewhere posted my feelings on the 'future' marketing model for TBS. We will see. Focused emotion moves mountains.

              Yes copyrights expire, but that takes years. For good reason.

              I don't agree that the life of these games is months! For a poorly made game, especially if in a crowded genre like FPS or RTS, that may be true. But Civ3 clearly has lasted more than mere months, so I am baffled by that statement.

              In general though, it is clear that you and I disagree on some key points, and it is also clear that those opinions won't be changed, so I'm going to respectfully disagree, and will move on from this topic


              • #37
                I can understand the extremes of frustration with C3C... you have here a beautiful game, with most of the elements you'd been waiting for since Civ3 came out.

                It's not so much the lack of perfection, but LOSING progress that had already been achieved. We've experienced every piece of the "completed" project that would satisfy us... we just want it all at the same time.


                • #38
                  Yes, you are correct Petrus2, I have some steamed up opinions not all enduring the 'light' of day or logic. So admitted. No problem moving on though, that is most of the time...

                  So far as how long CIV3 lasts? Are my actions burying it? Good mods extend and enhance the lifespan of these games and all we asked, is for a 'little' consistency in the base code support. However, failing that, many of us are losing our 'wind' and as you advocate will 'move on' unpublished, unfun-filled and sorely disappointed.

                  Sorry, I am sure we could have a pleasant discourse on another occasion. My sincere apologies and I once again rivet my attention 'elsewhere'.

                  Happy Gaming!
                  The Graveyard Keeper
                  Of Creation Forum
                  If I can't answer you don't worry
                  I'll send you elsewhere


                  • #39
                    Hey Antrine, I'm not upset by anything, so I hope you didn't take it that way. I think we both stated our thoughts, and so long as no one makes personal attacks, it's the way it should be. There are plenty of other Civ3 topics, and I'm sure you know more about the mechanics of the game than I, so I probably will learn something in those topics.

                    I play the game hard, to win, but still for fun and with the understanding that it is a diversion from RL commitments of family, job, etc. That is probably why I'm not so worked up, because if, overall, I'm having fun, well then that's what I play for.

                    Heheh, I could point out a few things in the LotR movies that were "buggy", to stretch a comparison, but I made the concious decision to let it go and enjoy what are excellent movies.

                    Hope all are having a great day

