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Firaxis Game Feedback (

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  • #16
    Agree with Dissident. I'm somewhat dismayed at all the hate seen here from what I suspect is just a vocal minority. C3C is a great game. Flawed? Yes, but not nearly to the point of uselessness. Months after it's been released I still play it and probably will continue to for some time.

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I most certainly feel I've gotten my money's worth.


    • #17
      If just barbs and AI leader/armies got fixed, I would say "go, go, Civ4".

      If FP didn't got fixed I would say "go, go, PtW".

      Now, I'm somewere in the middile.
      I like Conquests, buy I'm not completly satisfied.


      • #18
        I'm sorta OK with the Army bug, now that we mostly understand it (thank you player1 and Antrine!) and can adjust for it through modding.

        I mean, well, so if only KAIs are strong enough to build, fill, and actually use meaningful Armies on the battlefield... that makes sense, doesn't it?

        And about the sub bug, well, in all of the Civ 1, 2, and 3 games I've ever played, I've only employed a "Nazi Wolf Pack in the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean" kind of strategy a couple of times. So I can adjust my general naval tactics fairly easily to what we have to work with here. In other words, no biggie, for me at least.
        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


        • #19
          I like C3C. There are some obvious problems, but its the best game of the genre...its not even close.

          I have a lot of hope and optimism for cIV. Also, I'm willing to wait for a good product. I really hope they don't rush the next version.
          Haven't been here for ages....


          • #20
            Originally posted by asleepathewheel
            oh they know the complaints alright.

            of course recently a certani forum they frequented was closed.

            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Theseus
              I'm sorta OK with the Army bug, now that we mostly understand it (thank you player1 and Antrine!) and can adjust for it through modding.

              I mean, well, so if only KAIs are strong enough to build, fill, and actually use meaningful Armies on the battlefield... that makes sense, doesn't it?

              And about the sub bug, well, in all of the Civ 1, 2, and 3 games I've ever played, I've only employed a "Nazi Wolf Pack in the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean" kind of strategy a couple of times. So I can adjust my general naval tactics fairly easily to what we have to work with here. In other words, no biggie, for me at least.
              what is the army bug? I probably know it, but just can't think of it right now.


              • #22
                They rush these games out so they can meet the deadline that they have to work by. In fact, if they don't have the game out by a certain period of time, they get fired, and I am sure they are willing to ignore a few errors to save their jobs!

                Anyways, that is the point of patches, to fix things they didn't see or just postponed.

                And I don't see why you people get so worked up over a few bugs with the game, surely, if you didn't like the game that badly you woudln't even take the time to fuss over it.

                "It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. " Voltaires


                • #23
                  Alright barbeerhj, I'll bite...

                  For, I am certainly one of those 'people' all worked up.

                  I like the game to the point of being a 'fanatic' and gosh darn, time? Are you kidding, I could have 'conquered' the so-called, 'real world' with the 'time' I've logged into CIVII and now C3C.

                  So what gives, or makes our ilk tick? I've played/modified this game enough to call it my own. It has seeped into our culture and become a part of many of us. Who owns Elvis Presley? America. Who owns the Beatles? The World. And who owns CIV, who? We do the fans! Firaxis is just a 'stewart' who right now is called on the carpet, for being a 'poor' stewart. Who calls them such, we do! And what gives us 'worthies' such dignity?

                  Simple arithmetic, hour for hour we 'own it' that's right, think about it. Millions may have purchased this game, however the few 'outweigh' them all. Their 'hours' of play to ours, no contest, we win.

                  Now, this game should be 'better' and there are feasible ways to accomplish this. It will be done, just like bringing back, 'Star Trek'. Who demanded that? WE DID! And for whom, were the movies made? Us that's right! It is really quite simple, ownership 'passes' to the user!

                  So, that puts us at the front of the line. And we do influence much more than meets than eye.

                  'a few bugs' crap, how do you wash away incompetence?

                  Sincerely, a fan...
                  Last edited by Antrine; July 26, 2004, 01:03.
                  The Graveyard Keeper
                  Of Creation Forum
                  If I can't answer you don't worry
                  I'll send you elsewhere


                  • #24
                    I've started to answer and stopped several times, maybe this time I'll finish. I won't address the emotion behind the post because I prefer not to discuss things from that point of view. I truly don't desire an argument, I just think the issue needs to be approached from a more academic view than emotional.

                    1. It's ok to want a better game, it's good to give feedback to the producers. But it is still just a game (at least to us, the players; to the producers it is a livelihood). And from that view, if the game is so terrible to some individuals, DON'T BUY Civ 4! Speak with your dollars, if that is what you truly think. I do (hehe, although yeah, I've made a bad purchase here and there, I admit). I'll be buying Civ 4, but everyone gets to make that choice for themself.

                    2. Hours of play do not define ownership. Intellectual property rights do. While C3C isn't perfect, it isn't some horrible unplayable mess.

                    3. If Civ 3, PTW and C3C are SO TERRIBLE, why have so many hours been logged playing them? Is it really the majority opinion here (or even a large minority) that the game is grossly bug ridden? Incompetently produced? I won't answer for people, but is it???

                    4. On a more humorous note, the fans kept Star Trek (original) and got Season 3 as a result. Ugh! But yes, fan interest can bring something back, and Star Trek is a good example. But the ONLY reason the follow on series' and movies were made is because the powers that be in Hollywood saw profit.


                    • #25
                      Demostrated interest directs profit.
                      I am a writer, have collected same (an old library). Copyrights expire, ownership reverts to the users who have book in possession, know the book and care about it. I have many valuable gems just this way.

                      The practical life span of these games is in months not decades. I loved CIVII with editor. I Boycotted CIVIII until C3C. C3C needs to work like CIVII Gold. I will not buy CIV-IV until those standards are affirmed. I am working with other companies developing similiarily. Someday soon, a better bet will be created and all the best of our thinking will be in it.

                      This genre is a small pond, and this is circulating. I have elsewhere posted my feelings on the 'future' marketing model for TBS. We will see. Focused emotion moves mountains.

                      The Graveyard Keeper
                      Of Creation Forum
                      If I can't answer you don't worry
                      I'll send you elsewhere


                      • #26
                        I have thorougly enjoyed Civ3, PtW and Conquests. Its definitly the best game of the series and among the top strategy games out there(Medieval: Total War is the only thing contending with it). I've spent so many hours playing Civ3, the bugs really aren't that abundant or game destroying, they're just annoying. And after 2 expansions and however many years you'd expect them to have patched the bugs by now. Its like a fly constantly buzzing around that you can't kill.

                        It doesn't stop you from what you're doing, but it eventually gives you a headache. But Firaxis does know how the fans feel and they have listened to us on occasion so I don't have any gripes there. I guess in the end it all comes down to them being here to make money, patching whats left of the bugs when Civ3 is pretty much at an end just isn't worth it. I should just accept that, but it bugs me. (Forgive the pun)
                        Last edited by ChaotikVisions; July 26, 2004, 14:00.
                        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by barbeerhj
                          Indeed, why even b**** about it then?

                          It is odd that people will complain to before they will congratulate companies on certain aspects of game software and computer systems.

                          Perhaps, the hundreds of hours of enjoyment you have gotten from this game is less important then the pain of not being able to play it in perfect harmony or not play it at all for a few days or weeks.

                          Also, I think that the occasional error, or hold up in patches that occures should not be a rallying call for anger and disillusionment by the people who play the game and enjoy it. If you really didn't like the game, you wouldn't play it, but if you really liked the game, but disliked the company, you would still play it.

                          That idea in itself intrigues me: Why do people complain about the game and yet still keep coming back?

                          I am with you Ron. Too much crying for the "perfect" game software. There is no such thing. The thing is whether the fun of the game outweighs the minor bugs that are in every game.

                          CIV is one of the most adicting games I have ever played and it will be quite awhile before another game comes along that monopolizes my time.

                          Bottom line...If you don't like playing it, find another game better suited to your tastes.


                          • #28
                            Don't worry many, many already have...
                            The Graveyard Keeper
                            Of Creation Forum
                            If I can't answer you don't worry
                            I'll send you elsewhere


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Dissident
                              what is the army bug? I probably know it, but just can't think of it right now.
                              In stock C3C, the AI civs won't build Armies. player1 and others have done a masterful job in determining why not, and a number of modders have been figuring out balanced solutions.
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by notyoueither

                                I missed this before bud sorry.

                                They closed the CFC beta forum, have selected civ4 alpha testers (of which I am NOT one :doitnow! )

                                so if there are going to be anymore patches, they'll either beta it with the c4 alphas or something in house or round up a new crew.


