Originally posted by vondrack
Dunnagan, you might wish to pause and take a deep breath. Believe me, you are not doing yourself a good service by arguing with Aeson. Nor to anyone else here.
Dunnagan, you might wish to pause and take a deep breath. Believe me, you are not doing yourself a good service by arguing with Aeson. Nor to anyone else here.
Having one's wisdom teeth removed should not imply having one's wisdom removed - if your mouth is giving you hell and your mood is all-time bad, then kindly refrain from posting negative comments until it gets better and you regain perspective. There is no need to spread that bad mood around this friendly place.
Like I said before, I don't thrive off of arguing with people, nor do I enjoy it. It's a very rare occassion when you see me arguing about anything on a message forum.
Thank you.
