I am working on several ideas for my first scenario, for C3C.
Would there be players interested in a scenario on udan 1883-84?
Basically cover in a general way the whole area at a strategic level.
2-3 players:1 with British-Egyptian forces, 2 others with Ansar.
The objective of the Ansar-Derviche players would be to capture several cities and Khartoum, whilst the British would have to mount expeditions to prevent this and ultimately save General Charles Gordon in Khartoum.
Will there be playtester volunteers if I go ahead with this?
Would there be players interested in a scenario on udan 1883-84?
Basically cover in a general way the whole area at a strategic level.
2-3 players:1 with British-Egyptian forces, 2 others with Ansar.
The objective of the Ansar-Derviche players would be to capture several cities and Khartoum, whilst the British would have to mount expeditions to prevent this and ultimately save General Charles Gordon in Khartoum.
Will there be playtester volunteers if I go ahead with this?
