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Nuclear Plants

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  • Nuclear Plants

    Just wondering if nuclear plants have been changed in any way to increase the chances of meltdowns in Conquests?

    As I recall, about the only thing that could cause a meltdown was if a city was rioting for a full turn (with a 50% chance if this ocurred). Any changes in Conquests?

    - Z

  • #2
    I can't say but I built them in my last game and I had no meltdowns. I only put them in core cities that would be allowed to grow over size 12.


    • #3
      Don't know, but if you'll put your governor to manage moods you should be safe as the city should go starving before rioting


      • #4
        I've always built nuke plants in every freshwater city producing 50 or more shields ASAP, then later started building them anywhere that the extra production will pay for the maintenance if the city is set to build wealth. I've yet to see one meltdown, so I'm guessing if there was a change, it wasn't very big.
        Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


        • #5
          Cool, thanks guys. With all the adjustments I thought maybe they'd changed the nuclear plants as well. Good to hear

          - Z

