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ok, i'm new, but is irrigation broken?

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  • ok, i'm new, but is irrigation broken?

    I've noticed that when I irrigate a tile, it has zero effect on the ammount of food it can produce. The docs say plains go from 1 to 2, grassland from 2 to 3. But in my games they stay the same. What's up with that? Is this a known issue?

    BTW, this is on a mac, and I have the latest patch.

  • #2
    never mind

    ok, i think i figured out what was happening.
    In the early game, I am still under despotism, and a tile that would produce 3 food is reduced back down to 2. So I guess irrigation is pretty usless right now. I guess I'll have to wait until i get a new government to confirm.

    Is this correct?


    • #3
      Yep, correct. Only tiles with bonus food sources (like cattle, wheat, or game on grasses & plains, and also wines on grass), which will already have gotten reduced by the cap, can get above 2 food in despotism. Regular and bonus grasslands are not worth irrigating in despotism at all.


      • #4
        I think AG gets one extra anyway for the city tile under despot.


        • #5
          Under despotism, agricultural civs only get their bonus food on the city tile if the city is next to fresh water. (on a river, or next to a lake)


          • #6
            Yeah, I forgot that part. Not that you would find many start for AG that were not next to water.

