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How do you add units to Civ3:Conquests? Support Apolyton

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  • #16
    Below that and slightly to the left, what CIV are highlighted for to able to use this unit? Again to the left, which tech is listed as 'required' for this unit to be available. And all the settings further left and below on down, are they set up?

    When you pull up a 'modded' game to play, that is a 'save as' file that you are now in checking these settings, can you go to the tech-tree era and see if that unit registers as an available build.

    Have you updated the 'Pediaicons.txt file located not in CIV 3, however in CIV/Conquests, for there are sets of files in more than one location?
    The Graveyard Keeper
    Of Creation Forum
    If I can't answer you don't worry
    I'll send you elsewhere


    • #17
      I have indeed updated both. The problem is simply they don't show up as buildable nor does the entry show in the civilopedia. And of course I can't get the right icon/animation.

      In short, the whole thing isn't working.


      • #18
        I'm sorry, I wish I could have been more help.
        The Graveyard Keeper
        Of Creation Forum
        If I can't answer you don't worry
        I'll send you elsewhere


        • #19
          Originally posted by Antrine
          I'm sorry, I wish I could have been more help.
          No problem. Not your fault.


          • #20
            I never added units in Conquests, but I did add units in PtW, and it is quite tricky

            Here's a guide I wrote for somebody who seemed having the same troubles as you:

            The explanation is a tad long, but I explained the whole process of adding a unit properly, since I don't know where you went wrong. There are some parts of the explanation that you may skip, because you probably know about them already (the trick is, I don't know what these are )

            Adding a unit requires much precision:

            - the name of a unit must be exactly the same as the name of its folder, and of its .ini file. For example, let's say you are adding a "Cataphract", then your repertory for the unit must be called "Cataphract" and its .ini file must be called "Cataphract.ini". I think it's case sensitive.

            - in the editor, when you tweak the stats of your Cataphract, there is also a Civilopedia field. Spontaneously, you'd think the Civilopedia field is unimportant, and you'll be tempted to leave it empty, or to use some convenient Civilopedia link (for example, your Cataphract unit would link to the pedia entry for the knight). Well, it is wrong. The pedia entry is hugely important for your new unit to display correctly. In our example, the pedia entry must be PRTO_Cataphract

            - That's why you must edit "Civilopedia.txt" and "Pediaicons.txt". Before doing this, I'll explain a bit about the folders for specific scenario (skip this phase if you already know about them).
            I assume you are making a specific mod or scenario. Let's say it's called "Byzantium.bix". Every specific file it uses, that is not found in the regular Civ3 game, must be within its own "scenario folder". In the editor, you tell the name of this scenario folder in the "scenario properties" window, in the "Scenario Search folders" field.
            In our example, let's say you write "Byzantium" in that field.

            You must now create a "Byzantium" folder within the folder where your scenario is located. Probably, this will be \CivilizationIII\CIV3PTW\Scenarios\Byzantium
            All your modded or added stuff will have to be somewhere in this new folder. New units, modified city graphics, modified Civilopedia, alternative leaderheads, you name it... All of this stuff will have to be in the right place however, so that Civ3 can find them.
            You'll have to imitate the structure of the normal Civ3 to have correct folders. Your added units will have to be in \Byzantium\Art\Units. Your modified Civilopedia will have to be in \Byzantium\Text.

            - What you must do in the Civilopedia.txt:
            Copy the regular Civilopedia.txt and Pediaicons.txt in Byzantium\Text.
            In the Civilopedia.txt, you must must add an entry for your new unit (in our example, the Cataphract). You'll see entries for normal units. Add your entry between two other unit entries. Your entry for the Cataphract may look like this:
            ^The Cataphract is Byzantium's heavy cavalry.
            You could add more fluff (it'll display in the Civilopedia), but such a minimal entry does the job as well.

            - What you must do in the Pediaicons.txt:
            You must add two entries. The first one is rather unimportant, that's the picture of your unit in the Civilopedia. The second is essential, that's the animation your unit will actually use.
            In this file, there are many entries like #ICON_PRTO_Yadayadayada. Between two of them, add an entry for the Cataphract. It may look like this:
            . Notice I used the icons of the knight, because this si actually unimportant to gameplay. However, if your unit comes with icons for the Civilopedia, go ahead and use them

            Now for the Krux of the problem (at last ! ). You must add an entry which will tell the game what animation to use for your new unit.
            Near the bottom end of the Pediaicons.txt, you'll see many #ANIMNAME_PRTO_Yadayadayada. You must add an entry for your Cataphract again.
            The name of the animation must be strictly identical with the name of your folder with the Cataphract graphics, as well as with the .ini file within it.

            That's it ! your added unit should now work properly. Please notice that I have used the example of a Cataphract unit in a general Byzantium scenario as examples only. You can give any name you want to your scenario names, unit names and Pedia entries, like "123john321" or "guyhpg" if you want. The only thing is to remain consistent with the spelling.
            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


            • #21
              Gee thanks, for this detailed explanation!!
              The Graveyard Keeper
              Of Creation Forum
              If I can't answer you don't worry
              I'll send you elsewhere


              • #22
                Everyone copy this good explination to your pc then when you see someone asking this question agin you can just paste it this will solve the problem of repeditive asking
                Absolute power corrupts absolutely


                • #23
                  I have followed instructions to the letter and I still cannot find the unit icon in the editor. What could I be missing.


                  • #24
                    The Icon will not appear unless you have put one in but If you have conquests It dosent matter Im using a dinosaur Icon for a Land mine. lol Im not sure if the Icon matters for PTW but they have a much better explnation and much better units and
                    Absolute power corrupts absolutely


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by annoyed
                      I have followed instructions to the letter and I still cannot find the unit icon in the editor. What could I be missing.
                      The icons that appear in the editor are found in the file Units_32.pcx, in the main Units folder. Unless you add the graphics to this file, your particular icon won't appear. You can only use something that comes close to what you want it to look like. If you get the Flicster program, you can export a pcx graphic of custom units, then copy/paste an icon to Units_32.pcx.


                      • #26
                        Flicster program. I know I am being lazy, however since you mentioned this program is it easy to locate somewhere?

                        Thank for you patience William!
                        The Graveyard Keeper
                        Of Creation Forum
                        If I can't answer you don't worry
                        I'll send you elsewhere


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Antrine
                          Flicster program. I know I am being lazy, however since you mentioned this program is it easy to locate somewhere?
                          Take a look in the Files forum, you'll probably find it there.


                          • #28
                            I couldn't find it on 'Poly among the many files last time I looked, but I did find it on CFC: FLICster
                            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                            • #29
                              Many Thanks guys!
                              The Graveyard Keeper
                              Of Creation Forum
                              If I can't answer you don't worry
                              I'll send you elsewhere

