Some comments on the CFC list:
This applies only against the AI, and since there is no AI in the tournament, it's not relevant to us.
This is not nearly as powerful in C3C, because of the way the FP now works. In any event, I think the Palace jump is a valid Civ3 strategy, that requires you to think ahead, and usually involves a trade-off, as any improvements in your capital will be lost. I don't think it's necessary to disallow this.
I don't like this rule either because it's difficult to define. Will we disallow stationing units on coastal mountains to prevent landings there too? What about just tiles adjacent to cities to prevent slow-movers and bombard units from attacking next turn? What about at a two-tile radius to prevent even fast-movers from reaching the city? Don't forget that you usually have to pay upkeep for all these extra units. The best way to deal with this issue is to give the amphibious ability to a couple of early weak units, but this is not an option since we are playing under stock rules.
Again, I don't see anything wrong with ship hopping. It requires planning, and invasions done this way are easy to detect and stop by human opponents. Build a navy of your own, attack a link, and the chain is broken.
There is a trade-off involved with ICS. You sacrifice rank corruption for lower distance corruption. I don't think ICS is even considered an exploit in single-player games!
This applies only against the AI. Not relevant here.
Yes, you can have a city with just one specialist, which never gets unhappiness. You join a worker and immediately pop-rush. I can accept this as an exploit, although I don't think it's too powerful. You just convert 20 food and 10 shields into 20 shields. Big deal!
Unless we expect to see histographic victories, we don't care about score in the tournament, so this is not relevant.
Yup, this is an exploit, covered in the MZO list.
I'm for the MZO list. It's well thought-out, and it requires no extra work on our part.
*Right of Passage Abuse
*Free Palace Jump
*Island block
*Ship hopping
*ICS (Infinite City Sprawl)
*Scout resource denial
*Worker dogpile
*Gold mine
I'm for the MZO list. It's well thought-out, and it requires no extra work on our part.