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MAP: Arda, the World Created by JRR Tolkien

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  • MAP: Arda, the World Created by JRR Tolkien

    ARDA - The World Created by JRR Tolkien


    (arda.biq compressed in a zip)

    -version 1.1-

    NOTE: This map is only avaible for Civilization III - Conquests

    (First, sorry for my english)

    Contents of the message:

    0.- Introduction to the map
    1.- The 10 IMPORTANT THINGS that everybody should read before all.
    2.- The Lands
    3.- The Starting Points
    4.- Version History

    0.- I N T R O D U C T I O N

    This map is planned to be played with normal civs, this is, you are Germans and you can start as Lothl�rien, or The Shire. The idea is NOT reproduce the War of the Ring or any special moment of Tolkien's Books. Why? Because is great to be played one, two times, while with this map you have open the possibility of becoming the White Wizard of Mordor vs the Dark Lord of Aman.

    What is Aman? Is the place where Frodo goes at the end of the third movie, the gods (valar) lands or better known as the Undying Lands.

    But also, this map has another add on: N�menor. You can reproduce the original invasion of N�men�reans to Aman as related in the Tolkien's book The Silmarillion. So, is a mix of the maps of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ages, but without Beleriand. Why? Is a good question, probably I'll make one with it .

    1.- T H E ___ 1 0 ___ I M P O R T A N T ___ T H I N G S

    1.- Mountains and volcanoes cannot be crossed. Mountains are used for create some narrow passages, revise all the mountains or you can have a big deception.

    2.- Cities only allowed in cleared grassland, this is for an accurate-to-the-map development of the civilizations (no cities allowed in empty areas in the books).

    3.- There's a special natural resource, called "extra", that is invisible and gives a huge extra food/shields/commerce to capital/important cities. Specially good If they are in the middle of poor terrains (Barad-D�r for example). Uranium is difficult to be found, and there isn't enough for all the civs.

    4.- Pollution reduced to maximum, no more mountains polluted that cannot be cleaned (well, probably major cities could create some due to the extra overproduccion).

    5.- Plagues are on. Take care of swamps.

    6.- Interesting ships only at the modern age, they can cross 50 squares in 1 turn.

    7.- 13 players (minimum and maximum).

    8.- Minimum discovery rate: 3 turns. N�menor and Aman have goodie huts for equilibrate them with the science trade in Middle Earth. Corruption minimal due the largeness of the map.

    9.- Culture major change, cultural borders grow incredibily fast, so is better to fight for the land early and block passages.

    10.- Settlers need 4 population and Workers 2. This is for avoiding too much near cities. Cities should be seen as regions, if we merge this important thing with the 9th one and the 2nd one we have the main idea of the map: think well before move and build.

    2.- T H E ___ L A N D S

    The map is flat, it has three major land masses: Aman, N�menor and Middle Earth.

    Aman lyes in to the west, is large enough for create a huge civ, but not enough to be an impossible-to-win one. Is encircled by mountains so is like a large valley with two entrances, one at the east (a small one) and a big one going to the north.

    N�menor is a five pointed star island in the middle of a huge ocean (thas is practically impossible to cross totally until the modern ships comes, avoiding Aman abuse over Middle Earth). Is small and with some mountains, but has all what one needs to have a great civ, but surely will need to go east and invade Middle Earth to have a kingdom capable to combat Aman.

    Finally, the well-known Middle Earth (or Midgard) with 5 major areas:

    - Eriador - The westernmost area,with the shire as unique place with decent terrain.

    - Rhovanion - Marked by the Cloudy Mountains and the Anduin River (a 1x1 coast, with NO place to cross except in Minas Tirith, so ships in the river are needed).

    - Mordor - Closed by mountains with 4 entrances, the Morannon/NW one, the Cirith Ungol/W one, and two special ones, one in the N and another in the S closed between mounatins , why? Because there's no entrance by the far east. So it represents the entrances from the east with a long and dangerous way to cross.

    - South - Gondor and Umbar are here, they are the coasts to the Great Gulf where Anduin river ends, no special protection, is just coastal. In fact, is the unique part of Middle Earth that can have coastal cities except for some in Eriador (3 coastal cities only).

    - Rh�n - The Fast River that goes tho Rh�n Sea is 1x1 coast suqare, so Lonely Mountain kingdom and Rh�n are quite isolated (there's a narrow pass in the east of Rh�n sea). Also the Elvish Kingdom of the Dark Forest closes the west pass.

    Is important note that in Middle Earth roads are not "very important" but *VITAL* . There's a default network when you start so all the capitals are connected (except if barbarians or wars destroy them).

    3.- T H E ___ S T A R T I N G ___ P O I N T S

    (not sorted, all random)

    1.- Eldar / Valar (Aman)
    2.- N�men�reans (N�menor)
    3.- Mordor (Middle Earth)
    4.- Gondor (Middle Earth)
    5.- Isengard (Middle Earth)
    6.- Rohan (Middle Earth)
    7.- Lothl�rien (Middle Earth)
    8.- Rivendell (Middle Earth)
    9.- The Shire (Middle Earth)
    10.- Lonely Mountain (Middle Earth)
    11.- Rh�n (Middle Earth)
    12.- Umbar (Middle Earth)
    13.- Elvish Kingdom in the Dark Forest (Middle Earth)

    In the earlier versions, there were also Fangorn, Iron Mountains, Harondor, Tol Eress�a, Mithlond, Witch Kindgom and Moria, but they were too weak, also weakened the other civs. In fact the latest times that I played it I usually have seen that Mordor destroys Umbar and it becames dangerously huge, also it destroyed Gondor so I made all the Anduin uncrossable by land units (the waterfall is also uncrossable). You will need ships to cross it or go to the far noth to cross to East Middle Earth. Tol Eress�a was remoed for the not odd case that they become in war with the valar.

    Valar and N�men�reans are boring, by far the first one. Is so lonely, appart, and isolated, but an adequate development and a fast science rate can save that very fast.

    In n�menor and aman there are ALL the resources that one needs except for Tobacco (only in The Shire) . Sugar is produced in the Dark forest, but don't ask me why .

    0.- V E R S I O N ___ H I S T O R Y


    - Added Tol Fuin and extended the seagroun in the old Beleriand Area.
    - Revised some errors in the managment of the production causing lags in the turn progress.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by jomateix; March 25, 2005, 12:35.
    Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien

  • #2
    I would suggest changing the Valar to the Eldar or something. The Valar were the gods of arda, and would beat the crap out of anybody they encountered (In fact they did just that to Melkor). Other than that it should be interesting to play. Unfortunately, I an unable to download anything now, (my game isn't working) but when it starts working again, I will be sure to check it out. It is a pleasure to meet a fellow Tolkien fan.
    If I only had a brain...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nylan-Nolan
      I would suggest changing the Valar to the Eldar or something. The Valar were the gods of arda, and would beat the crap out of anybody they encountered (In fact they did just that to Melkor). Other than that it should be interesting to play.
      You have a point here, they are gods so is quite inconsistent, but just imagine that they are Eldar, there isn't any refference to the Valar in the map.
      Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien


      • #4
        wow, this map is enormous and looks really good! but i don't think i'll by able to play, due to the size

        if you feel like, you could create some landmarks. i was trying to know which name goes where, but except the obvious ones (mordor, shire) it was really difficult.

        but anyway... great work!
        - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
        - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


        • #5
          Remember, is large, but only in a few areas you can build cities! The main problem is with the 13 civilizations, but with my Pentium III at 866 MHz it "only" takes 5 minuts per turn with everybody at war at the end of the game. For me is ok , but I know that my level of patiente is quite unusual (almost in my city ).
          Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien


          • #6
            The Map

            I just made this picture for know how is the map, blue dots are starting points, green dots are uranium and the red dot is Fangorn (just for mark a known place).

            NOTE: The uranium in Aman is no longer where is marked. Where it is now? Ahhh!
            Attached Files
            Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien


            • #7
              this is not the map from Warcraft 3?.

              Looks very nice
              Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
              Indiana Jones
              Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)


              • #8
                Warcraft 3?? Never played it.

                EDIT: Err... No, check the map of Warcraft at this link.
                Last edited by jomateix; April 9, 2004, 10:27.
                Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien


                • #9
                  Looks good! I'll have to give it a try.

                  A question: Is the map supposed to represent the second or third age?

                  If the second age, there shouldn't be a Rohan civ. You could have an Eregion civ since these were the most powerful and skilled elves of the second age.

                  If the third age, there should be neither an island of Númenor nor a Númenórean civ. Gondor and Arnor were establashed after the fall of Númenor at the start of the third age.

                  Then again, it might just be more fun the way it is!


                  • #10
                    THANK YOU!! 100 DOWNLOADS! WHOA!!!

                    Answering gunkulator:

                    Is a mix of the 2nd and the 3rd ages.

                    The "thirdish" area is Middle Earth, the people usually knows more Rohan than Arnor.

                    Aman and Númenor are just a plus in the game, just for make the ships more useful and add the mistery point of a "huge invasion by the coasts"

                    So this map is more 3rd than 2nd I think.

                    If you want more info just read the 1rst post.
                    Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien


                    • #11
                      how much do u know about LOTR


                      • #12
                        Well, quite, I think so. But more in the general vision of Arda than in the names of the people.

                        This map is not exact because I modified some geographical points (i.e.: the Rhûn sea is bigger than normal, and usually is more to the east) to add "stretch pass" effects (mountains not crossable, rivers made with coast squares, etc...).
                        Click here to download the Map of Arda, the world of JRR Tolkien


                        • #13
                          Amazing job
                          Congrats jomateix
                          >>> El cine se lee en dvdplay <<<


                          • #14
                            EXCELLENT WORK! Have always wanted a decent map for Arda, and voilá, here it is! Not only for Civ3, but just to have a map...

                            So, next project will be to add some Orcs as barbarians?

                            I see a great potential in Aman growing extremly big with some chopping of forest and jungles. Just the way I like to play; alone, building up a great power hungry for battle


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MoonWolf
                              Just the way I like to play; alone, building up a great power hungry for battle
                              >>> El cine se lee en dvdplay <<<

