The last period that it ruled the nation was between 1976 and 1983 supported by USA government.
USA didn´t support the government. you make it sound like if the military junta was an american puppet

seriously, you can´t even compare it with the allende situation...
I assume you know that in general terms, US governments prefered military juntas to left wing governments in southamerica... (cold war explanation). but that was all. ok? they dídn´t even send money, military stuff, or other things.
The army took the power saying the communist had the intention to conquest Argentina, the same argument was used in the military dictatorship in Brazil and Chile.
This period was the most bloodily in the history of the country. In these years, Argentina involves in a war against England, disputing the control of the oil of Isla Malvinas (Falkland Islands)

dude, i´ve heard many reasons/theories in order to explain this war... but oil is a new one for me.
No way!! oil wasn´t the reason (we are talking about the falklands island... not irak

In a way, we can say that:
After 5 years in power members of the “Military Junta” in Argentina, led by Lieutenant General
Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, decided that it was necessary to stem the tide of discontent
spreading throughout the country. The solution they sought was a crusade that would unite the
nation under one common goal. On March 26th, 1982, they held a secret meeting to find a
solution to an international crisis at British Port Leith, where contracted Argentine workers had
raised their flag. Britain had reacted by sending a task force there to defend against impending
It was decided at this meeting that this would be the last dispute with Britain over the Falklands
and South Georgia. Invoking national pride and a “historical right” of sovereignty over the
islands, the Military Junta decided it was time to take them by force, no matter the consequences.
Therefore on March 31st “Operation Azul” began. It ended with the capture of Port Stanley on
April 2nd.