But then what would alexman, Bamspeedy, and so many others do with their time? 
Seriously, what with having found 'poly 2+ years ago, I've grown to like that aspect of the experience... it's up to us to figure out some mechanics of the game. When it was just me and my comp... yeah, tell me all the rules, EVERYTHING! Now, well, it's part of the interaction between us and Firaxis/Breakaway/Atari, and IMHO contributes to our ability to influence patches and add-ons.

Seriously, what with having found 'poly 2+ years ago, I've grown to like that aspect of the experience... it's up to us to figure out some mechanics of the game. When it was just me and my comp... yeah, tell me all the rules, EVERYTHING! Now, well, it's part of the interaction between us and Firaxis/Breakaway/Atari, and IMHO contributes to our ability to influence patches and add-ons.