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AI oddities - Bugs?

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  • #16
    That doesn't sound like a bug if they only attack you if you are weaker than they are and they hate you for pirating their ships.


    • #17
      I AM without a doubt the power of the game for a long time now, but I ignored navy as my home continent will win the game for me anyway.

      Probably NOW I am also the naval power, but when my first Privateer rolled off, I had a 'navy' of exactly 3 galleys, and I went about bopping on Dutch Galleons with it, but was never counter-attacked.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #18
        Alexman said... I wonder if they fear Guerillas now, and build them instead of Infantry...
        I have seen lots of guerillas come out of the AI fog in games that went that long, when they had also built a few infantry. I suppose the guerillas could have been from upgrades, but I didnt get that feeling - that's pretty expensive, with infantry not that much more.

        GhengisFarb opined: But I didn't think a ship could attack a city. I thought it had to be a land unit. Does this mean the AI send land forces to attack a city that has a Privateer in it?
        Has anyone ever reported using a ship to attack an AI city containing a ship? If its the ship that is attacked, not the city, then that's different, and land units couldnt do it - could they? If you kill the last land unit in a city containing a ship, the ship dies too. What happens if you attack a city containing only a ship? I dont think I've ever seen that.



        • #19
          Originally posted by GarP2
          Has anyone ever reported using a ship to attack an AI city containing a ship? If its the ship that is attacked, not the city, then that's different, and land units couldnt do it - could they? If you kill the last land unit in a city containing a ship, the ship dies too. What happens if you attack a city containing only a ship? I dont think I've ever seen that.

          Since GarP2 seems to think my question was childish and ignorant.

          It was mentioned there is a bug where the AI will hunt down the human player's Privateers going so far as to attack them if they are moved into a harbor (only harbor I know of in this game is a city, so if are other harbors please enlighten me) it will attack the harbor and initiate a war.

          I didn't think a ship could do that in this game, but then perhaps that is the bug?
          Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 5, 2004, 15:31.


          • #20
            I've only used privateers a few times in C3C (and not once since v1.15) but when I did use them the AI civs were quite happy to attack my privateers, even when I was at peace with the world. I haven't seen any AI attacks on cities harboring privateers as Sir Ralph reports, but perhaps he means that AIs will bombard (instead of pure attack) privateers? Bombarding will prioritize naval units in a city, but I could see how, in doing so against a privateer, it would constitute an act of war in-game.

            Sir Ralph - could you clarify what you're seeing with privateers in port?



            • #21
              Yeah, it does seem like the AI will go out of its way to kill allied Privateers. But I just viewed that as one of the risks to using them.

              Crud. Just realized Sir Ralph is probably mass building Privateers in the Naval PBEM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                Crud. Just realized Sir Ralph is probably mass building Privateers in the Naval PBEM.
                That's what you get for being the tech dunce in that game!

                My last game had a lot of Portuguese privateers but I had no ships and wasn't at war with them during that period. But privateers only have defensive bombardment in C3C (and no bombardment at all in PTW) don't they? So they would have to "attack" a city and this isn't possible, the game won't allow it. Frigates can bombard cities and will hit ships first. Is this what Sir Ralph means? If so, it is a serious bug and right up there with the "sorry we just ran over your submarine" one.
                Never give an AI an even break.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by CerberusIV
                  That's what you get for being the tech dunce in that game!
                  It all stems from not realizing we weren't allow to trade techs and then having to research like mad to catch up with everyone later.

                  What happened to Sir Ralph?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                    The bad thing is, due to the well-known bug you can't heal them in a harbor without risking a war, since the AI will mercilessly hunt them and attack them even when they're in a city (and thus, should be invisible).
                    This is a well-known bug in Colonization also (unless that's what you were thinking of). The point was brought up in a discussion once that this could be rationalized as a nation holding the city responsible for harboring known criminals. The only problem being, the palyer can't do the same to the AI without causing war. Maybe Firaxis dug into the old bag of tricks?
                    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                    • #25
                      GhengisFarb wrote: Since GarP2 seems to think my question was childish and ignorant.
                      No, no, GF! No criticism intended. My question was ignorant and I guess not very clear. What I was trying to ask was if anyone had tried using a ship to attack a city with a ship in it. I havent, and didnt know but what it would let ship attack ship but not ship attack land unit.

                      I guess I also took "attack" literally, rather than including bombard, and if it meant 'bombard', then I guess Catt's post explains it. As far as that goes, I didnt know that bombard would preferentially target ships either.


                      spelling edited
                      Last edited by GarP2; February 9, 2004, 14:40.

