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Rise of Rome Victory

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tall Stranger
    I found the key to be remaining nice with both Greece and the Celts while pursuing war with Carthage. You do NOT want to get stuck in a two-front war in this game. Diplomacy is critical here.

    After you take down Carthage, you have so many options that it's hard to lose. You can squash Egypt, turn on the Celts or remove the Greeks from contention. My only complaint in my game was that the Persians played no role whatsoever. Other than keeping the Greeks occupied, they were not even a factor, despite their substantial power.
    I found no evidence (as the Greeks) of their "substantial power", as my offensive was limited only be the time it took my vet hoplite army to heal


    • #17
      Ah, I should have been more specific. I was playing as the Romans, after all, and had no occasion to interfere with their general power rise. In fact, I wanted them to remain a check on the Greeks, so that I could turn my attention to the Greeks once the Carthaginians and Egyptians were taken care of.
      They don't get no stranger.
      Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
      "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush


      • #18
        Oooh, good strategies . What I've been looking for...

        Just a quick question: as Rome, should I use my beginning leader to create a simple Legionary I army of three, or should I wait? Or should I do a hybrid, start with a couple Legionaries, and later add a third Legionary II or III? I figure a strong army is the best way to take down Carthage, eh?


        • #19
          I would use it now. I can't remember how far you are from Legionary II's when you first start, but it's still probably not worth waiting. You should be able to produce at least another 1-2 MGLs in your wars, since you're going to be doing a LOT of fighting.
          They don't get no stranger.
          Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
          "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush


          • #20

            But I don't understand why they gave you settlers. What did you trade for them?
            They don't give settlers, just workers. Trade maps or communications w. Celts (whom you meet on first turn).

            A question: is it worth trading techs - at any point - as the tech "lead" doesn't give much advantage, and by the end everyone left seems to have all trhe techs anyway?
            Diderot was right!
            Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
            Please don't go, the drones need you.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Switch
              Oooh, good strategies . What I've been looking for...

              Just a quick question: as Rome, should I use my beginning leader to create a simple Legionary I army of three, or should I wait? Or should I do a hybrid, start with a couple Legionaries, and later add a third Legionary II or III? I figure a strong army is the best way to take down Carthage, eh?
              You are 1 tech from Leg. II, I believe but it can take awhile even to get there. Why wait?
              Diderot was right!
              Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
              Please don't go, the drones need you.


              • #22
                I also think that trading tech, especially on the first turn of the game isn't a bad idea. The AI usually values it pretty highly and if you are playing well should very quickly establish a tech lead over the computer players.


                • #23
                  Just wanted to note for SirOsis and others that IMO Rise of Rome is both fun and much more difficult to win on a first try than the usual game is.

                  I played it emperor and still have 15 turns left. We have 28% of the land but only 29% of population. It will likely be a loss as you need 50% of the pop at the end. The superman Legions are fun, and I've never seen the AI have anywhere near as many strong mounted units as they do in this scenario.

                  I highly recommend giving it a try. But much of fun is probably in the unknown aspect of the environment. So, take the first try seriously.
                  Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                  • #24
                    Thanks for the info jsheir. I hope to get to this soon.


                    • #25
                      As Rome, you start with a one tech lead over every other major power; maybe more over the minor ones.

                      That particlar tech is worth more to all AIs than what each of them can afford, even Persia. (One of the things I discovered when I tried out one turn from Persia perspective.)

                      Persian AI won't be able to go 100% except at the highest levels due to the combination of having so few worked road tiles and having so many more units over the support limits.
                      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                      Templar Science Minister
                      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tall Stranger
                        My only complaint in my game was that the Persians played no role whatsoever. Other than keeping the Greeks occupied, they were not even a factor, despite their substantial power.
                        In the game I lost they were a serious power. They wiped out Egypt and were by far the strongest civ.


                        • #27
                          Sometimes its easy to forget that your legions can build roads. During peace-time put them to work!

