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Rise of Rome Victory

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  • Rise of Rome Victory

    I'm excited to announce a victory in Rise of Rome as Rome! I played Regent level. Persia was ahead by score, and I won by completing the scenerio objective with only 9 turns remaining, so it was pretty exciting. This is a fun scenerio.

    Lucked out by getting MGL during first few turns, so immediately took Carthage with two armies. Captured Carthaginian cities, then Celts and Goth. Never fought with Macedon or Persia, but had units ready if the win was out of reach. Won despite waiting way, way, too long to build FP.

    Only built Temple of Artemis and Bacchanalia great wonders. I found both of them really useful.

    Just had to tell someone. Wife won't understand.

  • #2
    Re: Rise of Rome Victory

    Originally posted by Slax
    Just had to tell someone. Wife won't understand.
    That's the truth. Mine doesn't care for civ either. But at least she likes video games too so she doesn't mind when I spend a few hours playing.

    Congrats on the win!


    • #3
      Great, maybe I should start to look at playing them after the offical Feb patch.


      • #4
        I like playing it as the Greeks. The army you start out REALLY helps, and the Hoplite is pretty good. It gets pretty good odds against the Immortals. The Persians are pushovers.


        • #5
          I've won as Rome on Monarch and Persia on Emperor. Fun fun scenario.


          • #6
            A few more points:

            The new emphasis on armies is good. I had 4 (5?) armies and one loose leader by the end. I also used one MGL to build the FP.

            Skywalker - The AI Greeks kept trying to colonize distant lands instead of expanding their own region. Persia would have finished them off if they had more turns. Also, The AI Persia would have been smart to keep the Greek cities instead of razing them, especially with landmass and population as objectives. Those were two AI weeknesses in this game.

            By the way, I plan to slowly work my way through all the scenerios in order before doing the Epic game. I don't have to win each one, but complete it. I got the game at Christmas. I wonder how long it will take?


            • #7
              Congrats Slax, this is my favorite scenario out of, all of them.
              "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
              Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


              • #8
                Originally posted by Slax
                Skywalker - The AI Greeks kept trying to colonize distant lands instead of expanding their own region. Persia would have finished them off if they had more turns. Also, The AI Persia would have been smart to keep the Greek cities instead of razing them, especially with landmass and population as objectives. Those were two AI weeknesses in this game.
                Yeah, well the AI is stupid in my game the Romans and the Carthaginians were still fighting over Sicily hundreds of years later


                • #9
                  I played this on Emperor and got my ass handed to me. I foolishly let Carthage build a huge fleet. I do mean huge. At least 50 galleys went up past the Iberian penninsula up to England and Northern Europe where they unloaded Elephants and Cavalry that attacked from the North and tore up my empire that I had taken from the Celts. I eventually pushed them back into the sea but after much difficulty.

                  I also didn't realize Caesar was an army until later and tried to take Sicily. Foolish as Carthage fleets were all over me. Fortunately I returned safely only loosing 1 galley with 2 legions.

                  I ended up wiping out the Goths and Celts but didn't have enough land to win. Next time I think I'll build the Temple of Artemis.


                  • #10
                    I played that one as the Romans a few times before I finally beat it. The key in my opinion was going after Carthage as quickly as possible spending very little time to gear up. Assemble the army as soon as possible, take Sicily then use it as a jumping off point to go straight for the jugular and take out Carthago. At that point it's just a drawn out process to take the remaining Carthaginian cities. It worked so well in fact, that I was able to devote most of my core cities to getting all of the wonders available at the start of the game.


                    • #11
                      yep, I took Sicily real fast. But that still isn't an easy scenario. At least for me. This one and the Napoleon were probably the most challenging for me.

                      The greeks gave me a lot of trouble in this game. And the celts. It was really pissing me off. because numerically, my units were superior in every way. But I was getting my ass handed to me by swordsmen and hoplites. I gave up on those 2 nations.

                      I took Carthage and the Egyptians. Those are the easiest. Although takes a lot of work moving all those units accross the sea and accross the coastline. And I did attack Persia. They weren't too much trouble.


                      • #12
                        I found the key to be remaining nice with both Greece and the Celts while pursuing war with Carthage. You do NOT want to get stuck in a two-front war in this game. Diplomacy is critical here.

                        After you take down Carthage, you have so many options that it's hard to lose. You can squash Egypt, turn on the Celts or remove the Greeks from contention. My only complaint in my game was that the Persians played no role whatsoever. Other than keeping the Greeks occupied, they were not even a factor, despite their substantial power.
                        They don't get no stranger.
                        Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
                        "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush


                        • #13
                          I agree that diplomacy is key. I noticed that if you go to the diplomacy screen during the very first turn you can get a worker from two of the civs (Egypt being one, I forget the other) and set up a number of diplomatic agreements. What worked for me is keeping everyone else at war with Carthage and Persia.

                          Greece will not mess with you if you keep them in a perpetual state of war with Persia, that also has the bonus of keeping Persia from getting too strong.


                          • #14
                            Only two?

                            I got 3 workers in the first turn when I played one turn as the Romans.
                            (Egypt, Persia, and Greece)

                            I was mainly interested in the science tree than actually playing it right then.

                            I'm thinking that I will want to play this one as the Romans; Persians start with too many undeveloped cities for my taste.
                            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                            Templar Science Minister
                            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                            • #15
                              I never try to get workers. I really need to utilize diplomacy more. But I usually don't like exploiting diplomacy.

                              But I don't understand why they gave you settlers. What did you trade for them?

