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Firaxis: It's Not Fair!

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  • Firaxis: It's Not Fair!

    You set it up so that I can no longer attack other civs' cities with my hidden nationality land units. I don't really mind that, but you didn't give the AI the same limitation. That gives it a big advantage over me when using those units, and one that I'm not crazy about. If you're going to limit my options that way, the AI should have to play by the same rules.

  • #2


    • #3
      So the AI can attack you without triggering war, but you trigger war if you attack them?
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #4
        Willem, are you playing a scenario or an epic game?
        "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
        "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


        • #5
          Last edited by ZEE; December 22, 2010, 19:59.
          Order of the Fly
          Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


          • #6
            if you want the AI to build privateers, then up the attack strength to 4 and the open sees will become dangerous - trust me. You won't make the mistake twice of letting your transport vessel go unprotected.
            Just make sure you let the privateer be upgradeable to destroyers (its expensive so don't worry), or else the AI won't stop building them.

            on subject, i think he is talking about edited units where he has attached the hidden nationality flag.

            Funny thing is, sometimes i can attack a city with a hidden nationality unit, but sometimes i can't. And i can't figure out why. Improvements don't seem to do anything 'special' and are not extraordinary.


            • #7
              Sure sounds like it is not a std game.


              • #8
                I haven't experienced anything like that. What are the "hidden nationality land units" you are using?
                No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                • #9
                  Please investigate further on that because the official patch will be closed within days,therefore if the Editor or the game itself have any flaws,we have to spot them out now,before it's too late to fix them




                  • #10
                    IIRC, the Ninjas in the Sengoku Conquest have hidden nationality. This may be what is meant.
                    "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by notyoueither
                      So the AI can attack you without triggering war, but you trigger war if you attack them?
                      No, I don't trigger a war with them, I just can't attack a city. If I try, nothing happens, no combat no nothing. But in my last game, the AI destroyed one of my cities and razed it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wittlich
                        Willem, are you playing a scenario or an epic game?
                        I'm obviously playing a mod since there are no hidden nationality land units in the normal game. There shoud be though, they make things interesting.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TheArsenal
                          IIRC, the Ninjas in the Sengoku Conquest have hidden nationality. This may be what is meant.
                          No these are units I created myself, with the Hidden Nationality flag attached.


                          • #14
                            There are a lot of intriging moddng ideas in this thread.
                            Thanks guys.

                            However, personnally I generally like the idea of allowing the AI a few cheats.

                            Yet, I hope you will not throw the bathtub at me for this.
                            The Graveyard Keeper
                            Of Creation Forum
                            If I can't answer you don't worry
                            I'll send you elsewhere


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Willem

                              No, I don't trigger a war with them, I just can't attack a city. If I try, nothing happens, no combat no nothing. But in my last game, the AI destroyed one of my cities and razed it.
                              When they attacked with the Hidden Nationality unit were there any defenders in the city?

