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Beta Patch 1.13 Released

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jaybe
    DyP is not for C3C, they are doing the C3C mod under the name of Rise and Rule.
    Ooh thanks for this info, Jaybe - I would have doubtless gone crazy looking for DyP for C3C sometime otherwise.

    I guess they must be pretty happy that multiple FPs are now in C3C - must make it easier to implement.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #17
      does it take one turn to re-calculate the corruption in saved-games after you installed this version like with the other one?

      edit: BTW good that they took this back:

      * Adjusted Corruption Calculations Capitals (Palace, FP, SPHQ) have very little corruption
      You saw what you wanted
      You took what you saw
      We know how you did it
      Your method equals wipe out


      • #18
        Originally posted by Fatwreck
        does it take one turn to re-calculate the corruption in saved-games after you installed this version like with the other one?

        edit: BTW good that they took this back:
        HA! That's rather debatable. However it sure means they are listening to criticism and responding. Maybe they are even reading this right now.....

        Cheers again guys! And I had no qualms with corruption in the first release or the Beta.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #19
          Re: Beta Patch 1.13 Released

          Originally posted by Micaelis Rex
          FP & SPHQ now give 50% more cities to your optimal city count (This makes it extremely valuable to the AI)
          Since the FP no longer provides a second core for city rank purposes, this would have been a great idea restore some of the power of our beloved FP, not only for humans (as it was in PTW), but also for the AI.

          However, it's not working. The OCN increase in 1.13 is still just 10%.


          • #20
            Well I can certainly tell you loading a pre-patch game in the new version does not automatically update corruption figures - you need to force a recalculation (which was common sense anyway).

            But as to the effects of corruption as changed from v1.12 I am not yet certain. My only savegames I have from C3C v1.00 and v1.12 that are far enough along to show the effect markedly are ones where the FP is very poorly placed for testing purposes...

            Can someone with a save from v1.00 with well-placed FP and Palace (ie somwhat distant from each other), please show us screenshots of a city and its corruption in each of the three patches please? That would be the best way to make some quick comparisons between the three - excepting the appearance of one of alexman's all-exposing articles on corruption, that is

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #21
              hm, is this the January 10th update that Jesse mentioned some time ago? if it is, i might download it. but i want to read other players's opinions on it before.
              I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


              • #22
                I think I'll wait until there is a final version of a patch from Atari/Firaxis or whoever is the official maker of C3C before I dl any patches. Haven't even tried 1.12beta yet as I prefer a finalized version.
                signature not visible until patch comes out.


                • #23
                  Also, do I have to install the previous beta patches before this one? Seems like some players are having problems trying to install it without the previous beta patches.
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                  • #24
                    OK, I have just done a little test with my not-great-for-testing game. I have loaded a save from the modern era (so lots of trade + waste to see) in each version of the game. Here is what I found. I will post screenies if you like later, but it would take ages to do so right now on my dialup.

                    I looked at the waste/corruption in three cities - Buto, a city between 10 and 15 tiles from the FP and further from the capital, Thebes, a city 20+ tiles from the FP and far from the Palace, and Heraclea, a city about 10 tiles from the Palace, and far from the FP.


                    Version Waste Corruption
                    1.00 20/40 26/76
                    1.12 19/40 25/76
                    1.13 18/40 22/76


                    Version Waste Corruption
                    1.00 21/23 51/55
                    1.12 19/23 51/55
                    1.13 16/23 48/55

                    Version Waste Corruption
                    1.00 6/27 14/63
                    1.12 3/27 9/63
                    1.13 Screenshot went crazy - grrr!

                    It seems that there is an improvement in all three cases, with the best being the new patch.

                    Also, I noted down the values for GNP, Mfg, Productivity and the amount lost to corruption.
                    Version    Mfg Goods    GNP    Prod    Lost to Corruption
                    1.00           588        2776    2549    1075
                    1.12           631        2777    2622    1046
                    1.13           686        2831    2837    940
                    As you can see from the above, despite the improvements in all my test cases, for v1.12 there is almost a perfectly compensating INCREASE in corruption for some other cities, but waste is overall reduced. For v1.13, however, although I saw the corruption and waste in some cities increase when I recalculated from v1.00, overall there is a good decrease of both overall.

                    I'm not sure what you can really glean from my awful example, but it seems to me from my observations that the FP in v1.13 has a wider-ranging effect now - that although the corruption in cities very near the FP may increase, the corruption in distant cities decreases considerably.

                    Apolgoies if the formatting of the above doesn't work - I have not successfully managed to get the code thing to work yet.
                    Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; January 7, 2004, 10:26.

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #25
                      CookieMonster - IIRC, the official, final patch isn't due for a few months.
                      Alex - from the post at CDGroup, this is an add-on patch to 1.12, so yes, you need to patch from 1.00 to 1.12 to 1.13 according to the post.

                      "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                      • #26
                        Re: Re: Beta Patch 1.13 Released

                        Originally posted by alexman

                        Since the FP no longer provides a second core for city rank purposes, this would have been a great idea restore some of the power of our beloved FP, not only for humans (as it was in PTW), but also for the AI.

                        However, it's not working. The OCN increase in 1.13 is still just 10%.

                        It's great that they are letting us see the unfinished article, but I'd like to see a statement of direction from Firaxis on this...........the FP implementation seems to lurch around somewhat haphazardly.

                        I got the impression from previous posts that they wanted the FP to provide a second core for rank purposes, and that the 1.12 style FP was temporary. The 1.13 is a supercharged 1.12, and not very supercharged if it is indeed only a 10% increase in the OCN. Alexman is usually right, so I'm concerned.

                        I don't really have too much against a weaker FP, but is this the way Firaxis wants it? Is it going to stay in this vein with perhaps small tweaks? Or are they going to revert to it providing a second core for rank calculation purposes?

                        Please respond if possible Jesse.


                        • #27
                          why didn't anyone from firaxis release this? seems weird..


                          • #28
                            Re: Re: Beta Patch 1.13 Released

                            Originally posted by Dominae

                            This is weird. Of course it succeeds in reducing Corruption, but it helps the human a lot more than the AI, since human players on average build a lot more cities. I'm trying to figure out why this was thrown in...

                            Well any boost to the FP will probably help the humans more than the AI..........this one is probably the best bet in relative terms since it doesn't matter where you put the FP.


                            • #29
                              The thinking is that by increasing the ocn, the AI will be helped.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ducki

                                Alex - from the post at CDGroup, this is an add-on patch to 1.12, so yes, you need to patch from 1.00 to 1.12 to 1.13 according to the post.
                                Thanks for the info, ducki.
                                I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

