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MOD: 7 Ages Of Man - (c)Admiral PJ

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  • MOD: 7 Ages Of Man - (c)Admiral PJ

    NOTE: NEW VERSION AVAILABLE from MARCH 2004, see latest post.

    *forum topic in construction*
    ( this text Manual or helpfile is incomplete or of basic note quality,
    there will be a fully readable manual coming! )
    SCENARIO POSTED IN FULL SOON FOR FINAL TESTING(its only a month away from Final Completion)

    Welcome! This is the best civ mod ever.. probably. Perhaps nearly the most ambitious even.
    The basic Epic game from 4000bc to 2500ad has been changed and greatly expanded.
    All gameplay options have been altered, and the full power of the PTW and Conquest expansion games have been made use of.


    AGES: There are about 10 ages now, more if the game can handle them. This isn't strictly true.. as the ages are currently new Tech Advances such as Iron Age or Information Age , but they are still required before later techs can be researched. This feature may be expanded but the Game Engine has limited my attempts to do so

    UNITS: roughly 100 more separate units (TBC) - I've given up counting as i've built them. Many advanced units move a lot faster to cater for the larger map requirements (Bayonet infantry can attack-move for greater tactical power), and they can bombard if they have projectile small-arms.
    Frigates and Battleship class vessels can now load naval helicopters and seamarines, cruisemissiles , but nothing landbased. This gives them a realistic boarding ability.. to board and maybe capture enemy ships(thanks to Civ-Conquests)

    Some more Advances currently available include Naturalism ( NEEDED for ERA progression : nothing to do with sandy beaches, but about the study of nature and creatures which began in pre-industrial ages) , and Tactics ( NEEDED to create Commando special forces Units, A8D6M1 ALLTERRAINROAD Bombard 14 +3 HPdefence Stealth attack to all but Special Forces classes. A Late Industrial Age advance giving combined weapon and strategic warfare.

    (there are different downloadable version of this mod, some with randomised maps some with earth maps.. described here are Earth based maps: )

    used Tetturkens test of time map, basic landscape only.

    CHANGES:OIL can appear on forest and hills now, still on desert and tundra.
    To do - allow oil in oceans.
    Notes: Oil is available in large amounts in temperate areas,
    or any area where in the earths past organic plant material was deposited from jungles and
    forests and the carbon formed oil through complex geological chemical processes.

    OXEN: none in central africa, sleeping sickness tetse fly make oxen unproductive and therefore

    improved easternern tip of siberia asia.
    Finished most of spain.
    Enlarged some islands, made Easter ISland with ancient ruins.

    superciv cleanstart:
    Epic game Earth version of my MOD.

    this just has road in the babylon mesopotamia area, signifying advanced technologies there,
    road also extends around to Persia where famous early industrious roads were utilised.

    1000ad Scenario,
    Norman ENGLAND, (including Neutrals Saxon british)
    MISSION 1: have england as neutral country, at 1066 at Hastings, Normans invade andconquer England.
    They also conquer parts of sardinia etc.
    Normans are really the English, the game assumes the English Normans take over England, taking
    their special englands resource squares (a good incentive).
    SUB PLOTS: Danish VIKINGs have landed in north England, the Saxon NEUTRALs should destroy them easily.
    This will weaken the Saxons armies, as

    Give neutrals one special resource in england.. maybe at Wessex, or london.

    Colchester is important barrack strategic town. Has a lot of culture since the Roman Empire,
    when it was the Rome-English Colonia Capital.

    Spain: At a critical point in their history, the African Moor Peoples are increasingly encroaching
    into europe, taking over the spanish subcontinent. The Spanish are at the start of a critical campaign
    to crush the Moors in Spain, and later go onto make a large Southern American Colonial Empire, leading
    to their Great Golden era of expansion, where they remorslessly crush the Aztec, Mayan and Incan ancient

    Later Game.. Extended Scenario.
    American Colonial Conflict.
    Spain and later the other european naval colonial powers fight over land and commercial exploitation
    of the americas, the New World.
    Starting at the Carribean where a crucial strategic sea base has to be created, the spanish colonise south and west,
    also colonising florida and california.
    In the north the English slowly but succesfully colonise North east Americas coast. soon the colonial
    ambitions conflict with the Native American Indians (thought to have been Asian Indians by Columbus and co, so named
    Red Indians). Some Natives ally with certain powers.
    The French also make a major colony in Quebec, modern day central Canada.

    American Revolution spells the End of this scenario.

    may be better if just use a map with eastern half of americas, to india.
    Could just remove west atlantic and america.
    Last edited by Admiral PJ; March 21, 2004, 18:17.

  • #2

    Log 12-12-2003

    Ship of the Line : Can now ENSLAVE, it can Enslave all
    sea units currently, and creates an ENGLISH EXPORT MAN OF WAR unit (see Manual on EXPORT PATENTS, basically a Man of war ship that dosen't trigger Golden age and needs the Man of War special resource to build) .. (Needs testing.)

    SHIP OF THE LINE (naval power) COST 100 , Needs IRON,SALTPETRE,OAK WOOD.
    Function: Battleship Class- A powerful naval flagship, good bombardment and attack as well as for enslavement and marine boarding transport , bad at long distance or through shallow coastal waters, and expensive but for the richest Power. Can't fight off large numbers of ships.
    - A5 D4 M3 - B4 R2 F1 - (bombard, range, fire rate)
    Marine Transport:3 unit berths.
    SPECIALS: Lethal land & sea bomb. Creates Craters!
    UPGRADE: Cruiser.
    Notes: Useful based in cities or coastlines to spring an ambush , coast takes 2 movepoints through those tiles, so this ship needs frigate support ships or longboats to scout out enemies.

    Added Laborer citizen types of : Philosopher , Banker, Shopkeeper.

    ----- -----


    • #3
      That is ambitious.


      • #4
        Scenario only File upload

        ATTACHED FILE Version 0.995 - Civ3 CONQUESTS version. Level K. (Level is similar to version, gives an idea of the features included)

        The Total MOD is about 55MB in size (compressed) , can anyone help me store this anywhere, I may make it available from my server.
        This is the current version of the Mod BIQ file , you will need the BASIC 7 ages of man zip in the next forum.

        I will get a final download and program soon.

        Mantra Evolution Game Beta Version 1

        Quick Manual - This manual gives you a quick reference to things that may not be
        mentioned in the mantra civolopedia.


        MarketPlace - Normal Double Luxury output distribution + Reduces corruption ,
        Needs Oxen, and 1 Currency mint in the polis.Req. Mediaval Warfare. Allows
        Bank. Gives +25% production.


        Castle - NEEDS Feudalism, RES: IRON & GRAVEL.  Acts as a Barracks.
        Reduces Corruption. Culture of +1,  MAINT : 2  COST : 140


        Key - Polis : Civ city (it can be a town/village work camp etc)


        Royal Cavalry - Only available to GERMANY, JAPAN, PERSIA, IROQUOIS , ENGLAND,
        SPAIN and ARABIA. a 8 d 3 m 3 HP +2 has ZOC needs Horses and Lead, NEEDS

        ( Chieftan and Warlord get the bonus whereby millitary units make 2 people happy
        rather than 1 , when used as millitary police ) - unconfirmed

        SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS (More will be uploaded there shortly ) :
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Admiral PJ; December 12, 2003, 19:21.


        • #5
          Current MOD Statistics:
          Exactly 100 Units
          Roughly 109 General Resource types ( mostly patent resources needed to build special or generic units , and exportable as Strategic resources)

          (following is html webfile of Unit breakdown)

          These Units are currently available, about 4 are not working and may be removed or non buildable scenario unit objects ( such as suspension bridges )


          Editor Unit list:   LogDate : 12-12-2003

          Settler [Not modified]


          .. Standard Civ3&nbspits modified units are Mentioned here


          Mortar Troops

          Hvy Machine Gun [Heavy Machine Gun]

          Mech Digger [ Mechanical Digger ]

          Native Archer Raiders (Only built by Barbarians)



          Suspension Bridge



          Siege Engine


          Royal Marines


          Marine Sailors


          Apache Longbow

          Combat Helicopter

          Anti-Air Flak

          Trident Nuke Sub [Trident Nuclear Submarine]

          Radio Torpedo

          Civil Engineer




          Nuke Bomber Aircraft


          Anti Sub Sonar

          Zeppelin Airship

          Nuclear Carrier

          Supply Cart

          Ship Of The Line



          Rebel Partisans



          Bayonet Infantry

          Guerrilla [PTW]


          APC Transport

          Hercules Aircraft

          Short Swords


          Shaman Witch [Shaman Witch Doctor]

          Legendary Hero

          Royal Cavalry

          Invasion Tank


          Churchill [Churchill Medium Tank]

          Chemical Weapons Forces [Flamethrower Bio/Chemical Warfare]


          Anti-Tank Bazooka

          Tiger Tank

          Light Tank


          P-51 Mustang [ Mustang Naval Fighter Bomber]


          Mediavel Infantry

          Berserk [Viking Berserker] S.U.

          Conquistador S.U.


          Ansar Warrior

          Gallic Swordsman


          Hwacha [Hwacha FireRocket Cannon]

          Libyan Mercenary

          Corvette [Corvette Escort Ship]





          *KINGS LIST*




          B-52 Bomber

          Battle StarCruiser

          Kings Longbows

          Spitfire Squadron [ Spitfire Fighter Squadron ]

          1950's Jet Interceptor

          Zero Fighter Bomber

          Soviet Infantry


          English Export E.U.

          Japanese Export E.U.

          Spain Export E.U.


          Naval Sea King Chopper

          Scout Buggy

          Horse Scout


          Aztec E.U.

          Babylonian E.U.

          Mongol E.U.

          Arab E.U.

          Celt E.U.

          Turk E.U.

          Korean E.U.

          Carthage E.U.

          Zulu E.U.

          Roman E.U.

          Egypt E.U.

          Iroquois E.U.

          French E.U.

          Russian E.U.

          Apache Longbow G.E.U

          Kings Longbows G.E.U

          Soviet Infantry G.E.U

          Messersmicht G.E.U

          Churchill G.E.U


          Trireme Warship







          • #6
            The very smallest most basic Data File I could make uploaded here.
            It will need to be unzipped into a directory MantraEvolve in your PTW scenario directory, or Mod makers can get it to work for now, till i've sorted a proper upload file area out.

            Currently The full MOD files take about 55Megabytes.

            I'm needing unit designers and artists , anyone who can do sound or scenario design.
            Theres about 30 units needing graphics for.

            BETA TESTERS email or Message me , i've tested most of it but not all.

            The Conquests game is being added into my MOD slowly, need to add the New Civs next.

            Oh.. that says 500k not 5000k , well my file was 3MB, so i'll reduce it down to the basic files shorly. WATCH THIS SPACE.

            Admiral PJ
            is my public email,
   for bigger emails (full of spam so warn me if you email that address)

            Attached Files


            • #7
              This is the PTW format BIX file.
              You only need PTW to use this, there is also an old civ3 basic version.
              You'll still need the full 50mb download to play it, but you can view how i'm doing so far.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                damn, no Conquest mode
                Kermit the frog


                • #9
                  There is a Conquests version, and I may make some Scenarios or conquests, or others can make these based on my new Epic game.


                  • #10
                    Describe your mod plz ...

                    Normal period of game : 4000 BC - 2050 AD
                    Your mod ? : ? BC - ? AD
                    L'Arabe Dément
                    l'Arabe Fou

                    H.P. LOVECRAFT


                    • #11
                      4000bc - 2150ad
                      (100 extra years.. 50 turns of 2 years each)
                      (I'll fix the previous posts error once i double check this info)

                      Thats the current Epic game period for my 7 ages Mod.

                      The conquests version is ready, but for a couple of small things.
                      To make it less than 50mb I may have to redo the units, as some are copies of others.

                      I've made the Earth map work with the Landmark Extended Terrains from Conquests.. there are for example Rolling Hills and Foot Hills(Normal large hills, rolling ones give 2 food, and less production). Hills are irrigation friendly, which is good for these bumpy hilly maps, it just means you have to think where you place your mines.

                      Admiral PJ - Creator of 7 Ages of Man


                      • #12
                        50 MO ???

                        It's not a problem for me , i have 512 DSL
                        L'Arabe Dément
                        l'Arabe Fou

                        H.P. LOVECRAFT


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Abdul Alhazred
                          50 MO ???

                          It's not a problem for me , i have 512 DSL
                          Well my 10mbit will probably be enough too.


                          • #14
                            Post your .PCX files!

                            It would be much appreciated if you would post your units.pcx and your resources.pcx files for use with your mod.



                            • #15
                              I've nearly finished the Conquests version, but theres a PTW version too.. i'm not sure if I can include the PTW extra ww2 gfx or not, presumably I can.

                              I can send u some screenshots, but theres not a lot of new gfx for units yet, the PTW units seem adeqaute for now.

                              Its ready for release just about, I was busy doing my Taxes and playing MOO3.

