Hi everybody,
I'm glad you like it. I did not want to make it difficult, just fun. After my latest exploit, I needed a break.
Unfortunately, the AI is really bad on archipelago. I had planned a 'twist' with the resources, but the AI is just too stupid. It's not even able to research Alphabet on an archipelago map.
Ah well, hope you have fun, I'm almost finished (domination, of course), but won't post anything yet.
Oh, I went directly from Despotism to Feudalism and stayed there. Somebody had to pay for those 200+ units...
Warmongering? had the Viking become converted, they would have been as meek as lambs. Unfortunately, they still worship Odin, Thor & Co.
I'm glad you like it. I did not want to make it difficult, just fun. After my latest exploit, I needed a break.
Unfortunately, the AI is really bad on archipelago. I had planned a 'twist' with the resources, but the AI is just too stupid. It's not even able to research Alphabet on an archipelago map.
Ah well, hope you have fun, I'm almost finished (domination, of course), but won't post anything yet.
Oh, I went directly from Despotism to Feudalism and stayed there. Somebody had to pay for those 200+ units...
Warmongering? had the Viking become converted, they would have been as meek as lambs. Unfortunately, they still worship Odin, Thor & Co.