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unit creation in c3c

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  • unit creation in c3c

    hello every one i am new to apolyton but not new to civ...i have been working on a scenario for my friend and i to play on lan... the 2 nations with have multiple unique units... my problem is i have created unique units with the modern infiantry and other origonal civ3 units and now i am trying to create unique units with the new c3c expansion... i get the error with the pediaicon.txt animname/ error... i have even tryied editing this.... if any of you more experienced with the editor than i *though i have a pretty good bit* plz plz plz help me with this . i would LOVE a step by step process to do this. i know i have to creat new folders with the .flc files and stuff but anywho plz plz plz help me with this all help will be greatly apreciated

  • #2
    plz.....anyone?..... plz......?


    • #3
      Are you editing pediaicons.txt as well as civilopedia.txt? -- If not, scroll all the way down in pediaicons.txt and you'll see that the format is pretty straightforward.

      -- If this isn't you're problem, please repost and be a bit more specific.


      ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


      • #4
        well i have done that just not the civlopedia txt.... but it says its an error in pediaicons.txt .... ill make a screen shot of it soon so you will be able to see....
        im going to give it one last try. i was just hoping someone would do a step by step thing like that person with the ptw version of the game or would it be the same?


        • #5
          When it tells you of the error, it should list the exact file or entry that is missing.

