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31 civ scenario

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  • 31 civ scenario

    Hi. I just created a 31-civ scenario. I increased the map size to 256x256 so that 31 civs could be used. Could a smaller map be used?

    Does anyone see problems using a map this large? When the civs get larger will the game slow down to the point where it's not worth playing anymore? Or will it crash perhaps?

    Would you make any type of rules adjustments to balance play with 31-civs?

    Finallly, has anyone modified the basic Epic game so that the "Huge" map size can accomodate 31-civs? I may try to do that since it would be cool to have a 31-civ game where I can quickly generate random maps without getting the editor involved. I think I'll just increase the size of all of the game's map and do away with the "Tiny" setting. I can't imagine enjoying a game with a tiny map.


  • #2
    The game will slow down as you get contacts and have harbors and airports. The more water and islands the harsher the turn times are likely to become. Each time a city is created or lost, the game wil have to calculate all trade routes to see if any trades are invalidated.


    • #3
      Re: 31 civ scenario

      Originally posted by bfg9000
      When the civs get larger will the game slow down to the point where it's not worth playing anymore
      Most certainly. Even with a powerful computer, you'll be looking at extremely long wait times between turns. I play a 259 x 256 map with only 8 civs and I'm still sitting around quite a bit towards the end of the game waiting for my turn to come up. Ijust couldn't imagine what it would be like with 31. Unbearable probably!


      • #4
        I've been playing an Earth map sized 256*256 with a max support for 24 civs I think (civ3 ptw). After a while it'll take quite a long time (industrial/modern age). Depending on wars and stuff, mabye 10-20 minutes pr. turn. Have to computers with civ being played; one with AMD XP 2500+ and the other with Intel P4 2,66 Ghz. The P4 is a bit faster, but not too much (still working on if civ3 is dependent on Mhz or actual performance)

        Just creating a city when the total number closes to the max of 512 takes maybe 3-5 minutes...


        • #5
          Re: 31 civ scenario

          Originally posted by bfg9000
          Hi. I just created a 31-civ scenario. I increased the map size to 256x256 so that 31 civs could be used. Could a smaller map be used?
          I set up a 31-civ scenario on a 180x180 map, and it worked using large continents and a reduced start distance of 18. The turn time started hitting about 2-3 minutes in the late Industrial Age, which is beyond my patience level given the limited playing time I have.

          For the record: AMD 2400+, 512mb DDR 2700 RAM.
          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


          • #6
            The wait while you see teh settler animation can be several minutes late in that type of game. In a 250x250 PTW with lots of water and 24 civs.
            Mem does not seem to impact it much as it never got above about 350MB in use on either a PIV-1.7GH or 3.06GH.
            The turns where roughly twices as long on the 1.7 as the 3.02.


            • #7
              Regarding speed

              I'll think I'll check with Atari regarding the speed and what Civ3 is dependent on. I must admit my computer upgrades are affected by Civ3...


              • #8
                Put 31 civs in a standard world. You'll be lucky if you get three cities built, but if you adjust the tech time properly, you'll get good results... and no long waiting times. Every one city you conquer in this scenerio means a great deal!


                • #9
                  I am trying to make a scenario with 31 civs. I changed the map size to 256 by 256 but it still wouldn't let me change the number of players in the Civ3Edit. How do I go about making a 31 civ scenario using **** Jenson's world map?

                  What exactly do I have to do? Please let me know because I tried ioncreasing the world size in the editor and it will go to 256. However, the editor doesn't allow for more than 16 civs. Please help.


                  Edit: I have version 1.5 of the editor. Where do I get a higher version?


                  • #10
                    The 1.5 is the final version for CivIII and does not have 31 civs.

                    Get C3C, it comes with 1.01 version for C3C and can handle 31 civs and actually has 31 civs in the game. The World Size is where you set it.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I got Civ 3 Conquests. I can get 31 civs if I make a new game and use one of the random maps they give you. But, I was hoping to use a certain map file I have that has a HUGE map of Earth. So, how would I make the scenario mode make 31 civs from the editor and use 31 civs just on that map itself?


                      • #12
                        Question -- if you turn off all animations, does this help minimize slow-down time later in the game with more than 16 civilizations on a huge map??
                        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                        • #13
                          Animations are occuring on your turn, they freeze when computing AI turns. So no, no impact.

                          If the game was designed to calculate the AI's moves in the background while it is your turn, since we scroll around so much generally looking at the map, then might we save some overall turn time?

                          So far, the best way I have figured to save turn time is turn off all victory conditions except conquest. This seems to save a lot of calculations each turn.

                          Cferra, if I understand your question correctly, try this, open Conquest Editor, load the earth map in question and access the Scenario Tab, there you may set how many civs etc. Save with new name and load from Civ-Content.
                          The Graveyard Keeper
                          Of Creation Forum
                          If I can't answer you don't worry
                          I'll send you elsewhere


                          • #14
                            ok -- thanks, Antrine
                            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cferra
                              Yeah, I got Civ 3 Conquests. I can get 31 civs if I make a new game and use one of the random maps they give you. But, I was hoping to use a certain map file I have that has a HUGE map of Earth. So, how would I make the scenario mode make 31 civs from the editor and use 31 civs just on that map itself?
                              I guess you could use the set start location to add enough to get to 31.

