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C3C deletes PTW extras?

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  • C3C deletes PTW extras?

    This was originally posted on Civfanatics, but it's disturbing enough that the word should be spread here.

    Despite claims that C3C included PTW, it doesn't really include everything in PTW. Namely, the user-made files that came with PTW and the special units made by Firaxis (i.e. WWII units) are not in C3C.

    This isn't so bad, I suppose, except that there is one really big problem for PTW users like me--not only does C3C not come with those extras, if you install it over an existing PTW, it will actually delete them. That's right--it will erase the special units and mods from your hard drive.

    I'm hoping this is not true, but the posts at Civfanatics are pretty unambiguous:

    Hello, It was reported that not all PTW extras are included in C3C. We were told that C3C will contain PTW, but now it seems that it wasn't 100% true and C3C owner will not be able to play PTW mod that uses PTW extras (*many* of them do). That is really bad, since no one will buy PTW now, as it...

    As was mentioned in the forums, PTW was to be ïncluded in Conquest, at least all the changes it brought to the original CIV3. After installing conquest and looking around, I found something is missing, which I wanted to use for a WW2 scenario: The Extra WW2 units are gone... only a few ones have...

    Now, someone has said it didn't delete their files, so I'm wondering what's up.

    Firaxis: If true, this simply isn't acceptable. I shouldn't have to worry about an XP deleting those files from my HD. This would render my current PTW games inoperable, since I heavily use the special units and modded terrain sets. I'm hoping this was merely an oversight and an update will fix it.

    If it's not the case, well then... never mind!
    Tutto nel mondo è burla

  • #2
    Ack that would be very annoying. I'm hoping Conquests arrives later so I'm going to have to investigate this.


    • #3
      I'm not into the whole mod thing, so it doesn't affect me.

      As long as the AI is good, PTW can blow up and I'll be fine.
      AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
      Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
      Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


      • #4
        BreakAway games developed the Installshield scripts for Conquests.

        We do not DELETE any PTW files from your disk.

        However, unless you have the GOLD version of Civ 3, which is guaranteed to have Civ3 and PTW patched to the latest patch, we DO go ahead and reinstall PTW on your machine.

        So if you had any mods that CHANGED ORIGINAL PTW FILES, those mods will be overwritten by the original files. The extra content (the user-made files that came with PTW and the special units made by Firaxis) will not be touched however.

        You can see why we have to do it this way. Conquests depends on graphics and text files from both Civ3 and Play The World; we want to make sure you will have a working Conquests game after the install is complete.
        BreakAway Games
        Producer, Civ 3: Conquests


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gobi Bear
          BreakAway games developed the Installshield scripts for Conquests.

          We do not DELETE any PTW files from your disk.

          However, unless you have the GOLD version of Civ 3, which is guaranteed to have Civ3 and PTW patched to the latest patch, we DO go ahead and reinstall PTW on your machine.

          So if you had any mods that CHANGED ORIGINAL PTW FILES, those mods will be overwritten by the original files. The extra content (the user-made files that came with PTW and the special units made by Firaxis) will not be touched however.

          You can see why we have to do it this way. Conquests depends on graphics and text files from both Civ3 and Play The World; we want to make sure you will have a working Conquests game after the install is complete.
          Thanks that is definately good to know. So I need to go check if the watercolor and snoopy terrain mods are still present but it sounds like they should be. I have the original (Infogrames) PTW patched to the latest.
          signature not visible until patch comes out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gobi Bear
            BreakAway games developed the Installshield scripts for Conquests.

            We do not DELETE any PTW files from your disk.

            However, unless you have the GOLD version of Civ 3, which is guaranteed to have Civ3 and PTW patched to the latest patch, we DO go ahead and reinstall PTW on your machine.

            So if you had any mods that CHANGED ORIGINAL PTW FILES, those mods will be overwritten by the original files. The extra content (the user-made files that came with PTW and the special units made by Firaxis) will not be touched however.

            You can see why we have to do it this way. Conquests depends on graphics and text files from both Civ3 and Play The World; we want to make sure you will have a working Conquests game after the install is complete.
            Thanks for the response. Any ideas on why the one poster found his special units had been deleted? Perhaps he's mistaken, but he made it sound like the special units that had originally come with PTW had been zilched.
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #7
              If they are overwritten when installing C3C, that would leave the same effect as far as he is concerned.
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                Originally posted by alva
                If they are overwritten when installing C3C, that would leave the same effect as far as he is concerned.
                But we were just told C3C doesn't overwrite those units.
                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • #9
                  Hello, I'm the one who started the discussion at CIVFANATICS, here is a short view of what happened on my PCSS:
                  Meaning I installed COnquest on my PC and on my girlfriend's laptop, one installation was over the PTW 1.27, the other was from 0 installing first CIV3, then Conquest:

                  The installation on the PTW 1.27 DID NOT delete the extra units or terrain, PTW is still complete
                  The installation on the Laptop, meaning completely new install, DID NOT Install these files

                  CONCLUSION: Someone installing only CIV3 and COnquest will NOT have theses Extra units/graphics, in order to have them you have to buy PTW and install it before you install Conquest (Maybe also the patch 1.27 to be sure)

                  In hope this helps clarify it


                  • #10
                    Check the posts from kring on the Civfanatics pages, he's the one who claims C3C gutted his old PTW files.
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #11
                      I've read them, and I can see from experience that it didn't happen on my PC,... the only difference they might be is the patch version....
                      I also posted a link to this thread for him


                      • #12
                        So if you had any mods that CHANGED ORIGINAL PTW FILES, those mods will be overwritten by the original files.

                        If you have mods in the original folders, they will be gone, that's how I read it Boris.
                        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by alva
                          So if you had any mods that CHANGED ORIGINAL PTW FILES, those mods will be overwritten by the original files.

                          If you have mods in the original folders, they will be gone, that's how I read it Boris.
                          Read kring's posts in the first thread I linked:

                          So far, the extras folder still has the sub folders for: European Terrain, Winter Terrain, WWII, and Prehistoric, but they are all now empty, except for any subfolders (but the subfolders only have subfolders or are empty themselves) they held.

                          I don't have my other computer on currently so I can't compare the missing and non missing files. I will check out the differences later to see what I need to add back in.

                          There are a few empty folders (10, including Snoopy and Warpstorm's terrain) and subfolders in the PtW/Scenarios folder.
                          He's saying C3C went and erased the Firaxis-made units and user-created ones that came with PTW when he installed it.
                          Tutto nel mondo è burla


                          • #14
                            This is getting frustrating. I'm gonna have to check my rig and see what happened after C3C install.
                            signature not visible until patch comes out.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gobi Bear
                              BreakAway games developed the Installshield scripts for Conquests.

                              We do not DELETE any PTW files from your disk.

                              However, unless you have the GOLD version of Civ 3, which is guaranteed to have Civ3 and PTW patched to the latest patch, we DO go ahead and reinstall PTW on your machine.

                              So if you had any mods that CHANGED ORIGINAL PTW FILES, those mods will be overwritten by the original files. The extra content (the user-made files that came with PTW and the special units made by Firaxis) will not be touched however.

                              You can see why we have to do it this way. Conquests depends on graphics and text files from both Civ3 and Play The World; we want to make sure you will have a working Conquests game after the install is complete.
                              Gobi, whether it is intentional or not, C3C DOES delete PtW files. I have checked on two computers. Both had PtW installed before installing C3C. After installing C3C, the loss of files occurs. Neither computer had any modified PtW files. In fact, on one computer, I did a complete reinstall and every patch update (in order) of PtW before I installed C3C. I am not the only one that has experienced this effect.

                              On the one computer, I saved copies of the PtW folder from each patch. In comparing the current (post C3C) PtW folder, I have 285 MB vs the 1.27f PtW folder which has 485 MB used. The 1.27f folder was made immediately after patching to 1.27f and has no saved games or any other additional files in it.

                              I don't know why some people lost the PtW files and some people didn't.

                              FWIW, I completely uninstalled (including the C3C beta patches) the Beta version of C3C on both machines before installing C3C. On one I did a clean reinstall of PtW including the PtW patches.

                              I made no changes or deletions to PtW files on either computer.
                              Last edited by kring; November 11, 2003, 12:54.

