you cant do it when the boat has 0 moves left.
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Conquests Bug Thread
WHen you've made your own map, there is no way of playing that map in multiplayer in anything but Regent difficulty.
I have made a cool map for 8 players (2 human, 6 AI). I set the 'default AI difficulty' to emperor, and then went to play the game.
By about 1000AD, i noticed that the AI were really pathetic... later, when we loaded the game we noticed that that load screen you get just after loading, said the difficulty was set to Regent. Hmmm...
In the set up screen when starting a MP game, the difficulty is set to custom, as i loaded a map/scenario.
WE're very pissed off now, as we've spent the last 3 days playing only to find out the AI civs are PATHETIC.
A small bug, but nonetheless one.
Upon conquering the capital of Persia, the new capital becomes visible (just the city tile) in the black unexplored area of this game.
Posted here is the save. Upon loading it, all you need to do is attack the city (Gordion?) with the Swordsman selected and say yes to capture the city when it wins the battle. The new Persian capital becomes visible as per the screenshot.Attached Files
MrWhereItsAt, do you have an embassy with persia?
if so: doesn't one anyway always know the location of the capital? (needed for the basic espionage missions (steal tech, investigate city))- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
Originally posted by snoochems
I have made a cool map for 8 players (2 human, 6 AI). I set the 'default AI difficulty' to emperor, and then went to play the game.
But with respect to the above "default AI difficulty" level issue, you actually hurt the AI by adjusting it from its default of Regent. The player's difficulty level is set in the scenario or at the beginning of the game from the preferences screen (if its not buggy). The "default AI difficulty" option in the editor sets the difficulty level for the AI civs, regardless of the player's chosen difficulty level. By setting the default AI difficulty level to emperor, all of the AI civs play with certain difficulty modifiers -- they only have one citizen born content instead of two, they have a decreased combat bonus against barbarians, they get less lucrative goodies from goodie huts, they suffer greater corruption, etc. (may be more - can't recall). Setting default AI difficulty to Deity makes an easier game for the human; setting it to Chieftan makes a harder game for the human.
Originally posted by snoochems
From the help menu...
"Default Difficulty Level
Determines which difficulty level (Chieftain, Warlord, Regent, Monarch, Emperor, or Deity) the game defaults to. Default is Regent."
This does not indicate that this is in regards to the AI. The effects were confirmed some time ago through testing and later conifrmed by the AI programmer (Soren Johnson) in a thread in the strategy forum found here -- it's a long thread, but Soren's post comes about a dozen posts into the thread.
All this is a bit of a side issue - don;t know how to help you with the "stuck playing at Regent" issue.
Originally posted by sabrewolf
MrWhereItsAt, do you have an embassy with persia?
if so: doesn't one anyway always know the location of the capital? (needed for the basic espionage missions (steal tech, investigate city))
Two bugs in Conquest scenarios.
Middle Ages - a barb camp appeared on the very top row of tiles in northern Sweden. My units would not move onto tiles that near the edge of the map and I could only get rid of the camp by building a town nearby. Only a problem when playing Sweden/Norway perhaps but still somewhat irritating.
Mesoamerica - rather more seriously irritating. I just completed a relatively peaceful game on monarch level and "won" by scoring >7000 culture for my civ with about 5 turns to go. The game didn't recognise this and played through to the mandatory retirement where it awarded my victory on points, not culture!
Edit: My Mesoamerica problem isn't a bug, I just didn't have quite 2x the culture of the next civ.
Edit 2: The Middle Ages one is presumably because tundra is impassable as there is a whole chunk of the NE corner of the map that doesn't get explored. So, again, not a bug.
The AI going straight to war when it blunders into one of your assassins in this scenario is a bug though.Last edited by CerberusIV; December 8, 2003, 10:38.Never give an AI an even break.
Odd, obscure bug:
I set up a test scenario for a multiplayer democracy game. In order to get things just right, since PBEM worker jobs are handled a bit differently than SP worker jobs, I fired up the scenario as a PBEM, setting up 2 human players. I figured that I could just "continue game" instead of "save and quit" in order to do my testing (and just skip turn for the 2nd civ).
Wrong. Trying to do that screws things up. To be more precise, worker job times are halved. I ordered a forest chop (4 turns). The next turn, it told me there were 2 turns left. Next turn, it was done and the worker could move. Doh!
So, in order to accurately test worker jobs/build sequences I must not only test in PBEM format, but also:
play turn
skip turn for the other civ
and so on and so forth.
As bugs go, this one probably ranks quite low on the priority list, I know. But it's weird, and proved to be quite an annoyance last night, so I figured I'd bring it up.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.