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Conquests Bug Thread

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  • Originally posted by Gibsie

    That's the whole thing, I want to use them when I'm not at war with someone, as you would with a privateer unit! And indeed, I can attack friendly units outside cities with them, but not units inside a city- and nor can the AI seemingly- there's about 15 barbarian Ronin units parked outside one of their cities doing nothing.

    I was told by a friend that in her version they can indeed attack cities, so it might just be my version for some reason. Still, it beats the exclusive bug I had with Vanilla Civ whereby colony graphics would appear all over the map (Even in the ocean)!
    No, they've changed the way Hidden Nationality units work so that you can no longer attack cities with them unless you are at war. I just discovered that myself in my current game when I went to remove a French city that was built behind my lines.


    • In the Japanese Conquest Scenario, I find that I can not upgrade my King from Dom-2 to Dom-4 after my King advances to Grandmaster (killing barbarians for profit) and then attacking one of my compeditors Generates a Military Leader by Combat with a non-barbarian.

      Replaying that game from an earlier save, I find that the Grandmaster King will update as long as he never generated a Military Leader - like normal upgrades when upgrading his quality drops from Grandmaster to Veteran. This is I assume normal.


      • Originally posted by Willem

        No, they've changed the way Hidden Nationality units work so that you can no longer attack cities with them unless you are at war. I just discovered that myself in my current game when I went to remove a French city that was built behind my lines.
        Incidentally, I think it would be great if they would add pop-up text simlilar to when you try to attack with a worker or catapult ("non-combat units cannot capture cities") could say something like "hidden nationality units cannot capture cities unless at war". I think this would help reduce confusion and frustration.


        • Rise of Rome Bug

          I apologize if this has already been reported; I couldn't face reading through the entire thread.

          I'm not certain exactly what sequence of clicks you have to do to repeat this behavior, but you'll get the idea. This isn't a serious bug, but a little oddity.

          Upon completing the tech tree, when you click on the Big Picture button you get the picture for the next age, as expected. Then by clicking OK (or maybe you have to go back to the "?" tech tree screen) you get the Industrial Age picture, and by repeating the action you get the Modern Age picture.

          This gave me a kind of science-fiction feeling, as though I was seeing into the distant future.


          • Originally posted by Catt
            Graphics bug. The new oasis and the traditional mine graphic do not play well together.

            Same with oasis and fortress (see attached image). Not sure this is a bug, though, as resources (like the horse in the attached image) are supposed to show up on top of everything else so you can see them...but it does look odd with such a large resource like oases...
            Attached Files


            • This is just graphics, you can change it... I moved all my resource Icons down 3-6 pixels, Fortifications Up, Mines left, since victory location is now right... Things look alot better this way...

              Oh and P.s. How many Lazy people are there.. I read through the entire thread to discover which Ideas were allready presented and which weren't before I posted about the forb palace
              EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


              • useless bombardment

                Not sure if I'd call this a bug, but here goes....

                I'm currently at war with the Dutch, it's fun. They
                are on the same continent as me.
                I have Sun Tzu's, giving me Barracks in every city.

                The Dutch have some bombers, and they use then
                to bomb my newly captured cities. The first two
                bomb runs in a turn target my units, but the next
                one targets... The Barracks. And I do get a message
                that "The Barracks of Delft have been destroyed", only
                they haven't, off course, since thanks to Sun Tzu's they
                are always there "in spirit".

                Not SURE if I'd call this a bug, but it does let the
                AI (and a player, if it would be MP or the AI built
                Sun Tzu's) waist bombers on indestructable targets.

                I AM worried though, that, akin to the "Great Wall
                being destroyed by catapults bug" that if the
                AI bombs the city with Sun Tzu's in it, the bombers
                will destroy the wonder, in an attempt to destroy
                the barracks.

                "Would you people please try to remember that I am EVIL !?"
                - Spike


                • timmer, this "bug" was there before iirc.

                  the newly captured cities had barracks inside them, but you just don't need to pay for them. the building still exists.
                  if you'd happen to lose your city with sun tzu's in it, these cities wouldn't have barracks anymore.

                  something similar once happened to me in a game. i lost my pyramids-city in an evil sneak attack and only the conquered cities had granaries after that. all my original cities didn't need to build them before...

                  so short: i don't think it's a bug
                  - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                  - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                  • Ah, I get what you're saying. The AI had
                    barracks , that I captured, so they could
                    be destroyed. It's just that when they were
                    destroyed, they were immediatly replaced
                    by Sun Tzu barracks.

                    I'll have to check if the Sun Tzu barracks get
                    bombed too.

                    "Would you people please try to remember that I am EVIL !?"
                    - Spike


                    • Oh yeah, I noticed that in the Middle Ages Scenario, the rampaging Berserk units would often destroy my barracks when attacking my cities- but they simply reappeared because I had the Sun Tzu-type wonder


                      • not sure if this has been posted. regarding relics in the middle ages scenario.

                        picture of what is going on. angers flipped to me with a relic inside, now I can't build any units (they don't appear) and units cant enter the city. I guess I will have to declare war to garrison it.


                        • Hwacha's will not automatically unload when you move the transport ship they are on into a land tile, even though artillery and other bombard units will.


                          • I ask Japan what they want for oil (they have 1 extra, and I don't have any since I'm playing OCC) and they say "it can't be done"...then I offer 1 gold, and they accept.


                            • Originally posted by RobC
                              Hwacha's will not automatically unload when you move the transport ship they are on into a land tile, even though artillery and other bombard units will.
                              Bombard units will automatically unload if you try and move a transport onto a land tile You mean I have been manually moving one at a time from transports all this time (since the "j" command doesn't work for unloading and loading)



                              • Actually, all units should unload when you do that. You should get a pop up that asks which specific units to unlead, or all units.
                                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

