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MOD: The Missing Links

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  • #31
    Cool !
    Over 500 downloads in the first 10 days...
    Me happy.


    • #32
      Think they download for the hot Amazon queen

      But the attack chopper and the hover tanks are great, so are the terrorists and special ops. I like attacking without having a real war.

      There are a few bugs in the C:\Program Files\CIV3\Civ3PTW\Scenarios\The Missing Links\Text\PediaIcons.txt

      Try building 5 Year Plan or Potosi mine, and they cannot be found, because Potosi mine is not in the PediaIcons.txt, and 5 Year Plan is miss typed.



      • #33
        OK, thanks. Found it and working on it.
        Last edited by AK47; January 6, 2004, 16:36.


        • #34
          Actually the pearl resource don't seem to do anything at all.....

          I played it through, very good mod, love the terrorists and the special ops.

          Can you make it so the Apache attack choppers can fortify and use the "go" command on maps with roads and rails? It's a bit annoying that there's no way to heal them once they're damaged. also very annoying when you can't fortify them over an area for survaliance.

          anyway, I love this mod, thanks~


          • #35
            Patch 2.2 is out.


            Patch 2.2 is available now. You can find a fix description and download here:


            Thanks to everyone who took the time to report the bugs !


            • #36
              Great work and keep it up!

              I'll report any bugs when I see them.


              • #37
                I need a fix for these Apache helicopters so that they don't die immediately whenever somebody attacke them (even the weakest units kills it in one shot). I also need it so Apaches can fortify, as well as use the "go" command. Otherwise it's too annoying to use them.

                Can you make this patch so I can still play the old save?? Thanks.


                • #38
                  1/ all AIR units die immediately when attacked by a ground force in Civ; that's part of the core programming, and nothing I can do about it.

                  2/Because of this, I think that having them fortify or go to, would make them very vulnerable to unexpected enemy attacks. Now, you kind of have to keep paying attention to them. They do have the ability to sentry on enemy, making them guard an area, and they will wake up when an enemy approaches.

                  Anyway, you can change 2/ yourself if you really need it, by opening TML2.bix.
                  Go to Rules, Edit Rules, Units, Apache, and you will see those options top right. However, any changes made in this file only take effect for a new game (also part of civ core-programming).

                  Last edited by AK47; January 8, 2004, 04:23.


                  • #39
                    Stategy Hint

                    Converting a foreign Worker:
                    Accompany your Prophet/Monk with a standard combat unit: that way the AI won't see it coming...

                    Converting a foreign Settler:
                    Accompany your Prophet/Monk with a Assassin or Terrorist: that way you can first eliminate the protecting unit, then take the Settler... All of this without causing war.


                    • #40
                      AK47 you are a marvel...

                      More power to you mate.. and thanks
                      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                      I am of the Horde.


                      • #41
                        you can't just make it so land units cannot attack the Apache at all? I mean, it seems very odd to me that a spearman or a horseman just takes down my Apache like it's an ant. In reality, it's not even possible to touch the Apache on the ground.


                        • #42
                          Nope, to my own regret, that doesn't work in Civ3. That's why all the Air units in civ actually can not move around on the map, but can only carry out certain missions from inside a city
                          The only other option is to make it a land unit, but then it can not fly over water, for instance, and it will be veteran from barracks instead of airport, it will take advantage of railways etc.


                          • #43
                            You could also consider that, if a helicopter is stationary and not on the move, that it becomes indeed more vulnerable to attacks from the ground. So that's somewhat realistic.
                            Also, if the helicopter did not have a bit of a negative balance, it would be way too strong compared to other units.
                            In civ2, this was done by giving it 1 damage hit for every turn it did not end in a city. Unfortunately, this is not available within civ3.


                            • #44
                              Strategy Hint

                              Protecting your nation against hostile Assassins/Terrorists/Special Ops:
                              Guard your borders with Prophets/Monks/Special Ops to prevent sneak attacks.
                              In Modern Times, patrol your skies with Stealth Fighter reconaissance flights.

                              Last edited by AK47; January 9, 2004, 06:16.


                              • #45
                                By the way, if anyone has a bug in a current savegame, you can mail me. If it can be fixed, I'll tell you how.
                                kris.verhelst @

