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New review of Civ III:Conquests at IGN

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  • #16
    I like what I read. Lots of good-sounding stuff in the game.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TechWins

      defensive first strike? i bet that means zero range bombardment...
      That could really add some complexity to battles, especially with modding.
      It already exists. But they are probably using it to make Musketeers better.

      An early naval unit that doesn't require resources can help you scout out your coastline
      This part Depending on where this unit is on the tech chart this could play a big impact on the game I think. Already discovering the map is way too easy, so I don't like the idea of that. However, if the trireme (is that what it's still called in Civ3 lol?) requires a resource to be built, then I might like this idea. I'm thinkin this is definitely going to be something that could be great for modding, because I don't think the Civ3 team will balance this right. The modding part of it is still good, though.
      The Curragh is available with Alphabet. My guess is that the Galley (not Trireme) won't require resources. Map Trading has been pushed back to Navigation, so it will take longer before the entire map is explored.

      Communist leaders can now create a Secret Police headquarters that acts as a second Forbidden Palace.
      Hopefully this entices more civs to play as a Communism. However, will the AI now when to properly become a Communism (i.e. large military, spread out civ)?
      I hope so

      I don't think I like this at all
      As far as agriculture goes, it's really great when combined with the short-lived advantages of the expansionist trait.
      I'll probably just wind up turning off civ traits if I think it's even more unbalanced, and I think it's unbalanced enough as it is.
      Agricultural civs get an extra food in their center square (but you won't notice it until you get a better government because of the Despotism penalty), if you are next to water, you will get that extra 1 food from start, though. Irrigated Desert squares produce more food the normal. And you get cheaper Aquaducts, Recycling Centers, and Solar Plants.

      I don't think it is too unbalanced. Besides, the Inca (Agricultural, Expansionist) have a fairly poor uu.
      Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


      • #18
        It already exists. But they are probably using it to make Musketeers better.
        Yeah I know it exists, but can it be used the way this review is describing it? Does it work right now where if you have a bombard strength above 0 and a range of 0 when you get attacked you first use your bombard ability then it goes into the real battle? I've never tried or even though about that before.

        The Curragh is available with Alphabet. My guess is that the Galley (not Trireme) won't require resources. Map Trading has been pushed back to Navigation, so it will take longer before the entire map is explored.
        Yeah, I haven't played much Civ3 lately, and I remember everything by Civ2 still. I made the same change to my Civ3 game where map trading is pushed back to Navigation and same goes with the Communications switch. I thought it was cool Civ3 is doing this, since I'm already doing it in my games anyways. Even with the change the map is still explored very rapidly. Now adding a unit that comes even earlier than the Galley will only make it come faster for the map being explored, especially if the Curragh (you say it is) has a 3 movement. I'm anticipating that the Curragh won't be able to transport any units, but when the Galley becomes available you'll know exactly where to expand to overseas. This will only mean that overseas imperialism will come sooner in the game, and I personally don't think that will improve gameplay. I'm almost positive I'm going to change around the Curragh and Galley.

        I don't think it is too unbalanced.
        Agricultural is an awesome trait to have I think. Maybe to good. Also, with the rate increase from Industrious being decreased I think the Americans (and any other Civ that may be Expansionist and Industrious (I don't have them all memorized) ) with at a huge disadvantage. Well, for me at least, because I like to play on random type maps. When you are placed on a smaller island with another nation your Expanionist trait is nearly useless. A lot of times this happens to me. This why I believe I'll eventually be turning off the specific Civ-traits. Btw, I typically only play with the Americans, or I randomize my Civ.
        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


        • #19
          nine new units
          1. curagh(sp?)
          2. trebuchet
          3. tow infantry
          4. modern marines
          5. modern paratroopers
          6. tow infantry
          7. anti-aircraft
          8. ???
          9. ???
          I know there are:

          TOW Infantry
          Flak Cannons
          Mobile SAMS
          Modern Paratroopers
          Ancient Cavalry (produced with the Statue of Zeus)
          Crusaders (Knights templar)

          That's 8, so you might be right about Modern Marines.
          Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


          • #20
            For the Roman player, whose Legions can also build roads, you can develop a fairly convenient road network relatively early in the game without sacrificing your military development
            wow, i really like this idea. it may slow down your attack slightly, but you can send your first units building the roads while the other units are still being built! great idea

            edit: oops, i just saw this has been said before
            - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
            - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


            • #22
              my guess is the ninth unit is a cruiser, added to the main game from the ww2 scenario because it will have anti-air ability. otherwise with the strengthened naval bombard you won't have a good defense until aegis, which is very late.


              • #23
                @Saint Marcus - let me know if you want any help with your Fall of Rome scenario. I'd be happy to playtest or collaborate or whatever. You can PM me if you're interested.
                always. check your PM inbox.
                Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                • #24
                  Originally posted by publius
                  my guess is the ninth unit is a cruiser, added to the main game from the ww2 scenario because it will have anti-air ability. otherwise with the strengthened naval bombard you won't have a good defense until aegis, which is very late.
                  hi ,

                  well we shall have one huge advantage now , we can just take all these units from the scenario's and put them into one big super game , .....

                  WHO - AAH

                  have a nice day
                  - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                  WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                  • #25
                    Still no mention on how the multiplayer is. Are we going to be able to play the conquests multiplayer even if there are only 8 civs and how will that work?

