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Civ 3 Conquest -- Flat map?

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  • #16
    Then why make the whole map if you only allow a very small subset to be colonized? All you would do it have the AI waste it's time exploring areas that you know aren't in it's best interest to go.

    Either you make all the areas that the AI is likely to colonize be a good idea, don't let the AI go places you don't want it to, or improve the AI so it actually really understands the scenario (much harder than the other two).
    Seemingly Benign
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    • #17
      Originally posted by Saint Marcus
      and they couldn't incorporate this idea in a world map?
      The problem is that Siberia is full of forests, and you can't simply forbid forests from being settled in a Colonization of America scenario.

      I was a regular of Marla's map, and there was no turnaround to avoid the AI to settle massively in Siberia, unless I turned Siberia into a gigantic tundra devoid of trees and hills (and if I made Tundra impropoer to settle)
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