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precison Bombing

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  • #16
    jkelly, you are correct. Standard bombing/bombardment has 50% chance of targeting units, 25% each for population and improvements. If there are no valid targets of the chosen type, the bombardment fails. If you want to capture the city intact, use Cruise Missiles ...

    Defcon, the object of Cruise Missiles was to complement precision bombing (reality be d*mn*d), so CMs target ONLY the defending units (in a city) and are killers. Use them instead of bombardment to leave that marketplace intact and not reduce the city size, or not have to wait for turns of bombardment.
    EDIT: Good point re the question of adding precision bombing to CMs capabilities.


    • #17
      Re: Precision bombing

      Originally posted by jkelly
      ..........precision units can use the precision function which targets buildings (as was explained above), but that when they chose regular bombing missions they were less likely to hit things other than the city defenders......
      The problem is those "target buildings."

      For some reason, my Stealth Bombers with all their "precision" abilities, always tend to go after, Colloseums, Temples, and Cathedrals.

      Precision Bombing should mean a list of targets, so that we can hit Factories, Hydro Plants, Barracks....etc.
      "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
      Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


      • #18
        Re: Re: Precision bombing

        Originally posted by Kaos XIII

        Precision Bombing should mean a list of targets, so that we can hit Factories, Hydro Plants, Barracks....etc.
        - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
        - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
        - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


        • #19
          [QUOTE] Originally posted by Defcon5

          I agree precision bombing for cruise missles would be a good improvement, I'm not sure if we can change this in the editor but I'll check. I've already increased the range of my cruise missles to about 8-10 tiles, which on a large map is not very much. And yes, the AI uses the increased range very effectively. Trust me, I've had half my navy wiped out in a massive suprise attack with CMs and bombers once or two.

          me too on my mod CM's have a range of 8 a bombard of
          160(this is on the teturkahan senc so all the bombard rates
          are much higher) and a rate of fire of 4. in additon they can
          also fit into subs wich can now carry up to 24. Just park a
          sub full of CM's of an enemy coats and watch the fire works.
          it is quite annoying building them one at a time though
          espically when you have 180.
          Absolute power corrupts absolutely


          • #20
            Don't forget you can't capture cultural city improvements. If your precision bombing takes out a colosseum that simply means more unhappy citizens in that city for your enemy. You won't get the improvement anyway if you capture the city. The only real issue is that if you hit a cultural improvement it means you didn't hit anything important.

            Precision bombing is a good way of crippling an AI if, for some reason, you don't want to take that AI's cities.

            What really irritates me is that SAM sites seem to always be the last city improvement left and you have to take out all the others before you get the SAM.

            It would also be nice to choose which unit you hit. If I have a stack of MA ready to hit a city I want to bomb the 2HP MI, not the 4HP infantry.
            Never give an AI an even break.


            • #21
              Originally posted by CerberusIV
              It would also be nice to choose which unit you hit. If I have a stack of MA ready to hit a city I want to bomb the 2HP MI, not the 4HP infantry.
              This might be possible with the new C3C editor. There will be an option for "stealth attack" allowing a land units to pick the unit it attacks. A CM or bomber is a different type of unit but there's a chance we may be able to give the stealth attack capability to these units too.
              "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis


              • #22
                Originally posted by Elias
                in additon they can
                also fit into subs wich can now carry up to 24. Just park a
                sub full of CM's of an enemy coats and watch the fire works.
                it is quite annoying building them one at a time though
                espically when you have 180.
                Do you know how the subs are flagged in the editor? I think there is quite a trick to getting subs to accept CMs. But that does sound like fun. I would enjoy fighting a war from afar, blowing up the enemy's city improvements while leaving the territory in his hands.
                "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis


                • #23
                  Since we're talking about airpower this might be interesting. There are no details except for the AEGIS but air power is apparently being strengthened.

                  Chieftess> Will ships (such as the aegis cruiser) and ground units be able to engage aircraft in battle. After all, the primary mission of the Aegis class cruisers IRL is anti air/anti missile defense.
                  flak and mobile SAMs to counter the increased strength of air
                  the AEGIS has anti-air
                  protect those carriers!!
                  Aegis Cruiser now has the previouly mentioned Anti-Air ability
                  "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis


                  • #24
                    Air units will now kill ground units. So they added AA units (mibile SAMs, etc). Aegis Cruisers are one of these units.
                    Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


                    • #25
                      Air units will now kill ground units

                      In a Conquest scenario or also in the Epic?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Louis XXIV
                        Air units will now kill ground units. So they added AA units (mibile SAMs, etc). Aegis Cruisers are one of these units.
                        We can flag air units in the editor for leathal bombard against ground units (or naval units) currently.
                        "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis


                        • #27
                          Yeah, but they aren't activated by default for Air units (I assume you can deactivate it if you think its too powerful, though)
                          Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


                          • #28
                            Theres a lot of excellent points in this thread (espec. the precision bombing - kill interceptors on ground, kill SAM site, select rest of targets at will). It would also be nice to be able to fly aggressive air superiority missions instead of just defensive, and possibly even change the F-15 for the F-22 so the americans have a useful UU. Ok maybe im wishing now. I just hope that the good ideas mentioned in this thread and others actually get implemented in C3C, as PTW didnt add much at all and was basically an interim add-on and a rip off ( I payed £20 for a few new units and a bunch of files I could have downloaded free off the net).

                            You've probably heard that little moan before, but c'mon guys make sure C3C elevates Civ back up to the best title out there
                            "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by spy14
                              .... It would also be nice to be able to fly aggressive air superiority missions instead of just defensive, ...
                              You can, and it is a fascinating side-game in itself (if you like that sort of thing).
                              See the threads:
                              Apolyton CS Forums > Civilization III > Civ3-General > Intercepting Bomber Missions
                              Apolyton CS Forums > Civilization III > Civ3-General > fighters and bomber


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Defcon5

                                Do you know how the subs are flagged in the editor? I think there is quite a trick to getting subs to accept CMs. But that does sound like fun. I would enjoy fighting a war from afar, blowing up the enemy's city improvements while leaving the territory in his hands.

                                You just have to label the CM's as tatical missles in the editor.
                                since the subs can accept Tactical nukes they will now be able
                                to accept CM's.
                                Absolute power corrupts absolutely

