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No Scripting!?

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  • No Scripting!?

    This is from a Firaxis team members post in another thread, and I think it needs discussion:

    Here are a few clarifications for you...

    Sadly, I can confirm that there will not be any form of scripting language or trigger mechanisms in the editor. The engine which we used to create Civ3 and it's expansions is somewhat inflexible in this regard. We are aware of the issue and we will definitely keep such things in mind for any future Civ projects. Sidenote: The arrival of the Portuguese is in-fact a tech advancement as a result of this.

    Correct, King (Daimyo) units in Sengoku can be upgraded.

    Correct, I did not have any previous experience as a scenario/mod creator before creating Sengoku. The experience was definitely an eye-opener!

    Yes, I'll admit "Professionally-designed" does equal paid designer... ...but know that I originally designed the Sengoku Conquest thinking that I would post it as a free download for the public (as a pet project of mine).
    Since that time, we have introduced a *LOT* of new features (in the main game and editor) which allows us to really create some great new "civ-experiences".

    I think that we (BreakAway and Firaxis) have really pushed the Civ editor and engine to new heights with this latest installment of the Civ franchise, and I remain absolutely convinced that you guys will be creating tons of great, new mods once this latest version of the editor has been made public.

    The fact that there is no scripting language changes my whole opinion of Conquests. It seems like there will be no option to add time triggers, unit generation, diplomacy changes, etc. How can scenarios be created like this?

    The worst part is:
    The engine which we used to create Civ3 and it's expansions is somewhat inflexible in this regard.
    Why on earth did they use the engine then? CIV II had scripting, did they give no thought to scenario creation when they started on CIV III?

    -MattH, pretty right now.

    [edit:] Maybe someone can clarify how scenario creation will work?
    cIV list: cheats
    Now watch this drive!

  • #2
    Maybe someone can clarify how scenario creation will work?
    hmmm i'm not a beta tester so this is all conjecture but

    *create a map
    *place cities and tile improvement
    *place units
    *set technology
    *set gold
    *set culture for each city (maybe this one is iffy)
    *set diplomacy
    *set victory conditions
    *make any final changes to the rules

    simple as that i'd say


    • #3
      Good questions...

      New features such as locked alliances (combined with AI motivators - think tech/unit values and other dependencies) may go a long way towards simulating some of the scripted events that you are hoping for.

      The use of the "Locked Alliances" feature in a WW2 scenario, for example, ensures that all Axis-nations will never stray from their war with the Allied nations.

      While you won't see the same events occur the exact same way over-and-over again in every game session that you play... (which is one of civ's strengths, in my opinion), you will experience more consistent AI behavior.

      Options like these, coupled with new unit abilities and other features should provide scenario creators with plenty of new opportunities to generate some *really* interesting game-mechanics.

      Hindsight being 20/20 we certainly would have liked to implement scripting into the CivIII engine, but know that we are doing what we can with this expansion in order to address these concerns regarding scripting.

      I hope this helps answer your question...
      Michael Fetterman
      Firaxis Games, Inc.


      • #4
        Thanks for the fast reply!
        Is there any chance that we can get an editor preview or screen shots? It would be time consuming to list thousands of questions for you to answer here .

        But for now: can (fixed) alliaces be broken with certain techs? Can units/resources/terrain be placed or changed at certain times?
        cIV list: cheats
        Now watch this drive!


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattH
          Thanks for the fast reply!
          Is there any chance that we can get an editor preview or screen shots? It would be time consuming to list thousands of questions for you to answer here .

          But for now: can (fixed) alliaces be broken with certain techs? Can units/resources/terrain be placed or changed at certain times?
          MattH -

          Not a problem...

          For my next website update I will do my best to get some editor screenshots posted for you.

          I'll also try to get more info on those other questions as well... worst case scenario (everyone is pretty busy trying to finalize the game in testing, etc.) those questions/answers would make a great addition to our FAQ page.

          Last edited by Michael Fetterman; September 17, 2003, 23:08.
          Michael Fetterman
          Firaxis Games, Inc.


          • #6
            The editor will be a major factor in whether or not I decide to purchase this expansion. Some screenshots of the editor would be great

            Will we have the ability to add new terrains with the new editor?
            For your photo needs:

            Sell your photos


            • #7
              The best working example I can think of (off the top of my head) as to why events are Sooo important for Scenarios was the Civ2 Revolutionary War Scenario. In that game, the event script allowed the British to recieve Hessian mercenaries every x turns-something that is just impossible if this scenario were made for Civ3!!!
              In addition, how about a WWII scenario which begins with the Germans allied to the Soviets but where, within a few turns of the game, you want them to declare war on them!! Again, if I understand things correctly, it's just NOT do-able with the current (or future) Civ3 Editor!
              Though Scenarios are not supposed to be a total "Recreation" of historical events, events allowed for historical events which occured outside of the player(s) control! It also even allowed for a-historical events to occur, as a result of the player 'changing' history!!
              So Firaxis, please tell us that there is SOME way that the Civ3 engine can be made flexible enough to accept even a very SIMPLE Events Script!!!



              • #8
                Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
                The best working example I can think of (off the top of my head) as to why events are Sooo important for Scenarios was the Civ2 Revolutionary War Scenario. In that game, the event script allowed the British to recieve Hessian mercenaries every x turns-something that is just impossible if this scenario were made for Civ3!!!
                Not quite true. Assuming everything is available in the editor, you will be able to use the functionality of the "Temple of Zeus" wonder to mod something that will grant a particular unit every X number of turns. So create it, give it to the British, and there you go.
                "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Stuie

                  Not quite true. Assuming everything is available in the editor, you will be able to use the functionality of the "Temple of Zeus" wonder to mod something that will grant a particular unit every X number of turns. So create it, give it to the British, and there you go.
                  If it is in the editor, which I hope. But we will just have to wait and see.
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    Don't get your hopes too high, last I checked the editor was extremely buggy still.


                    • #11
                      Don't get your hopes too high, last I checked the editor was extremely buggy still.

                      No sweat, Wormtongue. Either the game release will be delayed (BOOOOO!!) or we will have plenty of time learning how to use it while waiting for the patches.

                      There will still be plenty of new things to use and explore while we wait. Deadlines is what makes a game company - on with the Death March!

                      Death March, the beat of the gaming industry


                      • #12
                        I'm ready for them to get a scriptable base started for Civ4 already. Let's learn from the mistakes and make a better more versatile game.

                        With out bugs.


                        • #13
                          It would be incorrect historically to classify Germany and USSR as allies during the first part of WW II. They merely had a formal understanding over which section of Poleland would go to Germany, and which section to the USSR, combined with a Non Agressive Treaty.

                          For that matter, neither the USSR nor Japan attacked each other during WW II until August of 45. (Months after the defeat of Germany and only a few weeks before Japan surrendered.)
                          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                          Templar Science Minister
                          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                          • #14
                            Not quite true. Assuming everything is available in the editor, you will be able to use the functionality of the "Temple of Zeus" wonder to mod something that will grant a particular unit every X number of turns. So create it, give it to the British, and there you go.
                            What if the Americans capture the city, and thus the wonder? Then they would suddenly be getting units they shouldn't be getting. Or could it be made a small wonder that is automatically destroyed when a city is taken.
                            Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                            • #15
                              I hope they have taken away the line between great and small wonders for C3C so that you can make them work in the exactly same way. (I think I've heard someting on it, but Ican't remember wether it was positive or negative)
                              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

