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Bronze, Copper, Tin: Civilization Advances

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  • Bronze, Copper, Tin: Civilization Advances

    (I know this has got to be a very old issue for discussion, but I'm relatively new to modding CIV3. I just thought it was worth mentioning again.)

    This was posted in another thread:

    Originally posted by Bane Star
    What happened to the Resource Requirements for Technologies??? I thought this was in an Editor somehwre did I dream this up ????
    Yes, you dreamed that up. So did I! lol

    Originally posted by Bane Star
    ...Bronze? Tin / Copper??...
    This is why I needed to have resource requirements for civilization advances.

    I'm working on (yet another) Earth-based scenario. I'm using the PTW expansion. I noticed that it included an Ancient World scenario, but I don't care for the re-worked tech tree.

    The problem I have is the Bronze Working advancement. In order to make bronze, a civilization must have access to copper and tin. Copper was fairly easy to find. But tin was very hard to find. Much like oil is today, tin was the all-important resource during the Bronze Age.

    The most that I can do to address this is to require copper and tin for the production of Bronze Age units such as the spearman, hopolite, impi, and the Numidian mercinary. This is a perfectly fine solution, but it suggests that if a civilization fails to produce bronze there will be no problem developing Iron Working later. This doesn't make sense because the manipulation of metals into alloys was a very significant technology in the advancement of civilization.

    I've done a little bit of research. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) It's worth noting that that there seem to be no tin resources in North America. There are some tin mines in South America, however, in the vicinity of the birthplace of the Inca civilization. Perhaps given enough time, the Inca civilization would have rivaled that of Rome or China. Also, this suggests that the Iroquois and the Anasazi probably had no chance of developing Bronze Working. Perhaps the Aztec would have traded with the Incas. But the point is moot because they were all invaded by Western civilization.

    I've noticed that when I play "real world" scenarios, most events and developments move along in more or less the expected manner. However, when I finally build that caravel and set sail for the new world, I encounter indians with muskets!

    Using my best vocal impression of Christopher Columbus, "This-a make-a no sense!" (Okay, maybe it's more like Chico Marx.)

    I must conclude that this is a flaw in this game. Certain natural resources must be required before new technologies can advance. For instance, how can you develop oil refining technology when your one and only city is on an island with no oil resources to be seen? I can go with the idea of suspension of disbelief, if needed. Or perhaps the inhabitants of a civilization are not that isolated that they can't research new technologies. But I still say it's fundamental flaw in the game.

    Any comments or ideas?

  • #2
    I found this interesting little essay:
    Through innovative research and the constant pursuit of knowledge, KU powers Kansas and transforms the world.

    ...and this webpage...


    • #3
      Here's another example. How can a civilization get the Fission advancement without actually having any access to uranium? I know for a fact (because I grew up in Oak Ridge, Tennessee) that tremendous quantities of uranium are required to make the minimal amounts of enriched uranium that is used in thermonuclear weapons. In CIV3, uranium is required to build atom bombs. But you have to have uranium to develop the technology in the first place!


      • #4
        Re: Iron -- Shallow deposits of iron were mined throughout Europe during the middle ages; it wasn't until extraction techniques AND an expanding economy came into being that, e.g., the Swedish iron mines began to take up the importance of being the equivalent of a Civ 3 Iron resource tile.

        Also recall that even by 1000 BCE iron working was limited to the near east (roughly from Greece to the Persian Gulf) and EXCLUDED Egypt, and only fully penetrated Europe (south of England and Scandinavia) in the 6th century BCE.

        Re: Bronze = Copper + Tin. It gets even worse, as the only source of tin in western Europe is in Iberia (Spain). Copper and tin availabilty would have to be significantly expanded to attempt historical development -- yet bronze working didn't expand beyond the area I described above (plus Egypt) until ~1600 BCE -- having Bronze Working as a tech available in the 4th Millenium BCE just goes to show how accurate the Civ tech tree is ...

        Granted (and sadly) this info doesn't resolve your resource = tech advance problem, except to say that I personally use the iron info to justify making iron NOT mandatory for certain early units.

        ... Also recall IIRC that Civ3 limits one to eight strategic resources ... IMHO the best one can do for the Bronze Issue is to (1) eliminate saltpeter as a strategic resource (I mean, it's found in manure piles, for heaven's sake!) and add copper and a copper working tech; for bronze working simply assume that enough tin was being traded around to make copper the only required resource for bronze-age units. -- Of course, presuming you differentiate between copper and bronze age units, this makes copper a doubly important resource ... Heck, recycle it again for electrification or some such and it becomes about the most precious commodity around!

        Re: Uranium: by the time fission was being researched sufficient work could be done theoretically (and sufficient information being disseminated) to "discover" fission without having a pile of glowing rock nearby -- although the Manhattan Project etc. should obviously still require uranium!

        Hopefully Helpful,

        ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


        • #5
          Tin / copper

          Ok, while I really really wanted a way to make a strategic resource needed for Technology, the best I can do is to put enough Low age techs in, slowing down the probable invention line, to slow down the invention of bronze until such a period that the first average civs would have acquired bronze from each other... not enough to create troops but enough to discover the technologies that come afterwards....

          Other REQ RESOURCE wants: If you look through history book on the discoveries and inventions (as much as I have ) then you'll find that many inventions only come about by the civilisations NEEDS for such invention.
          E.G. The Early Walls, were only needed to stop early raids... this really doesn't apply to a CIV level since small internal conflicts (that are not represented in the game other than 'unhappy people') would bring about such inventions, but follow the invention further... The several types of castles were developed determined by what was being thrown at them. In the earliest stages they were high walls, So the attackers developed ladders, So the defenders developed batlements, so the attackers shot them down with arrows, SO the defenders added Crenelations, so the attackers had to try hooked ladders....

          There were many types of object throwing devices before the catapult, and many more before the cannon, Each slightly better than the previous,.. but ONLY because the need was there, people were developing the better Attack resources, troops and devices, and the Defenders would develop better defences, better armour, and better fortifications. One tech developed from the other...

          Game wise... I dont think that certain advances should develop if the country is never in danger, Why would a race that has been expanding un-restricted for years, and not in any real combat have any war-based technologies other than the minimums required for hunting, localised dangers.. etc...

          What I'm thinking (civ 4?? ) would be a tech that produces an attacking or defending troop/building would require the activity of combat that fails.... creating an actual need. So if you have developed spearmen, and no one actually attacks your spearmen,.. EVER.... then you would not have pikemen in your tech tree... get the picture?

          p.s. two things for my own game... I'm going to put the Bronze in as a strategic resource, the Icon being 2 bars of Copper and One Bar of Tin... This represents the Tin being found, but since copper is fairly abundant, also allows for troops that need Bronze, Magic and Horses... since the Strategic resources is limited to 3 Or If I only have the ONE troop that needs three Then I will break it back into two seperate resources...

          and also I've read a few threads have shown how to add more than 80 resources, so you dont need to restrict yourselves to 8
          EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ozymandias
            Re: Bronze = Copper + Tin. It gets even worse, as the only source of tin in western Europe is in Iberia (Spain).
            There has been tin mining in western England (Cornwall) since Roman days. From a couple of websites:

            St Just Mining District
            by Geoff Treseder

            St Just lies in the far south western corner of Great Britain just north of Lands End, although copper and other metals were produced the area is most important for its production of tin which has spanned several thousand years. Initially this tin production was from alluvial deposits which had been created by the weathering of mineral rich veins, the high density tin stone was concentrated by the action of rivers to produce rich and easilly worked deposits. Cassiterite or tin oxide is not affected by chemical weathering unlike many of the other minerals which occur with it so alluvial tin produces quite pure metal with few impurities.

            Cornish Mine Engine and Winding Houses
            Mine Engine Houses and the less substantial winding and stamping houses. The Steam Engines themselves were often huge, 80" was not uncommon. Alongside the Engine House would be the Boiler House providing the steam to power the Engine. The heyday of Tin Mining was the 1840's to the 1860's. Several mines had over a 1000 employees. The Geevor Heritage Centre provides an insight into cornish-tin-mine
            My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!


            • #7
              IMO, Copper and Tin should be more plentiful.
              "All your base are belong to us" -Cats | "You don't leave an enemy at your back. Not if you like living." - Mara Jade | "You know the first rule in combat? ...shoot them before they shoot you." - Faye Valentine


              • #8
                Resource requirements for Advances and Improvements would be a nice addition to the game.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                  Resource requirements for Advances and Improvements would be a nice addition to the game.
                  Resource requirements for Improvements is already in the PTW game editor, and can be modded. I have added tinsmith, coppersmith, florist, olive press, marble quarry, stone quarry, etc. as buildings. But all of these require some of the new resources I have added, to be in the city radius. I give the buildings that require a strategic resource a small production boost, and the buildings that require a luxury resource get either a happiness or trade boost. You can't require a building to have a bonus resource though, so I can't make silver and gold both requirements for some new palace...
                  My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Quasar1011 I can't make silver and gold both requirements for some new palace...
                    Make them both Strat or Lux resources, then you can.
                    EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


                    • #11
                      That's true, bane Star. I didn't want to change the status of the original resources, I just wanted to add my own.
                      My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!

