Hi, when I'd try to (upgrade) build a until I added into the game, (called Musket Infantry) I get this, whats worng with it? -
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Help needed, weird crash
You must include a Musket Infantry.ini file in the Art\unit\Musket Infantry folder. Look at other unit .ini files to see how to lay the .ini file out, or look for a good tutorial in this area of modding. This is the best advice I can give,
Hope it helps,
Condorswarm"Never in the history of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few"
"The bloody dog is dead"
That slash before the .ini looks rather weird to me. In place of "Musket Infantry", it's reading "\" instead. Check the name on your .ini file, there might be a problem there.
You haven't mentioned whether you're using PTW or vanilla 1.29f. There's a difference in the way you add units in both.
Originally posted by pdescobar
It looks to me like you either don't have a civilopedia key defined in the editor(...)
Thank you all!Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321