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MOD: Modern Fixes Mod

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  • MOD: Modern Fixes Mod

    Modern Fixes Mod *PTW Only*

    Little Changes:

    - Aqueducts now cost 18 (from 10)
    - Citizens eat 3 food
    - Palace now counts as Aqueduct
    - Police Stations and Courthouses now reduce propaganda, corruption, and war weariness.
    - Lighthouse now becomes obselete with Steam Power
    - Colossus and Oracle never become obselete
    - Now there is an 80% chance to intercept normal air units
    - Seriously upgraded bombard power and range of all air units
    - Cruise missiles do more damage and count as Tactical Missiles
    - All bombard units (including ships and aircraft) after the Catapult can sink ships
    - Battleship, Bomber, Radar Artillery, Jet Fighter, F-15, Stealth Fighter, and Stealth Bomber can kill land units
    - Bomber, Stealth Fighter, and Stealth Bomber can no longer be on Carriers
    - Aegis Cruisers now carry 2 tactical missiles
    - Nuclear Submarines now carry 6 tactical missiles
    - Added Nuclear Carrier, comes with Nuclear Power, carries 6 air units, requires Uranium, Aluminum, and Iron, same stats as Carrier otherwise
    - Tweaked Marine and Paratrooper stats
    - Added Marines (upgrade from Marine), comes with Miniturization, attack 20 defense 16 cost 12, same stats as Marine otherwise
    - Destroyes now see invisible; Aegis Cruisers do not
    - Added Paratroopers (upgrade from Paratrooper), comes with Synthetic Fibers, attack 18 defense 18 cost 12, same stats as Paratrooper otherwise
    - Added Modern Infantry (upgrade from Infantry), comes with Synthetic Fibers, attack 12 defense 20 cost 11, same stats as Infantry otherwise
    - Mech. Infantry now costs 6, has attack 4 defense 4, moves 3 and ignores all terrain penalties, does not draft or upgrade from Infantry, carries 2 foot units, comes with Motorized Transportation
    - Guerillas now ignore all terrain movement penalties.
    - Added Special Forces (upgrade from Guerilla), attack 22 defense 14 cost 13, require Oil and Rubber, can Airdrop, have ZOC, otherwise same stats as Guerilla
    - Added Engineer (upgrades from Worker), comes with Radio, same stats as Worker, see below

    Tech Changes:

    - Embassies and RoP's now require Literature
    - Military Alliances now require Feudalism
    - Trade over sea tiles and Map Trading now require Navigation
    - Trade over ocean tiles and Communication Trading now require Steam Power

    BIG Changes:

    - ALL "infantry" (not arty, horsie, or vehicle) can Amphibious Assault except Spearmen, Pikemen, Hoplites, and Impis. (Conquistadors can too)

    My thinking here is that historically, they COULD assault from ships even back in the Ancient Ages. Game-wise, the Berserker is too powerful, and it also removes the invincible one-tile-island.

    - ALL "infantry" (same defination as before) after and including Riflemen move 2.

    This increases the mobility of infantry units, making them more viable for offensive roles (or even just escorts to Cavalry). It also makes terrain more of a concern, because infantry units WILL move faster in open terrain.

    - ALL land units except Scouts, Explorers, Guerillas, Special Forces, and Engineers, are "wheeled". Moreover, now Jungles do not prevent passage of wheeled units; only Mountains do.

    I saw this in the Civ3 General forum a while ago and thought it was a good idea. Now, Mountains are effectively impassible; you can't even build roads on them until Radio (that's the purpose of the Engineer - so you can build terrain improvements and roads on Mountains). The only military units that can move through them are Guerillas and Special Forces, giving these units a very important role.

    - Aqueducts now required to have more than TWO pop, Hospitals for more than 6

    This is even more drastic than it seems. This means that only cities with your Palace, Aqueduct, or that are next to a river can produce settlers. Coupled with the insanely expensive Settlers and Aqueducts, this should REALLY cut down on expansion. It also makes Rivers VERY important, which is historically accurate.

    - ALL Sea units after and including the Ironclad (and the Transport) treat all terrain as roads. Ironclad, Transport, Submarine, Battleship, Carrier, Nuclear Submarine, and Nuclear Carrier all move 2. Destroyer and Aegis Cruiser move 3. Ocean tiles require 3 movement points, Sea tiles require 2.

    This increases sea mobility quite a bit later in the game. With Steam Power (and therefore Ironclads) you finally have ships that can traverse the ocean in something less than forever. However, before that, it is VERY difficult, slowing exploration.

    The Big Idea:

    Half of this mod started because I was annoyed about how air units were pretty worthless. So way back when, I modified my own .bic file (yep, vanilla civ) to have much more powerful air units (and added the whole bombardment kill stuff too). With

    PtW I increased the range (now the Stealth Bomber has a range of 24!), and I liked the result. I also didn't like the Mech Infantry, so I created a Modern Infantry and turned the Mech Infantry into a troop transport. Also, Paratroopers and Marines were useless, so I created modern equivalents.

    The other half was done because I hated the slow movement of ships in the modern era, but I like the slow movement in the ancient and middle eras. So I made Ocean and Sea tiles have high move costs (also making them almost impossible to survive),

    but gave Ironclads on up low moves (2's and 3's) but All Terrain as Roads, making them move quite quickly and be unaffected by Ocean and Sea. I also added the Nuclear Carrier, which I felt was missing. I toyed around with a Cruiser, but it was just unecessary clutter.

    The third and final half was prompted by some recent discussions on the Civ3 General board about how to keep the whole map from being discovered etc. by 200 AD. That's also where I encountered the Impassible Mountains idea (actually, that may have been on Creation). Increased Settler cost, increased food consuption, and drastically moving back map trading, etc. were all proposed. I did, however, come up with the pop limits thing on my own. I'm not sure what effect it will have, as I haven't tested it, but I think it will work well.

    Now, there are NO new graphics in this mod. I could not create new graphics if my life depended on it. I used to have some modded graphics from someone else, but I lost them. Now, you WILL need to move some graphics files around to make this mod work. Rename the Infantry folder Modern Infantry, and rename its .ini to Modern Infantry.ini. Copy and paste it, then change the copied folder name and .ini name to Special Forces and Special Forces.ini. Do the same for Marine to Marines, Paratrooper to Paratroopers, Riflemen to Infantry, and Carrier to Modern Carrier. That should be it.

    Oh, and back up your civ3X.bix file too.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I suggest that instead of changing civ3X.bix file you just save us all trouble and make it with different name.

    Like modern_fixes.bix

    Then it could be nicely loaded as scenario and work perfectly, as it's intended by Firaxis (NEVER chanage civ3X.bix or you'll regret when getting next patch).


    • #3
      I'll do that, if I ever make a new version. If you really want to, you can change the name on your own (uh-oh... I just realized that's also the main argument against most patch fixes... )


      • #4
        By the way, that's pretty radical MOD.

        Personnaly, I have no idea how would it would work through the game (first, very small cities, then bigger after monarchy, then ???, etc...)


        • #5
          you should make a new improvement to let u grow over 10, or 12 (is that possible?)

          if you made a zip file that extracted all the copied units and the (renamed) bix file, i'd try your mod

          i'm far too lazy to be arsed to do that
          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


          • #6
            You can grow over those numbers. The only limits are at 2 and 6.


            • #7
              Looks like an awesome mod! Interesting changes you had done, especially with aircraft and adding the nuclear carrier. Being a major fan of carriers, I could only imagine how destructive I could be then Too bad the mod is for PTW only, I still don't have PTW.


              • #8
                I'll make a vanilla version.


                • #9
                  Awesome! I will look forward to it


                  • #10
                    Unfortunately, I'm missing the original civ3x.bic does anyone know where I can get a copy?


                    • #11
                      If its all of the defaults you need then I can just go into the editor and have it save them in a .bic. Here try this...
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        There's a problem with that file...


                        • #13
                          What is wrong with it? Does the PTW editor not allow you to use it?


                          • #14
                            You should use non-PtW editor when making non-PtW version of MOD.


                            • #15
                              I know. The file is corrupted or something. It's only 1k, and the normal editor crashes when I try to open it.

