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ToT Forum Slowly Dying?

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  • ToT Forum Slowly Dying?

    It's been ages since I posted here. Looks the same for everyone else too.
    Oh, well if there's anyone still checking in here, lets get a MP game on the go sometime, yeah?

    I think I'll make one last ToT scenario as well, I miss the ease of scenario creation now that I'm mainly on Civ3:PtW
    -Sir T

  • #2
    Nooo... just when I got ToT, the forum is about to die.
    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


    • #3
      we ToTers should really band together. Start PBEMs or something
      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


      • #4
        I've got a scenario brewing, but it needs some tweaking before I beg for more playtesters. Any of you interested at that point?

        It's got ANZACs in it, and it's designed by someone in Jersey.
        El Aurens v2 Beta!


        • #5

          I could actually second that suggestion, despite I'm not an expert with ToT.
          "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


          • #6
            I would be interested in playtesting it. Though I don't know how much time I could put into it though

            Rasbelin: a few more people and we can open up a second PBEM of some scenario: got any ideas?
            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


            • #7
              There are some excellent sci-fi scenarios available in Test of Time, some very suitable for multiplayer. One by Kestrel, LUSOAC for Land-Undersea-whatever... looks very suitable for multiplayer. It's a remake of the extended original game, adding an undersea and space map to the earth and Alpha Centauri ones. There are 3 versions, but the middle one has the late start option, allowing players to start with 2-3 cities. 6 can play, as it wouldn't work with the Gazpichi (aliens) as a human player.

              If 5 others are willing to play a PBEM game, I'd be willing to get it started as the Romans. Other civs are Babylon, Vikings, Aztecs, Chinese and Carthaginians. LUSOAC and other excellent ToT scenarios are available at the Cradle of Civilization site, here:
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #8
                Boco: I would also be interested in playtesting your scenario if you don't mind. Just let me know when you are ready.

                tecumseh: I might be able to join another PBEM game if there is still a spot open after two weeks. There is a little hitch called university final exams I need to get out of the way first.
                "If you are not confused by quantum physics, then you haven't really understood it." -Niels Bohr
                "The true test of your character is what it takes to stop you." -Dr. Bob Jones Sr.


                • #9
                  TOT will not die as it is the best version of Civ 2, has the most scenairo design features and most game options. Unfortunately not enough people bought it, so some designers have gone back to MGE or tried Civ 3. We need to get them back, let them know that there is still a demand for TOT scenarios and games.


                  • #10
                    Tot dying? NO WAY

                    Unfortunately not enough people bought it, so some designers have gone back to MGE or tried Civ 3.
                    I'm not sure it has to do only with the number of players: i think some designers left Tot for MGE or Civ3 because Tot lacks scenario editors.
                    It's way too difficult to create a whole scenario without any tool helping in the task, this is true in FW, and is especially true in Tot since it has a lot of new features.

                    Without scenario editing tools probably we will never be able to attract scenario designers and without scenario designers we will never be able to attract players, period.

                    There were a couple of projects (namely CivCAD and CivEdit... someone remembers them ) that tried to fill the gap but, and i'm talking for CivCAD since i was the administrator, the task was too ambitious, developers (me too), lacked interest in it, and it was placed on hold indefinitely (i don't write it's over because i'm an optimistic guy and because i don't like to admit i've failed... )

                    A more feasible way was the one proposed by Mercator some time ago (i hope to remember well) a sort of hex-editing library able to manage FW/MGE scenarios as well as Tot scenarios in a developer transparent manner.
                    In this way, we could spread the library between FW/MGE tools developers and when they release a new version of their tool it will be already Tot compatible.

                    Unfortunately this year went as it went, and i was unable to find the time needed to complete any of the civ related projects/ideas i've in mind and i've no idea if things will change in future but, if you think that Tot community can be helped by playing a PBEM (ANZAC) or by playtesting a scenario (Boco), for sure count me in.

                    P.S. techumseh, i noticed that Cradle of Civ is down, is this a permanent thing or it will come back?
                    "If it works, it's obsolete."
                    -- Marshall McLuhan


                    • #11
                      I didn't notice it. Perhaps it's just part of the maintenence thing that's been happening at Poly. William?
                      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                      • #12
                        Hey Angelo!

                        The cradle is still available, but only at I don't know if that's permanent or not...

                        * quickly retreats before anyone starts asking questions about civ2 utilities (including CivCAD ) *
                        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                        • #13
                          * quickly retreats before anyone starts asking questions about civ2 utilities (including CivCAD ) *

                          There's hot pursuit!

                          Good to hear from you guys, again!
                          El Aurens v2 Beta!


                          • #14
                            I:‚à‚Æ‚©‚É—˜—@ŽèŒû‰¼‚ÌŒF‚Æ‚µj‚ÌŽs‚Í‚µ‚Ílkjlkj what the hel.


                            I:m still interested in TOT by the way. I was working on a vague Star Wars game that can only really be played Multiplayer (the AI just can:t handle the naval warfare involved). I was also making a real world scenario also for multiplayer where all humans play as Russia, EU, India, or China and work against Democratic Neutrals, Islamic Neutrals, and America.

                            I was playing a game called Taasen (find it at and the idea struck me that you could have turns where people decide to forgo their "chosen" Civ and play one turn as another civ instead. So somebody who wants to play as the EU could skip his turn as EU and play America. THis would mean he:s got a very powerful military at his disposal for one turn, but would also leave his nation completely at the mercy of a counterattack from anybody else.

                            In most real life scens I:ve made, America is usually extremely powerful and thus is unsuitable for any one person to control. I:m looking forward to testing this proposal out with live Human Intelligences.
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • #15
                              I look forward to trying your scenarios. I've also got a large body of unfinished work, inluding a multi player WWII scenario, a US-Iraq scenario, and a couple based on Edgar Rice Burroughs - "Barsoom" and "Lord of the Jungle."
                              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


