Mercator, it'd be nice to lighten up the civ color in the unit key. Did you confirm Draco's (ex-Draco, I forgot your current moniker) explanation in bold below, and can the darkening effect be changed with your editor?
Even when all sprites have been removed from the Test of Time\Original directory, the effect remains, so in what sprite is the source of the darkening?
From "Tribe Colours for Test of Time" by Cam Hills (SLeague)

From "Tribe Colours for Test of Time" by Cam Hills (SLeague)

Adjusting tribe colours is a task that is relatively straightforward to fix. For scenario authors the amendment of tribe colours can add a visual twist to your game — adding a point of difference from the default colours. Even for those people who simply want to change the tribe colours for the default game, the solution is fairly simple.
The relevant graphic that needs adjustment is the cities.bmp file — where in the bottom-left corner are the flag images.
A. The second pixel along the top band of colour will change;[list=1][*]The colour of the font of the city names of a tribe.[/list=1]
B. The second pixel along the bottom band of colour will change;[list=1][*]The colour of the box used to identify the city size (or city revolt),[*]The colour of the tribe in the diplomacy screen for dealings with tribe emissaries, and[*]In some cases, the colour used in the tribe's units' pictorials.[/list=1]
C. However, a darkened version of this colour* is used as;[list=1][*]The colour of units' "shields" — being the octagonal marker left of a unit's health bar.[*]In some cases, the colour used in the tribe's units' pictorials.[/list=1]
*At the time of writing this tip, there was no way known to overcome this darkening effect, however...
Draco Omega writes;
I know exactly what is causing the problem, the sprite file itself.
Every pixel in a sprite file has a flag that tells if it is a team color pixel. Normal pixels are drawn with the exact color values in the file but team color pixels are handled a little differently.
The set color values of the pixels are all shades of grey (the red, green and blue values are equal). To determine the color the pixel is drawn in, it first looks at the color ratio of the pixel on the bottom line in cities.bmp (as discussed in this article). For example, let us say the color in cities.bmp was Red 255 Blue 128 Green 0. This gives it a color ratio of 2:1:0. Now lets also say that the team color pixel was Red 64 Blue 64 Green 64. It converts this value to the same color ratio as the pixel in cities.bmp. In this case that would be Red 128 Blue 64 Green 0. Therefore the value of the pixel in the sprite file determines how bright the color is. This factor will be able to be customized as hoped when the Sprite Workshop is finished.
The relevant graphic that needs adjustment is the cities.bmp file — where in the bottom-left corner are the flag images.
A. The second pixel along the top band of colour will change;[list=1][*]The colour of the font of the city names of a tribe.[/list=1]
B. The second pixel along the bottom band of colour will change;[list=1][*]The colour of the box used to identify the city size (or city revolt),[*]The colour of the tribe in the diplomacy screen for dealings with tribe emissaries, and[*]In some cases, the colour used in the tribe's units' pictorials.[/list=1]
C. However, a darkened version of this colour* is used as;[list=1][*]The colour of units' "shields" — being the octagonal marker left of a unit's health bar.[*]In some cases, the colour used in the tribe's units' pictorials.[/list=1]
*At the time of writing this tip, there was no way known to overcome this darkening effect, however...
Draco Omega writes;
I know exactly what is causing the problem, the sprite file itself.
Every pixel in a sprite file has a flag that tells if it is a team color pixel. Normal pixels are drawn with the exact color values in the file but team color pixels are handled a little differently.
The set color values of the pixels are all shades of grey (the red, green and blue values are equal). To determine the color the pixel is drawn in, it first looks at the color ratio of the pixel on the bottom line in cities.bmp (as discussed in this article). For example, let us say the color in cities.bmp was Red 255 Blue 128 Green 0. This gives it a color ratio of 2:1:0. Now lets also say that the team color pixel was Red 64 Blue 64 Green 64. It converts this value to the same color ratio as the pixel in cities.bmp. In this case that would be Red 128 Blue 64 Green 0. Therefore the value of the pixel in the sprite file determines how bright the color is. This factor will be able to be customized as hoped when the Sprite Workshop is finished.