A little bit of history
6th, 7th and 9th Australian divisions served in North Africa, along with various corps level troops (though the planned Australian corps was never assembled - the divisions were used as 'fire brigades', and the 6th division and Corps HQ was almost destroyed in Greece and Crete). The Australian 1st Armoured Division and 1st Army Tank Brigade were scheduled to head out to North Africa in 1942, but these units stayed in Australia where they formed the core of Australia's anti-invasion strategy.
Along with the corps troops, the 6th and 7th divisions were rushed home shortly after the fall of Singapore but the 9th division remained in North Africa until after El Alemain (and not, as is often asserted, due to a continuing commitment to imperial defence, but becuase Roosevelt and Churchill offered to send two American divisions and a huge quantity of war material to Australia if the Australian government didn't insist on the return of the elite 9th Division).
Originally posted by Exile
While there were 2 or 3 divisions of Australians (2nd and 7th, IIRC)
While there were 2 or 3 divisions of Australians (2nd and 7th, IIRC)
Along with the corps troops, the 6th and 7th divisions were rushed home shortly after the fall of Singapore but the 9th division remained in North Africa until after El Alemain (and not, as is often asserted, due to a continuing commitment to imperial defence, but becuase Roosevelt and Churchill offered to send two American divisions and a huge quantity of war material to Australia if the Australian government didn't insist on the return of the elite 9th Division).