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How Supply and Demand Lists Are Determined

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  • My research wasn't quite so involved I was looking for a diety game with cities that were actually supporting units, so i would be able to lower the production to 0. If a city has no support, it will always have extra production from the city square itself. The fact that copper was there provided optimism, although Rome also has Copper and nothing happens there.
    Insert witty phrase here


    • as a followup, i'm wondering if the turns where this happen correspond with the 16-year cycles discussed earlier. If so, perhaps Rome will display similar results sometime in the next 15 turns?
      Insert witty phrase here


      • another followup = Rome does do the same thing in 1323. Uranium -> Dye on demand list, and Gold->Wool on the supply side
        Insert witty phrase here


        • one more followup - the phenomenom occurs again in Ravenna in 1336 -> 16 turns later. Also, Rome recurs in 1339, also 16 turns later. I didn't run through every city, but did happen to notice that it occurs at Cumae (also with copper in the commodities list) in 1335. that may be the next test i run. One other note, rehoming a unit in that city will trigger just the same as removing a worker - key seems to be 0 production, and quite possibly recurs every 16 turns.
          Insert witty phrase here


          • SCG,

            I'm betting your screen shots from Parkersburg came while playing the game in MGE, since I get a different result with the same city using 2.42

            It looks to me that with MGE, manipulating shields triggers the dye bug and in 2.42 it's copper instead. In all examples I've seen so far, the result is copper or dye in the #1 demand slot. I believe other changes are due to a movement of copper or dye. I already know that the dye bug affects the human cities in MGE and the AI cities in 2.42, and examples so far of shields <=0 correlate with this difference.

            I have also confirmed this works in deity.


            Perhaps an example calculation for the supply of hides will help:

            Suppose your city has a silk, 2 other forest tiles, 3 tiles with rivers and 1 jungle tile. Suppose that there are not any tundra or glacier tiles. Let's also assume that you have acquired 17 techs so far in the game and that the size of this city is 2.

            First count up the total number of tile types relevant to hides:

            forest = 4 for silk + 2 others for a total of 6.
            rivers = 3
            jungle = 1

            Now using the first part of the formula:

            Supply = 6x4 + 0x6 + 0x6 + 1x3 + 3x3
            = 24 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 9
            = 36

            Now make the adjustment for having 17 techs, which is in the group of 16-23:

            36x2 = 72

            Now let's adjust for size 2:

            72x2 = 144, which is the SQ for hides.

            Notice how the SQ for hides will drop if the city grows bigger and as you acquire more techs. For example, when the city reaches size 8 we will divide by 2 rather than multiply by 2 when performing the last calculation.


            attached is Parkersburg after 0 shields in 2.42:
            Attached Files


            • Originally posted by solo

              I'm betting your screen shots from Parkersburg came while playing the game in MGE, since I get a different result with the same city using 2.42

              It looks to me that with MGE, manipulating shields triggers the dye bug and in 2.42 it's copper instead. In all examples I've seen so far, the result is copper or dye in the #1 demand slot. I believe other changes are due to a movement of copper or dye. I already know that the dye bug affects the human cities in MGE and the AI cities in 2.42, and examples so far of shields <=0 correlate with this difference.

              attached is Parkersburg after 0 shields in 2.42:
              Originally posted by SCG
              While trying to maximize the bonus value on a gold caravan between 2 of my cities, i was moving around the workers in the destination city. When the destination city had resources available for production, it supplied beads, salt and dye and demanded hydes, wine and gold. However, when i started moving all the workers onto sea squares, production resources dropped to 0 and then deficit. When it hit 0, the trade commodities switched around to supplies beads, salt and wine, and demands copper, dyes and hydes. putting the workers back took it back to the original supply and demand.
              i think the various patches affect it. in my original post (above), I also got the copper, dye and hides. it may well have been from 1.07, which was what i played on a lot back then. however, I did not get any results with either Parkersburg or Fairmont with my MGE version.

              attatched is proof it was 2.42.
              Attached Files
              Insert witty phrase here


              • Originally posted by SCG
                i think the various patches affect it. in my original post (above), I also got the copper, dye and hides. it may well have been from 1.07, which was what i played on a lot back then. however, I did not get any results with either Parkersburg or Fairmont with my MGE version.
                has to be something else affecting it besides patches
                Attached Files
                Insert witty phrase here


                • SCG,

                  Yes, it's still a mystery why its dye rather than copper. I can not get it to happen to dye yet, so can not tell why.

                  However, I've also checked saves for other years, and it looks like you're right about this happening on city cycle turns. I also can not change back on turns that follow.

                  This is a nice piece of work by you, and it comes in time to be included in my EL guide, where you'll be credited with the discovery. Shall we immortalize this exploit as the "SCG switch"?


                  • SCG switch has a nice ring to it

                    for one last followup, here's the MGE screen
                    Attached Files
                    Insert witty phrase here


                    • Originally posted by SCG
                      SCG switch has a nice ring to it
                      Yeah ... I like that too. Just shows that there are still things to learn.

                      BTW does the switch have an "off" position?


                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • Solo,

                        Thank you for the explanation. As I have said, I am not the worlds fastest learner but thanks for replying to my question anyway. With this knowledge on the inner workings of supply and demand I hope to improve my game plan significantly. These forums truely are a wealth of knowledge.


                        • goape,

                          Don't forget to check out our Great Library, put together by Scouse Gits. Some of the best info about Civ II can be found there.


                          • Originally posted by goape
                            These forums truely are a wealth of knowledge.
                            Very true. Just when you think you know most of it - something else pops up.

                            When you are ready please join us in a succession game over on the Civ2 general forum. It seems very serious ... it's just big kids playing games really.


                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • I am wondering if I understand this correctly. Please comment.

                              1) In 2.42, the dye/copper bug is blocked when you open the city screen on the solo cycle turn. It causes the "huge" numbers to correct.

                              2)If, as part of viewing the city screen, you also reduce shields to zero or less, then, this re-triggers the bug and alters the demand list (and the supply list if copper is present as it gets bumped).

                              I loaded the 1300 save before the Ravenna example of 1320 mentioned by SCG. The supply/demand lists are the same in both turns. This means (I think) that I must have viewed the city during the 1320 solocycle turn, and this corrected the bug.

                              Checking SCG's idea: Reducing the 1300 turn Ravenna to zero shields has no effect on the S/D lists. Also, I got different results in the 1320 change than that reported by SCG, if I am understanding his post correctly.
                              (cloth),(copper), (salt)--uranium,coal, silk became
                              (cloth), oil, (salt)---------copper,silk,dye

                              Which is ALSO what happens if I reload 1300, click enter, and then do not view Ravenna during1320. 1321 then has the same "new" list that I got doing the SCG switch.

                              Therefore, I believe the SCG switch is unnecessary IF you do not look at the city during it's solo cycle turn. Some testing might show circumstances where results are different, depending on what the original S/D lists are.

                              Now, since our method of playing results in many city views for micromanagement, especially changing/ maxing arrows before delivery, it becomes clear how important it is to keep track of the solocycle for each city. Doing this will open up blocked or fruitless S/D lists.

                              so long and thanks for all the fish


                              • Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                                I am wondering if I understand this correctly. Please comment.

                                1) In 2.42, the dye/copper bug is blocked when you open the city screen on the solo cycle turn. It causes the "huge" numbers to correct.

                                2)If, as part of viewing the city screen, you also reduce shields to zero or less, then, this re-triggers the bug and alters the demand list (and the supply list if copper is present as it gets bumped).
                                That sounds about right

                                I did a couple more tests, this time on computers running Civ 2.42, but before and after MGE was installed - Even though i installed MGE in a different directory, it still seems to have affected the way it determines supply and demand.

                                Ravenna 1320ad

                                Civ II 2.42, without MGE installed (Pentium, win95)
                                production >0
                                supply: (cloth) (Copper) (salt)
                                demand: Uranium Coal Silk

                                Production <=0
                                supply: (Copper) Oil (Salt)
                                demand: Copper Silk Uranium

                                Civ II 2.42, with MGE installed (Pentium IV, Win ME)
                                production >0
                                Supply: Beads Wine (Salt)
                                Demand: Uranium Hides Dye

                                Production <=0
                                supply: Beads Wine (Salt)
                                demand: Dye Hides Coal

                                For further research, i reduced Ravenna to 1 shield production in the after version, then went into cheat mode and created another unit supported by Ravenna without opening the city screen, and checked the supply/demand list. Uranium was still demanded, but once i opened the city screen, it was changed to Dye.
                                Insert witty phrase here

