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New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created

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  • Originally posted by kengel
    Greetings, kings,
    I have to say that the greek leader Agamemnon Kengel will be away for two weeks, starting on 24.6., and return on 8.7.
    Anyone to sub me is welcomed, else just Ctrl-N the greek...
    I will also be away for some of this period, approx 6/27 thru 7/6. I will play 2580 by tonight (Thurs). Hopefully, Kengel can then play before he leaves. Would people mind waiting for us ? I guess it would only be about 2-3 days each, unless this round goes faster than usual.

    BTW - Palaiogolus has posted some alternative graphics for this scenario in the Game #2 thread.


    • Originally posted by Peaster
      BTW - Palaiogolus has posted some alternative graphics for this scenario in the Game #2 thread.
      I don't stress these visual things. An alternate rules.txt is much more important for me.
      Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


      • Oh well, ... these are dark days for the Fine Arts, I guess.

        Persians from all across Persia gather in the city of Rhagae to admire the new Persian National Library. This dream of King Achaemenes was pursued for many centuries by leaders such as Perseat the Greapt, until finally King Sinbad pushed the project to completion this year. Sinbrad has also completed the hillside villa of Istakir for his angel and son.

        We applaud Pharaoh for organizing Egyptian slavery into a Grand System promising unimaginable efficiency in the coming years. We are also happy that an understanding has been reached with Egypt regarding scouting.

        Praise to the Babylonian Immortal for his new Arsenal (though we'd prefer it were located a bit farther from our homes).
        Attached Files


        • Waiting a few days would be welcomed from my side, too
          Back on saturday, the 8th Jule....

          Attached Files


          • Originally posted by SlowThinker
            Recently RobRoy complained he would need a better info about your plans, and he threatened to reorganize and replace your cities next time
            Wasn't I complaining about Babylon's city placement?

            But yes, some insights or instructions, esp about worker/improvement plans would be helpful, if anyone wants me to sub.


            • Errr, I have noticed a small prob with Greek turn. Technically a minor thing. But it wasn't what I thought we were going to do...

              now confused
              (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
              (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
              (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


              • Over the last few days i have been training for a new software system at work, and all that new knowledge seems to have pushed civ stuff right out of my head. I wasn't shure which barters I was, and was not supposed to apply and had completely forgotten why i changed my ship chain location or why some units were positioned as they were. If I forgot or botched up anyhing I apologize.

                Two new settlers have arrived to thier respective city site locations, and a third development was scrapped for the time being due to a more imediate need. These new cities will be formed next turn and trade shall hopfully increase in the region. Also Iatana builds Gov palace next turn to quell some corruption, and trade is expected to jump from 3 arrows to 8 or possibly 9.

                Ships in the Tel-Harari region were recieved from both Babylon and Egypt, babylons containing a skirmisher for scouting. The first scouting assignment was completed by the horse in the region. It has found that each civ seems to be pushing the boundary issue by keeping units just out of range, with only the bab skirmisher crossing into the DMZ. I have a C2 that I will move to the area over the next few turns to help with patrols and provide a bit of muscle for enforcment. The bab Skirmisher should start his retreat.

                :edit: Save changed by the CTRL-N fairy.
                Attached Files
                Wizards sixth rule:
                "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
                Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


                • Get StUPID!


                  Our Great Highway is now complete through the Taurus Mountains!

                  In celebration of this feat of engineering (a word to added to the Hittite language recently, and strange it seems to our tongue) we announce a boon to be granted to all the civilizations of the world.

                  As discussed privately, we have all taken notice of the powerful technique using the 18' Pike developed by the late King Philip of the backwater Greek vassal, Macedonia. Due to some strange cosmic forces the visiers of the Silver Throne do not comprehend, all the chariot-makers of the realm quit their craft and refuse all offers and threats to return to their duties.

                  In the interest of peace, we wish to assure that all the great kings of the world have access to the fast and powerful Four Horsepower Chariots. By unfathomable decree of the gods or fates your chariot-makers shall not be driven from your realms if you advance directly to a modified pike tactic.

                  As soon as this technique is developed (our visier says it will be but a decade) will shall send to each realm officers instructed in the training methods and priests instructed in the proper oblations, etc.

                  To ensure that all parties are not cursed with the dearth of chariots, all other kingdoms must not initiate research into the late King Philip's basic pike technique. At present, this cursed knowledge is hidden from foreign scholars, but if another kingdom should research it then knowledge will leak out to scholars of the Great Library of Rhagae.

                  We have dubbed this pact the Straybownian Unresearched Pike Initiative Decree.
                  Attached Files
                  (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                  (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                  (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                  • Peaster will be away
                    Kengal will be away
                    Kengal will return before Peaster
                    Peaster has a 3 day extension from the Peasteress

                    So everyone plays their own turn right?

                    Not that I don't want Robroy to play, Maybe he cult take the Mitani (That Zeddanu was a sneaky fella huh?)
                    Wizards sixth rule:
                    "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
                    Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


                    • Sorry for the delay, Poly database was offfline yesterday.

                      We thank Minoans for their endeavour to help peace.
                      Babylon welcomes Minoan sailors got control of the early sail and will undertake the task of blocking the '1st ford' in place of Babylon. We ask the skirmishers sleep on board so that the boat cannot be bribed.

                      Originally posted by Lycastus
                      Over the last few days i have been training for a new software system at work, and all that new knowledge seems to have pushed civ stuff right out of my head.
                      King Zedd, I see training a new type of canvas caused you forgot the history of the Egy-Bab borderland, so I will remind it:

                      First there was a Minoan proposal of security measures:
                      Originally posted by Lycastus
                      Also I would suggest that both Babylon and Egypt express their willingness to comply by providing 1 C4 unit each to a mediating country. (Minoa would of course Voulenteer) that would be used for the sole purpose of patroling the DMZ or Security Zone.
                      Should either nation have a military unit that crosses the opposing nations boarder and/or ends a turn in the "DMZ", the mediating nation would be allowed to attack and destroy that unit. The non-offending nation would be allowed a VETO to stop the unit destruction if it felt reasonably safe from attack.
                      Should either nation have a military unit with 3 or more move points stationed allong the "Patrol" areas marked they would face a fine of 50g payable to the non-offending nation. Similarly the non-offending nation would have a VETO.
                      Lycastus changed the map later, but proposed a 'rose' zone again:
                      Originally posted by Lycastus
                      I would again propose that we not allow 3+ move units within two spaces of the red zones.
                      then Egypt accepted the red zone but refused other rules, especially the idea of C4s enforcing them and the 'rose zone':
                      Since the whole purpose of the zone is to provide a neutral safety zone between Egypt and Babylon, Pharoah sees no need for "Rose Zones" of dubious merit and impossible enforcement. Likewise, providing C4s to Minos is not necessary. ... No further enforcement is necessary or desirable.
                      Conversely Babylon asked the security measures are rather enlarged:
                      Originally posted by Babylon
                      Also Babylon accepts the zone lines (we suppose the rose line is 2 squares from the red line).
                      But the three points proposed by Egypt are absolutely insufficient. For example we would like to know what 'true motive' is hidden behind the fact Egypt doesn't need the rose zone?
                      Babylon also clearly stated any security measures that wouldn't include sufficient safety for cities near desert weren't interesting for Babylon.

                      So no security agreement were accepted.
                      Later Egypt asked the the red zone is exctracted from the original Minoan proposal and applied. But Babylon refused it, since it would threaten our security.

                      Current situation
                      Egypt has built a fortress in the rose zone and we don't think showing muscles of a Minoan C2 would enforce Egyptian units would leave the fortress .
                      Anyway it is not needed: Babylon didn't object the Egyptian fort east from Tell Hariri and the C1 that monitors the river as well (although we will greet the moment when Egypt replaces this unit by a horse). Similarly we have no problem with more weak Egyptian scouts in the disputed area.
                      Of course we need also our horses and skirmishers monitor the river and the area.
                      Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                      • bab 2570

                        Minister Hushmushnak, general Albrechtuk and general Nautilak were released after they payed a bail because so far the procurator wasn't able to gather an evidence.
                        We accomplished the announced scouting of The River west from 'The First Ford'. General Albrechtuk was sent to a retirement immediately, because last year he sent a group of myope skirmishers to monitor Euphrat: their glasses steam up in a wet environment and they see nothing in water. General Nautilak rectified the mistake and sent a group of sailors on horses in order to replace the blind skirmishers.
                        Attached Files
                        Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                        • Originally posted by Zedd
                          So everyone plays their own turn right?
                          I have no problem if the game is delayed.
                          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                          • July 4 is Independence Day, long weekend here in the US. Kull is out until later in the week.
                            (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                            (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                            (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                            • Tell Hariri renamed "Anatu" (there were no "Tells" yet in 2570 BC!). Meanwhile, the beat goes on for Babylon. Now they have a unit within striking distance of Anatu AND Mari!

                              Why not move it right up next to the walls? The governor has a special invitation he can deliver to you right there.
                              Attached Files
                              To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                              From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                              • Originally posted by Pharaoh
                                Meanwhile, the beat goes on for Babylon. Now they have a unit within striking distance of Anatu AND Mari!
                                What a disaster!

                                from 2650 to 2580 (8 turns):
                                Babylonian units within striking distance of Egyptian cities:
                                Egyptian units within striking distance of Babylonian cities:
                                at least 9 times a C1
                                at least 2 times a C2

                                in 2570:
                                one Babylonian horseman (hardly able to strike stray dogs under city walls) reverses the statistics!

                                Why not move it right up next to the walls? The governor has a special invitation he can deliver to you right there.
                                Thank you for the invitation. Our horseman has his duties at Euphrat, but he will try to accomplish a visit.
                                Last edited by SlowThinker; July 7, 2006, 13:10.
                                Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment

