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New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created

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  • Originally posted by Pharaoh
    Hmmm. How odd. Pharoah is playing a game called "Civilization II". One rather unique aspect of this game is that Civilizations have colors. Unless the laws of physics have changed and purple is now ALSO green, then Dibshiya is Minoan.
    We don't know if you play any kind of game, but Dibshiya has REAL buildings, they are purple now and we won't repaint them when Pharaoh asks but after we accumulate gold for the paints and after the prices on the market will be advantageous.
    The keeper of Dibshiya is still Minoan but the city has been sold to Babylon.

    It looks like The Immortal believes that if he repeats lies long enough, they will turn into truths. As anyone with eyes can see, Egyptian forces are RETREATING while those of Babylon are ADVANCING. Apparently Babylon's ruler fears for the safety of the Egyptian inhabitants of Tell Harriri and seeks to rescue them from the threatening Egyptian Chariots.
    We caaan 't ... spe ... akk ... because all the Babylonian establishment is LOL.
    Which units are threatening Tell Hariri? The horse you mentioned on your picture and that would need to travel 8 miles in order to be able to attack Tell Hariri and to be beaten by your spearman?
    But yes, if Egypt don't stop its provocations and is not willing to get a convention about security measures then Babylon will be ready to engage in similar actions like Egypt and to send Chariots near Egyptian cities.

    As anyone with eyes can see, Egyptian forces are RETREATING while those of Babylon are ADVANCING.
    You should not accuse 5 Kings of blindness.

    Yes, as per the usual Babylonian method of negotiating - "Here is the way it shall be". Egypt did not accept this dictate from the South then, and especially does not accept it now.
    Must we repeat clear things again and again?
    We didn't dictate our security zones, but we proposed them and stated that 'Egypt has full right to decline the security zone, but this will have a bad impact on Eg-Bab relationship, except you provide a good reason for the rejection'. And this all only after 4 Egyptian mesages in which Egypt tried to conceal his units in Babylon.
    In opposite Egypt is violating a valid Bab-Egyptian agreement about borders and is 'dictating' new 'agreements'.

    To reduce the possibility of hostilities, we would be willing to discuss the addition of a DMZ on either side of that line. This offer is eminently fair and reasonable, and any King of the Alliance is invited to contrast it with the blatant territory grab shown in the Babylonian-provided map.
    What are DMZ?
    The 'territory grab' is based on a writing on a high-class papyrus in a strongbox lubricated by a very distasteful oil. Only change was we gave up a ford that is nearest to Tell Hariri in order to assure peace for its citizens.

    We are repeating there is no way we would give up a part of Babylonian territory. There are three reasons:
    1) The new Babylonian land was liberated by our armies. Similarly we don't ask Egyptian land (Tell Hariri for example).
    (And we must remind that during The Great War we provided full info about advancement of our units including maps and an information that there is a Minoan fleet preparing an attack against Tell Hariri. Then suddenly Tell Hariri was taken by Egyptians).
    2) There is a circle of Babylonian cities Dibshiya-Negru-Hekallush-Hourigalzur-Zibbar (we encourage Pharaoh to look in maps offered by Babylon during the war). So the line Dibshiya-Zibbar is an area of a large importance for Babylonian security.
    Similarly we understand the land around Mari is very important for Egypt. This is why we didn't want to claim any land west from Dibshiya. But if Pharaoh hangs on his 'distance from city rule' we will be ready to send units to the Plains that are 4 squares from Mari, Tell Hariri and Dibshiya.
    3) There is a valid agreement about he borders between Babylon and Egypt.

    Security measures
    We are repeating we are ready to talk with Egypt about security zones of both civilization (i.e. to be informed about foreign units near his cities and to be allowed to decline too strong or too numerous units).
    The security zones of both civilizations can overlap and we can even agree with some limited kind of security zones that would overlap over Bab territory.

    Gzhu-gzhu waits...
    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


    • The save for Hatta.

      Hittite Envoy accidently sent back to Hatta. Apologies to Hatta for the incident were sent imediately by the fastest ships.

      We await any response.
      Wizards sixth rule:
      "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
      Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


      • Pssst: I don't see any save file attached...
        (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
        (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
        (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


        • Originally posted by Straybow
          One other matter: Tralleis is currently in shield violation. All foreign units homed to Tralleis must be either disbanded or rehomed ASAP!

          One is my fault: I should have handed the unit off to Minoans turns ago. Zedd could have moved it back home himself.

          I will continue to remove shields from the production box by switching between units and structures, but I can't go to zero this way.
          Do you mean you deliberatery lose shields by switching between units and structures?? I think we told the rule needn't be taken extremely strict, and if you forget it and gain several shields are OK.
          BTW you can also remove a worker from a shield position to a worse one if you want to conform the rule.
          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


          • One of those days.......Sorry
            Attached Files
            Wizards sixth rule:
            "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
            Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


            • It does make a big difference for inc rushing of units, though.

              I rushed a building for 2640, so those shields were lost anyway. I had 2 turns of too many shields before that.

              2630 there were no shields accumulated, so I'll have to strip shields away next turn. I should strip a total of 4.

              The Envoy: Z was essentially playing his turn while I was handing over units to him. He hadn't done a save during the process, so we'd have to redo everything.

              The Envoy had been 3 full turns from Antioch. It takes at least that long to go from Hattusas to Antioch, so I'll move him to the coast before handing him over.

              Cross-post Edit: Yay, file!
              (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
              (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
              (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


              • Caravans shuffle here and there. The "Assyrian Peace" is good for business.
                Attached Files
                (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                • Hi all,
                  I will be on a trip till 8th May-
                  If my turn should be, feel free to sub me


                  • kengel, do you mean you agree somebody plays Greeks? Who?
                    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                    • Problem
                      I don't understand one thing: in the Hittite save there is a Persian Bronze Infantry one tile south from Adab. This would be a very surprise for Babylon since I have a no scouting policy with Persia.
                      And there is no Persian Bronze Infantry in the Persian and Minoan saves...
                      Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                      • A no-scouting policy ? Maybe we need to talk....

                        However, I will confirm that we have sent no Bronze Infantry anywhere near Babylon.


                        • Peaster, did you see the save?
                          Straybow, do you have partial saves?
                          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                          • "The ponderous might of the Babylonian arsenal now turns to face the deadly new threat from the north....."
                            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                            • I have the start of turn autosave and one other partial. Another is just before Ctrl-N.

                              I've seen this happen before. A Persian unit was right beside Ninevah, but on Greek and Minoan saves I couldn't see it. Going back and double-clicking on the tile indicated that an unshown unit was there.
                              Attached Files
                              (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                              (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                              (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                              • Greetings Kull et. all

                                I was always skeptical of PBEM, when I played CIV2 more regularly, but guys have really kept this game going.

                                I'm curious, if y'all don't mind me crashing in here asking a few questions:

                                - There's a link to one post with several house rules. Is this an exhaustive list? Or are there others? Did you come up with them based on majority preferences or were they agreed to unanimously? You ban a few exploits that seem relatively harmless (e.g., auto-improve) or even desirable (e.g., rehoming caravans helps reduce micro-management IMHO) but you allow other exploits that are sometimes viewed as abusive or too powerful (e.g., ship chaining, mining hilltop cities).

                                - Are there some house rules or agreements on Wonders? I would think with the kind of units, technology and money floating around, there'd be more Wonders built.

                                - Where can I find the diplomacy utility that I see referenced several times?

                                - I took the liberty of downloading a recent turn. How have many of you arranged it so that cities can support foreign units? Is this a feature of the diplomacy utliity? And why is this desirable? Seems like it might be more trouble than its worth.

                                - Does the diplomacy utility allow some of the exploits available in standard multiplayer? Like exchanging caravans?

                                - What is the reference to "shield violation"?

                                - What are y'all planning to do with Mitanni?

                                - I assume it's bad form to view the other players' maps, etc. But do you just rely on an honor system? Related to that is there any kind of policing or periodic checking to make sure no one has made any egregious mistakes or stooped to outright cheating?

                                - I saw a thread that someone was trying to start a new SoG PBEM. Has this fallen by the wayside?

                                I've been dusting off the Civ2, especially all my favorite scenarios. I'm surprised to find that the fun factor is still very much there, moreso, perhaps, than with newer/flashier/more complicated games.

                                Sorry if some of these questions are already addressed, somewhere. I admit to being somewhat daunted by the ~90 pages.


                                FWIW, I suspect the mystery Persian unit is Sindbad. Isn't it around time for him to appear? If so, expect a boat in a turn or two.

